Tuesday, January 15, 2019


The New York Times manufactured the "quote" that is being used to frame Steve King. They took the end of one sentence, removed the punctuation mark and joined it to the next sentence to create the "quote" they wanted. When I call them "Professional Liars", this is what I mean. It's quite ingenious, really. They have thought of a dozen ways to lie to you before you've even brewed the coffee.

My Spidey sense tingled, but I really knew it was a fraud when Mitch McConnell jumped in to grandstand. Followed by the gutless Kevin McCarthy and the rest of Finger-in-the-Wind-Gang.

Here's what they SAY he said: 

White Nationalist, White Supremacist, Western Civilization, how did THAT language become offensive?

Here's what was really said:

other slanderous labels have been increasingly assigned to Conservatives by the Left, who injected into our current political dialog such terms as Nazi, Fascist, White Nationalist, White Supremacist.

Western Civilization--how did THAT language become offensive?

Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?

For a conservative today, talking to the New York Times is like talking to Mueller; it doesn't matter what you say, they're going to manufacture a process crime. And the Times is going to manufacture a process quote.

They gave the benefit of the doubt to Stalin and Castro, but not to you.

Slander and lies. Its really all they do anymore.

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