Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Good News: Rally and Rejoice--You Speak Victory Boldly in Jesus!

1 Samuel 2:1-2
2 Hannah (grace) prayed, and said, My heart exults and triumphs in the Lord; my horn (my strength) is lifted up in the Lord. My mouth is no longer silent, for it is opened wide over my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation (Yeshua).

2 There is none holy like the Lord, there is none besides You; there is no Rock like our God.
Put another way, GOD ALONE.

ps; another word for horn: trump. heh.




July 18, 2022


“Sometimes a RESCUE OPERATION can look, on the surface, like CHAOS. I want you to be aware of this so that you don’t LOSE HEART or fall into FEAR and DOUBT. My rescue operation involves SHAKING LOOSE the foundations of IDOLATRY that were established in your Nation by the darkness. The shakings will include EXPOSURES of the shedding of innocent blood and the trafficking of humans to gratify PERVERSIONS and to AMASS FORTUNES. It will UNCOVER financial theft established by the elite. It will SHOWCASE medical fraud, media lies, and political theft. After the SHAKING exposes these evil roots, I will then BREAK their power and their hold on America. This will mean temporary crashes of whole systems that people thought they depended upon. It is at this point that your FAITH in what I AM doing and your HOPE being firmly anchored in My promises, will cause you to be a LIGHT that guides others through the AWAKENING process. The SHAKING and the BREAKING will clear away evil in order to REBUILD on new foundations. My people will be KEPT like the Children of Israel were kept in the land of Goshen. SHARE FREELY with those in fear and need—share your FAITH and CONFIDENCE in Me and My future plans, and share PROVISION with those in lack. The more you GIVE AWAY, the more I will PROVIDE. My Army of Light is KEY to AWAKENING people to My GOODNESS and POWER. I will walk with you every step of the way through THE SHAKING, THE BREAKING, and THE AWAKENING.”


7.    July 19, 2024


This morning, I found myself on my eagle flying over the USA. I began to see fires of paid disturbances breaking out across the Land. I was given a bucket of cold water to pour onto the fires, and they quickly died down.

“HIGH ALERT, My Army of Light! A desperate enemy is unleashing DESPERATE MEASURES to try and STOP the building TSUNAMI of LIGHT that is ROLLING OUT over your Land. They know their darkness is about to be EXPOSED, and they will try ANYTHING to STOP that Light from shining on their GREED, PERVERSION, and TREASON. When I call you to HIGH ALERT, I DO NOT MEAN for you to become ANXIOUS or FEARFUL. Remember who your Commander is—the Most-High God—and I have EQUIPPED you with POWERFUL, SUPERIOR WEAPONS to take down the darkness. This will be your FINEST HOUR in this battle of dark to Light, so RISE UP in GREAT COURAGE and CANCEL OUT the enemy plans. Pour the cold water of TRUTH and EXPOSURE on the FIRES of DIVISION and ACCUSATION that the darkness tries to start. DECLARE that the LIES, LIES, LIES will begin to CHOKE those behind the microphones, and they will not be able to FINISH their sentences. RELEASE a FLOOD of CONVICTION over your Nation to all those who have bought the LIES and are HARBORING HATRED in their hearts. SPEAK FORTH, ‘AWAKEN, AWAKEN, AWAKEN,’ to those still drinking the KoolAid of DECEPTION that has been served for years to the nations. STAND before the onslaught the darkness is releasing, SHOULDER to SHOULDER with your brothers and sisters and My FIERCE and MIGHTY Hosts and Angels. RELEASE with ONE VOICE, COURAGE, BROTHERLY LOVE, and the FEAR OF THE LORD across your Land. DESPERATE MEASURES call for STRATEGIC STRIKES by My HIGHLY TRAINED FORCES OF LIGHT. PROCEED, covered by the Blood of My Son and My love. VICTORY is in sight.”

*Fulfilled: that day--Christian Mom Patriot and Crafty Esty sent me a clip of the CEO of Crowdstrike being questioned by the media about how this internet outage could have happened, and he choked on his words and had to stop and take a drink of water. 

*A news anchor was reporting on the DJT rally, and they had to cut his feed because he couldn’t speak because of an issue in his throat—they had to go back to the rally.

July 21, 2022


From the Father of Lights:


“Get on board My GLORY TRAIN! My train is not confined to run on tracks that restrict where the train can go. My GLORY TRAIN runs on the BREATH OF MY SPIRIT carrying it where heartfelt prayers are asking for it to come. Ask for My GLORY to fall and then get on board the GLORY TRAIN because it will come to you. It will be THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE through uncharted territory…MIRACLES, DELIVERANCE, and RESTORATION like you’ve never seen! ALL ABOARD!


“Hear My TRUMP that I AM blowing! I declare to you that darkness will FALL and My light will PREVAIL! My trump will SPLIT the atmosphere and darkness will fall to the earth, SHATTERED and EXPOSED. My light will SHINE FORTH bringing TRUTH, JUSTICE, and FREEDOM. Get behind My trump and DECLARE your freedoms come from Me and that darkness must GIVE WAY.”


“I proclaim to you that I AM who I say I AM, and that I will DO what I have said I will do. America will be SAVED, My trumpet will RETURN, and all that has been STOLEN will be RESTORED. My judgment against the wicked and My justice released to My people will come in FULL FORCE that nothing and no one can turn back. DARKENED and FOOLISH days will give way to My LIGHT and My WISDOM. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!”

 Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


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