Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Who Is Tim Walz?

Don't Ask, Don't Smell

Who is Tim Walz?

A: He is certainly not the moderate he deceptively tried to portray himself as.

Tim Walz is a Hardcore Communist, a dedicated baby Killer, a stone-cold Pervert and a Traitor to the United States of America.

As a young teacher, "Coach" Walz jumped at the chance to be a freelance volunteer sex counselor to gender-confused students, which is just as creepy as it sounds. Coach Groomer imposed his own homosexual morality on Other People's Children. He then began taking students to China so they could also be recruited by the Commies.

Walz and his Handler/Beard/Wife were married on the Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Crackdown--not to celebrate the lone Tank Man, but to celebrate the Tanks.

Rest in the Vine: Secret Asian Man: Coach "Kiddy Diddy" Walz--Agent of C.H.Y.-N.A.

During one of his countless trips to China, his Guard Unit's Nuclear Response Manuel went missing. It reappeared upon his return.

Tim is a better Communist than his Chinese Owners. They are merely Han Supremacist Slavers, Gangsters with a Flag, whereas Timmy is a True Believer.

As governor, Walz was ordered to let Minneapolis to be burned, looted and leveled during the FBI's pre-scheduled Obama/Soros Riots. He complied, only calling in the Guard three days too late, and only to cover his ass. This was a family affair as well. His wife said she left the windows open, drawing inspiration from the smell of burning tires. His daughter was tweeting real-time intelligence to the rioters, telling them her father would not interfere.

A Very Revealing Moment - Weird Statement by VP Nominee Tim Walz After Debate Question About His Impulsive Lying - The Last Refuge (

"During the Vice-Presidential debate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was asked about his repeated false statements where he claims to have been in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protests in the spring of 1989. ...

The only thing that makes sense, is that those who control Harris consider the flaws of Walz to be a feature or benefit to them.  Both Harris and Walz represent a false front, a Potemkin village manufactured from nothing to present as something very useful.  What Walz makes evident in the captured moment above, is that very dark forces are at work in the background. If there was no dangerous intent, he would never have passed muster.

Everything around the Kamala Harris campaign is manufactured, fake, astroturf and fraudulent, even the event venues and participants.  Perhaps in selecting Walz as a companion for this effort, the Minnesota governor’s propensity for lying was considered an asset.   Regardless, we can well imagine that those who control the levers of real power in Washington DC, have a very thick black file to use as compliance leverage.

This was a stunningly revealing moment." .......

Walz signs bills to ban conversion therapy, protect abortion and gender-affirming care | MPR News:

Gov. Tim Walz signed a package of bills on Thursday including abortion protections, access to gender-affirming care and a ban on conversion therapy at the Department of Revenue in St. Paul.

Rest in the Vine: Did Democrats, by Which I Mean Obama, Saddle Kamala With Coach "Groomer" Walz, as a Way to Dump Them Both to Install a New Ticket to be Named Later?

Tim Walz changed Minnesota's Human Rights Law. It originally exempted pedophiles from claiming they were born that way and therefore had a Right to Molest Children. Walz removed that exemption as a way to facilitate Pedophilia.

Walz also removed a reporting requirement for babies who survived abortions. A whimpering child who is separated from the mother is undeniably an autonomous human with every Right possessed by you and me. Instead of helping those young helpless citizens as law requires, Walz allows them to be killed by neglect.

The Great Walz of Chy-Na

I'll spare you the vignettes from the farm, but I will say that China had to sign off on trading in their reliable Proconsul Joey Bribes for this new set of Puppets.

Secret Asian Man Tiananmen Timmy was certainly their choice.

Fear not, Child of God. All the Tyrants are coming down. Here is our Destiny, praise God!:

Malachi 4:
1 “Watch now,” the Lord Almighty declares, “the day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. The proud and wicked will be burned up like straw; like a tree, they will be consumed—roots and all.

2 “But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. 3 Then you will tread upon the wicked as ashes underfoot,” says the Lord Almighty

Hosanna, Lord Jesus! Give us Victory, Amen!

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