"Shutup," they explained.
"You may remember, when I was talking about sexual morality, I warned you that the centre of Christian morals did not lie there. Well, now, we have come to the centre. According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind."--C.S. Lewis, 'Mere Christianity', 1952, taken from his wartime BBC broadcasts, 1942-1944.
"All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view. The palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God."--Thomas Jefferson's last letter, to Roger C. Weightman, 1826
I'm re-printing Rev. Graham's post here because Mark Zuckerberg says we can't.
Daily Caller, Rev. Franklin Graham:
Well, now we know.
Facebook has a secret rulebook for policing speech. I was banned from posting on Facebook last week for 24 hours. Why? Because of a post from back in 2016 about North Carolina’s House Bill 2 (the bathroom bill). Facebook said the post went against their “community standards on hate speech.” Facebook is trying to define truth. There was a character in a movie a few years back who said, “The truth is what I say it is!” That’s what Facebook is trying to do. They’re making the rules and changing the rules. Truth is truth. God made the rules and His Word is truth. Actually, Facebook is censoring free speech. The free exchange of ideas is part of our country’s DNA.
Since Facebook took down the 2016 post last week, I’ll copy it here so you can read it for yourself. Do you see any hate speech here?
April 9, 2016--- “Bruce Springsteen, a long-time gay rights activist, has cancelled his North Carolina concert. He says the NC law #HB2 to prevent men from being able to use women's restrooms and locker rooms is going "backwards instead of forwards." Well, to be honest, we need to go back! Back to God. Back to respecting and honoring His commands. Back to common sense. Mr. Springsteen, a nation embracing sin and bowing at the feet of godless secularism and political correctness is not progress. I’m thankful North Carolina has a governor, Pat McCrory, and a lieutenant governor, Dan Forest, and legislators who put the safety of our women and children first! HB2 protects the safety and privacy of women and children and preserves the human rights of millions of faith-based citizens of this state.”
It wouldn't be the first time Democrats tried to censor the Grahams and their friends, either.
Under Facebook's censorship regime, even posting
Justice Scalia's dissent in the Obergefell case would be "hate-speech". Quite literally, quashing dissents.
But this isn't just about LGBT issues. It is about
every issue. Every single political issue must be freely discussed without giant Big Tech monopolies outlawing opinions they don't like.
And it's not just outright censorship, although there is plenty of that. They are shadow-banning. That's when they block others from seeing what you have written--only you don't know it. They play games with search results, suppress traffic to disapproved sites, de-person dissidents--they even censor critics who say they censor critics!
And that's in addition to the workaday fraud of spying on their customers and selling your information to the highest bidders.
Facebook, Twitter and Google are so biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous! Twitter, in fact, has made it much more difficult for people to join . They have removed many names & greatly slowed the level and speed of increase. They have acknowledged-done NOTHING!
"Big Tech lobbyists orchestrated the quiet insertion of a seemingly innocuous provision (Article 19.17) into the (USMCA)deal that is based on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230, much beloved by big tech, and an essential building block of their monopolistic dominance, holds that platforms like Facebook cannot be held liable as a “publisher or speaker” of their users’ content.
Under the right circumstances, there’s good reason for tech companies to have this type of immunity. If Facebook were legally responsible for everything its more than 2 billion users post, then it would enforce overly restrictive rules and restrictions and block lawful posts. Because Congress explicitly acknowledged that these platforms served as a “forum for a true diversity of political discourse,” it granted this important privilege.
However, as Senator-elect Josh Hawley — who was an active leader on challenging the power of big tech when he served as Missouri attorney general, and shows every sign of leading this fight in the Senate — pointed out, these platforms no longer support the political diversity that the law was premised on. Instead, big tech relentlessly censors conservatives. They take all of the benefit of the provision, while accepting none of the costs.
Similarly, Sen. Ted Cruz has argued that dominant tech platforms aren’t acting neutrally, so they “should be considered to be a ‘publisher or speaker’ of user content if they pick and choose what gets published or spoken.”
Neither Hawley nor Cruz are arguing that social media should be a free-for-all, but simply that they should be politically neutral."...….
I wonder which congressman Paul Ryan they bought for that assignment? The only truly Free Market in America is in the buying and selling of senators.
Democrats and the Uni-Party don't care. They like it that Tech Giants are silencing their opponents, just as they like the FBI and CIA wiretapping their political opposition. They worship power. They lack the moral imagination to think that they may be next. Or maybe suppressing your opponents' civil rights is just so much fun they simply don't care if it's risky.
But those of us who still care about free society have to stop this evil.
It is Intellectual Apartheid. It is un-American.
And it is evil.
The Silencing--UPDATE:
Item: Researchers at Berkeley, the home of the Free Speech Movement, are helping Big Tech develop censorship algorithms--with your tax dollars.
Item: Big Tech employees who are too pure and ethical to help our military are helping the Chinese oppress their citizens. They have also developed an app to help report heretics to the Imams.
Item: Google just removed Kurdistan from their maps by order of Erdogan. So the same people who are accusing the president (quite falsely) of helping Erdogan wipe Kurdistan off the map just helped Erdogan wipe Kurdistan off the map--literally!
What's that you say--Kurdistan is a mere region that doesn't have actual borders? I'm hip--so is America.
Ronald Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Rev. Graham said the free exchange of ideas is part of our country's DNA.
It was. But there's a new DNA in town, Rev.
CSI Fakebook says they're sorry they got caught and promise that in the future, they will only censor those who can't fight back.
Rev. Graham calls it
"a personal attack". It only feels that way, Rev. If it were just a one-off, that would be a relief. The truth is that these are concerted attacks on all conservatives by all the Big Tech syndicates.
Dinner with F.W. DeHussein:
"I propose a toast--here's to binary boots and spurs!" |
This is Technological and Intellectual Apartheid by a Left-wing Trust, a monopolistic cartel of ideology aimed at silencing an entire class of society. This sleek, modern high-tech version doesn't get their fingernails dirty like the old version, but Apartheid is an entire system of political suppression and oppression.
And so is this.