In Fairness, Though, They're Murdering Grown-Ups, Too
School Closures: CBS Censors Own Reporter for Telling the Truth (And Much More on Insanity Wrap) – PJ Media
This is one hell of a Truth Bomb dropped by this CBS reporter about the carnage that Franken-Fauci and his Big Pharma ghouls have inflicted on America’s children.
The drug abuse. The loss of sports. The lost IQ points. The Mass Psychosis. And now, the poison Vaxx--for nothing.
In fact, her monologue was SO true that CBS edited it right out of the show.
They’re even censoring themselves now to serve The Almighty Narrative(tm). Edward R. Murrow spits you people out.
"What Is the Most Under-Reported Story of 2021?" You got your answer, Margaret. Too bad You Couldn't Handle the Truth.
Ace: CBS News' Jan Crawford: We've Sacrificed a Generation of Kids on the Altar of Covid and They're Not Even an Afterthought to Us
All of this wasn't even done to "Save Grandma" -- it was done to Get Trump.
Trump said "the cure must not be worse than the disease." The political attack on him became, "Trump is not taking a maximalist approach on covid; he's treating other factors as if other factors must also be considered in designing our covid policy. To attack Trump, we must take a contrary position, and that contrary position is, No other factors matter. Only stopping covid matters. Everything else, from the economy to normal child intellectual and social development, must be sacrificed for a "zero covid policy," because we must take the opposite position to Trump in order to denigrate the sensible position he has taken."
And thus, the "Smart, Virtuous, Pro-Science People" on both the left and pseudoright gladly sacrificed a generation of children to win (or, "win") the 2020 elections, and then told themselves they were Good and Virtuous for having done so.
Even AllahPundit seems to be conceding this now -- while not admitting his own role in propagandizing for the "Only Covid Matters, We Must Be All-In On Covid to Be All-In On NeverTrump" position that has stunted the development of a generation of children.
And they’re not even done killing children for money and power:
Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Explains Why They're Going After the Kids -- And It's Not What You Think (VIDEO) (
RFK: “So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them [which is why Comirnaty is still unavailable], unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine. That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”
Risa: "We know a young woman who was required to be “vaccinated” in order to attend her college. NO PRIOR HISTORY of any heart problems, then suddenly she has heart failure. The doctors installed a pacemaker in a girl who is 19 years old! And she now has permanent damage to her heart so she will probably be on a pacemaker for the rest of her life." |
Note to Bourla and Fauci: Child-killers don’t do well in prison.
How bad is my Covid-19 Vaccine Batch? – Find out now – The Expose (
Florida, Texas Officials Slam Biden Administration for Ineffective Monoclonal Antibody Distribution (
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo accused the Biden Administration of “actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S” by pausing shipments of COVID-19 antibody treatments manufactured by two major drug companies.
Greg Abbott on Twitter: "Biden vows full federal support to help states combat COVID. But he’s not. Biden is hoarding the anti-body therapeutic drugs & denying states independent access to that medical treatment. Now, he has stopped providing any of that medicine to Texas."

The real agenda behind mad dash to get every child on the planet injected against a virus that won’t affect them –
Fauci, a longtime Gates associate who sits on the Leadership Council of the billionaire’s Decade of Vaccines Collaboration, started one year ago with a focus on getting those 65 and up jabbed with the new and highly experimental gene-based Covid “vaccines.” Now he is pushing the shots for 5-year-olds while making suggestions that he would like to see them given to infants and toddlers by spring of 2022. The Gavi alliance, flush with $1.16 billion in taxpayer dollars it received under the administration of former President Trump, is partnering with the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Gates Foundation and other globalist organizations to advocate for creating a registered, verifiable, digital ID for every child on the planet. This ID will be tied to each child’s vaccination status.
Gavi’s 5-page paper on INFUSE states the following:
“Imagine a future in which all children have access to life-saving vaccines no matter where they live – a future in which parents and health workers ensure their timely vaccination, a future in which they have their own digitally stored health record that cannot be lost or stolen, a future in which, regardless of gender, economic or social standing, this record allows each child (and parents) to have access to a bank account, go to school, access services and ultimately build a prosperous life. This future is possible today. With the latest advances in digital technologies that enable more effective ways to register, identify births and to issue proof of identity and authentication for access to services – we are on the brink of building a healthier and more prosperous future for the world’s most vulnerable children.”
Don’t be confused by the bit about “building a healthier and more prosperous future.” That’s just window dressing. This is all about data collection and has nothing to do with health. The real purpose behind the historic, unprecedented push to vaccinate the very young, even against diseases like Covid that do not pose a threat to them, is to fold the current generation of children into the blossoming global digital identity system. When they grow into adults, they will be so used to being tracked and monitored that most won’t even be able to comprehend warnings from the past about loss of privacy. They will be conditioned to feel comfortable with what earlier generations would consider smothering technocratic control over their lives."
The Man Who Will Not Be Silenced: Alex Berenson
A NY Times editor has died of a heart attack at 49, one day after receiving a Moderna Covid “booster” shot (
"This email just came in today, from an old friend. The details are even worse than the headline.
I’m 48 going on 49. Some tread left, or so I hope. Lots of help from dozens - no, hundreds - of scientists and data analysts.
And I promise the billionaire boys this:
By the time I’m done the world will know what you knew and when you knew it. This isn’t about depopulation conspiracy theories; it’s about a drug - not a vaccine, this isn’t a vaccine by any reasonable definition - you rushed to market with the promise of zero liability and tens of billions of dollars in profits, a drug that looks worse by the week. It’s about risking the hearts of healthy kids to make morbidly obese adults feel a little better; it’s about getting the result you want in a clinical trial after a few months and blowing up the trial - for a drug that is supposed to be given to billions of people - and not once, but over and over.
So, yeah, I’m not going to forget. I don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and I absolutely will not stop until the truth comes out.
Let the chips fall.".......
Trump’s Lethal “Operation Warp Speed” Jabs – News With Views
"President Trump, his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and his son-in-law and special adviser, Jared Kushner, all called Dr. Hahn directly, urging him to accelerate emergency authorization of vaccines and treatments, i.e., Remdesivir.
If Hahn didn’t cave and accelerate the approval, potentially jeopardizing safety, the decision could be taken from the FDA and rammed through by Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, the former President of Eli Lilly USA. Hahn also knew that if he stood up to Trump, he would be fired. He was willing to be dismissed rather than serve as a presidential puppet.
Around the world hundreds of thousands have died, not from Sars-coV-2, but from the messenger RNA vaccines, millions have suffered permanent disabilities and adverse effects. The buck ultimately stops with Trump. He chose to put Pence in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force, and Pence brought in the Deep State stakeholders. The NIH, FDA, CDC or AMA never approved any early home treatment and banned long approved safe and cheap drugs that would have cured. [The President tried to promote HCQ, but he never forced the Health Control Agencies to approve it with Warp Speed.]
Excuses for Trump can be made, yet the buck stops with him. He was our Commander in Chief. There is no question that the guilt of negligence is Trump’s, but the guilt of homicide belongs to Big Pharma. They were the ones that knew what they were doing. Trump’s negligence was not blowing the whistle on them and firing Fauci and the heads of these fraudulent government entities. You can make the case of malicious contempt in the action of Fauci and the officials of Big Pharma, all of whom need to do time at the very least. Trump keeps pushing the lethal vax, why? Is it pride alone? Is it stupidity? Or is it that he is not what he represented himself to be?
Would I ever support Trump again? Only if he is man enough to admit that he made a mistake and provide leadership that results in correction. Repentance is the foundation of our Judeo-Christian faith."
We supported 15 Days To Stop the Spread--until we learned they wanted 15 years. So why can't the President learn this, too?
Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story’ • Children's Health Defense (
"Rose said the VAERS data also show there are “children being inappropriately injected with these products.” She told Kennedy reports submitted to VAERS show young children receiving COVID vaccines not yet authorized for their age group. As of Oct. 29, 38% of those children who died following the vaccine were under 2 years old. “So someone has to explain that to me because we are not supposed to be injecting babies,” she said." Watch to the interview here

From the Center for Diseases of Control and Pretension: