Pfizer IS Murder, Inc.--Cause of Death: Pfizercide
The testimonies project | Testimonies after Covid-19 vaccination (
The testimonies project the movie - YouTube
"A few months ago I posted the text of this segregation bill/detention camp bill being proposed in NY state...thinking it would never pass - BUT WOULD YOU KNOW IT...its now apparently slated for a vote and expected to pass."
Shared post - DeSantis on Australian Police State (

"A 19-year-old philology student died post-vaccination after he defied his family’s philosophical and religious objections to the Covid-19 vaccine.
Volodymyr Salo, also spelled “Vladimir” in some accounts, received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on September 13th at around 2:30pm local time, according to the Ukrainian Humanities Institute. Salo was a student there where he studied philology. Following the vaccine, he went about his day as normal: He ate dinner in the student cafeteria at 6:30pm and later played board games with his fellow students in the commons area. However, his health quickly deteriorated from there.
At around 8pm, Salo began suffering from a high fever and general malaise, where he then collapsed and had a seizure at 8:15pm, suffering from violent convulsions. Whilst they waited for the ambulance to arrive, university medical staff performed CPR. When paramedics arrived at 8:45pm, they applied a portable ventilator for an hour in an attempt to save Salo’s life, but he, unfortunately, had no pulse by 9pm.
Salo was pronounced dead shortly after.
Salo was raised in a Christian household and was a member of a Seventh-Day Adventists church. This Protestant denomination recognises Saturday as the Sabbath instead of Sunday. Salo’s entire family was strongly against mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.
His brother-in-law told Ukrainian online publication Obozrevatel: “He did not tell anyone from his family about the decision to be vaccinated. Perhaps he knew that everyone would be against [it] and would discourage such a decision. And he was so risky by nature, he could make spontaneous decisions.
“He could be very limited in his desires. They say that those who were not vaccinated will not be able to travel freely, go to cafes, etc. We think that this is what prompted him.”
Salo’s death certificate states that he died from a cardiopulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary edema, and acute coronary insufficiency. To explain, it essentially means that his heart and lungs were completely destroyed, likely due to blood clots. An official cause of death will not be determined for months.
Salo was a third-year philology student at the Ukrainian Humanities Institute. Philology is similar but different from etymology. He was a regular blood donor and tutored younger students online who were learning English.
Salo is survived by his mother and four siblings.".......
British Government Trying To Bypass Parliament To Implement Vaccine Passports | ZeroHedge
Since the "vaccines" don't work, it is a passport to a country that doesn't exist.
Or worse: a passport for the virus, not for people.
Israel Health Minister Caught on Hot Mic Confesses: There is No 'Medical Justification' for Covid Passports ( "“There is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate,” Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said. "We also need to prepare for a fourth injection,” Zarka said on Kan public radio. ‘This is our life from now on, in waves,” he added. “Thinking about this and the waning of the vaccines and the antibodies, it seems every few months — it could be once a year or five or six months — we’ll need another shot,” he said earlier. Israel has experienced a surge of Covid infections during a ‘fourth wave,’ despite being a relatively high-vaccinated nation."
"Despite"...or "because"?
Goldtent TA Paradise » CDC has completely neutered the VAERS reporting system. (
Three (3) NEW forms required — doctors and health care works need 45 minutes to submit a single VAERS report….
Victims | CovidVaccineVictims:
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Fernando Katukina RIP ❤️
56 year old indigenous Katukina tribe leader died of cardiac arrest following the Covid-19 vaccine. He was the first person in the Cruzeiro do Sul area to be vaccinated. #Brazil #Death #Cardiac #Heart #CovidVaccineVictims |
India's Ivermectin Blackout - Part V: The Secret Revealed | Columnists |
The Reverend Governor Hochul: "They're effective."Translation: “Demonstrably, they're not."The Reverend Governor Hochul: "No Religious Exemptions!"Translation: “God told me to inject you. He's a Pfizer rep now."
The Reverend Governor Hochul: "This. Is. So.!"
Translation: "Your freedom is so unnecessary. But a deadly experimental injection for a preventable, treatable and highly-survivable FauciBrand(tm) Virus is not."
The Reverend Governor Hochul: “Vaccinated healthcare workers deserve to know the people working with them will not get them sick.”
Translation: “...which is another way to say: 'These vaccines don’t work'. That’s why we insist you get one. Or two. Or three. Or four. Or…”
As P.J. O'Rourke said of Bribe Me-Granny, "The heart of a prison matron and the soul of an East German border guard".
Tim Young on Twitter: "If a Governor fires thousands of its own medical employees... can they declare a state of emergency? AKA, Can a Governor INTENTIONALLY CREATE the conditions they use to declare a state of emergency to expand their power? This is a NEW LEVEL OF TYRANNY in America."
“There is a long history of safe and effective alternative treatments, approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which are proven worldwide to be highly effective in preventing and treating COVID-19,” according to Dr. Simone Gold, who heads America’s Frontline Doctors. Attorney Dave Wilson, another case attorney and retired Army JAG officer questions “how an Emergency Use Authorization was ever granted in the first place.” In order to invoke the EUA statute, the Secretary of HHS has to find that no safe, available and approved drug exists to treat the medical emergency. “According to our best experts, there are many such already FDA approved drugs and remedies that show tremendous effectiveness in treating and even curing the underlying infection,” states John “Lou” Michels Jr., who also argued and won the preceding Anthrax case against Secretary Rumsfeld. The American government continues to block these safe and effective therapies and continues to favor recommending dangerous experimental vaccinations.".......
MOTUS A.D.: The Truth Won’t Come Out On Its Own (
"Here are the key differences:
Vaccines include: Sinopharm, Sinovac (Chinese)
Number of doses required: 2 doses, intramuscular
Other licensed vaccines that use this type of technology: Hepatitis A, polio, rabies (all inactivated type)
What to know: The whole virus vaccine uses a weakened or deactivated form of the pathogen that causes COVID-19 to trigger protective immunity to it.
The two vaccines mentioned above – Sinopharm and Sinovac – both use inactivated pathogens, therefore they cannot infect cells and replicate, but can trigger an immune response.
Benefits: According to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI), the advantages of an inactivated whole virus vaccine include the fact its technology is well established, it is suitable for people with compromised immune systems, and it’s relatively simple to manufacture.
Challenges: Booster shots may be required.".......
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Gen. Mark Milley: "Are they all vaccinated?" Gen. Li Zuocheng: "Of course." Gen. Milley: "mRNA or DNA?" Gen. Zuocheng: "Oh, hell no. Neither." Milley: "Why not?" Zuocheng: "Because we plan on winning." |
My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.
We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.
Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight.
We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.
We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment.
What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core.
First, we will summarize our findings, and then, we will explain them in detail. References will be placed at the end.
COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.
Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.
Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.
The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.
COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Links to Transhumanism:
This section deals with some more speculative aspects of the pandemic and the medical and scientific establishment’s reaction to it, as well as the disturbing links between scientists involved in vaccine research and scientists whose work involved merging nanotechnology with living cells.
On June 9th, 2020, Charles Lieber, a Harvard nanotechnology researcher with decades of experience, was indicted by the DOJ for fraud. Charles Lieber received millions of dollars in grant money from the US Department of Defense, specifically the military think tanks DARPA, AFOSR, and ONR, as well as NIH and MITRE. His specialty is the use of silicon nanowires in lieu of patch clamp electrodes to monitor and modulate intracellular activity, something he has been working on at Harvard for the past twenty years. He was claimed to have been working on silicon nanowire batteries in China, but none of his colleagues can recall him ever having worked on battery technology in his life; all of his research deals with bionanotechnology, or the blending of nanotech with living cells.
The indictment was over his collaboration with the Wuhan University of Technology. He had double- dipped, against the terms of his DOD grants, and taken money from the PRC’s Thousand Talents plan, a program which the Chinese government uses to bribe Western scientists into sharing proprietary R&D information that can be exploited by the PLA for strategic advantage.
Charles Lieber’s own papers describe the use of silicon nanowires for brain-computer interfaces, or “neural lace” technology. His papers describe how neurons can endocytose whole silicon nanowires or parts of them, monitoring and even modulating neuronal activity.
Charles Lieber was a colleague of Robert Langer. Together, along with Daniel S. Kohane, they worked on a paper describing artificial tissue scaffolds that could be implanted in a human heart to monitor its activity remotely.
Robert Langer, an MIT alumnus and expert in nanotech drug delivery, is one of the co-founders of Moderna. His net worth is now $5.1 billion USD thanks to Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine sales.
Both Charles Lieber and Robert Langer’s bibliographies describe, essentially, techniques for human enhancement, i.e. transhumanism. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum and the architect behind the so-called “Great Reset”, has long spoken of the “blending of biology and machinery” in his books. ...
The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise.
This research was conducted under the absolutely ridiculous euphemism of “gain-of-function” research, which is supposedly carried out in order to determine which viruses have the highest potential for zoonotic spillover and preemptively vaccinate or guard against them.
Gain-of-function/gain-of-threat research, a.k.a. “Dual-Use Research of Concern”, or DURC, is bioweapon research by another, friendlier-sounding name, simply to avoid the taboo of calling it what it actually is. It has always been bioweapon research. The people who are conducting this research fully understand that they are taking wild pathogens that are not infectious in humans and making them more infectious, often taking grants from military think tanks encouraging them to do so.
These virologists conducting this type of research are enemies of their fellow man, like pyromaniac firefighters. GOF research has never protected anyone from any pandemic. In fact, it has now started one, meaning its utility for preventing pandemics is actually negative. It should have been banned globally, and the lunatics performing it should have been put in straitjackets long ago.
Either through a leak or an intentional release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a deadly SARS strain is now endemic across the globe, after the WHO and CDC and public officials first downplayed the risks, and then intentionally incited a panic and lockdowns that jeopardized people’s health and their livelihoods.
This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable “smart dust”, or both in one. They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect.
Their motives are clear and obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. These megalomaniacs have raided the pension funds of the free world. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. The aim now is to exert total, full-spectrum physical, mental, and financial control over humanity before we realize just how badly we’ve been extorted by these maniacs.
The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite:
Concealing a depression brought on by the usurious plunder of our economies conducted by rentier-capitalists and absentee owners who produce absolutely nothing of any value to society whatsoever. Instead of us having a very predictable Occupy Wall Street Part II, the Elites and their stooges got to stand up on television and paint themselves as wise and all-powerful saviors instead of the marauding cabal of despicable land pirates that they are.
Destroying small businesses and eroding the middle class.
Transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from the American public and into the pockets of billionaires and special interests.
Engaging in insider trading, buying stock in biotech companies and shorting brick-and-mortar businesses and travel companies, with the aim of collapsing face-to-face commerce and tourism and replacing it with e-commerce and servitization.
Creating a casus belli for war with China, encouraging us to attack them, wasting American lives and treasure and driving us to the brink of nuclear armageddon.
Establishing technological and biosecurity frameworks for population control and technocratic- socialist “smart cities” where everyone’s movements are despotically tracked, all in anticipation of widespread automation, joblessness, and food shortages, by using the false guise of a vaccine to compel cooperation.
Any one of these things would constitute a vicious rape of Western society. Taken together, they beggar belief; they are a complete inversion of our most treasured values.
What is the purpose of all of this? One can only speculate as to the perpetrators’ motives, however, we have some theories.
The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other “undesirables”, and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed “high-impact”, such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on. Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism.
Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades. They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man.
To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens.
To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words.
Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that.".......