A Memorial Day Reflection
Catturd: 4:10 AM · May 30, 2022
Never forget ...The Greatest Generation today find their own Fascist government in an Axis alliance with
European Nazis and Asian imperialists, like a Bizarro World War II in reverse.
But it’s okay because Obiden says his Chinese owners and Nazi partners are Very Fine People(tm).
Democrats tried to claim their ANTIFA paramilitaries were the moral equivalent of the soldiers of D-Day.
But those veterans came home and built the cities that ANTIFA burned down.
My uncle invaded Normandy. He never hit anyone with a bike lock in the street. He never burned a church and he never shot a Federal Officer in Oakland. ANTIFA are Domestic Terrorists. These soldiers are American Heroes.
In fact, when these ANTFA lunatics say they want to attack “Nazis” today, they mean “Republicans”.
You know–like Eisenhower.
But thanks for playing.
Kayfabe in Kalamazoo
"Through the use of a persona or ‘gimmick’ establishing The Good Guy (or ‘Babyface’) and The Bad Guy (the ‘Heel’), the two engage in a simulated fight. The wrestling itself is merely the medium. What matters is the story, and the more personal it is, the better their chances of seducing the ‘marks’ to come and pay to watch it play out.
Ain’t that America.
Here we stand poised for war yet again with the last one barely even cold. Like the announcers calling a pro-wrestling match, those charged with manufacturing consent have supplied us with a story in which the beleaguered Babyface must face a dastardly Heel, and by God how we’ve come out for it.
I am a proud Oklahoman. Yesterday I saw that the Legislature of my state, in its infinite wisdom, rallied to issue a Joint Resolution condemning the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, as if the Great Powers of the world sit with bated breath waiting to see where the Okies come down on the issue. Last summer our Senator Warren Hamilton called for the Governor to issue a Special Session to end the Covid Mandates here and was rebuffed; The Powers That Be offer a faraway conflict though with an opportunity to swagger and talk tough (and maybe get some of that sweet defense pork for donors no doubt) and suddenly they’re full of piss-and-vinegar. From what I have heard, some here had been making strides along with those from other Red States to attack on fronts ranging from protections for people refusing the Covid “vaccines” to fighting CRT to strengthening what remains of election integrity, and yet, as soon as the very people who have brought these problems upon us beat the drums of war, all is forgotten and our glorious leaders stand ready to offer up their states’ sons on the altar of Mars. Nevermind that most of us would have a hard time finding Ukraine on a map. Someone even worked the Nazis and the Holocaust into the Resolution. Just in case the media hadn’t done enough to try to establish who the Heel is in this farce. There’s some old-school ‘booking’ for you."--from "Kayfabe in Kiev"
Before Sandbox vet Samuel Finlay posted his brilliant piece Kayfabe in Kiev two months ago, he had already posted this excellent piece months earlier:
"...It was all so long ago and far away that it seemed to have little bearing on the perpetual Current Year until now. Such doings in an obscure front in The Forever War do not mingle easily with meaningless office paperwork, CRT, “mostly peaceful protests,” The Wu-Tang Flu, “Fortified” elections, or the Transgender-Industrial Complex. Those moments in that place still carry so much weight for me that I can hardly take much of my stateside life since then seriously, let alone the pathetic senile farce that is the contemporary Globalist American Empire. One simply goes with the flow and waits for the next set; the next season in which you get to live again with the same ardor and purpose as you once did.
It would appear that time draws near.
Something is coming and we can all feel it. We could even back then. Someone once warned, “What an empire does abroad, follows it home.” Having served this machine on a couple of fronts, I see more and more evidence for the truth of that statement around me, and while it brings with it a measure of dread, it also brings a measure of hope.
Things an average grunt knew after only a few weeks In-Country have escaped the confines of The Brass and the curation of their partners in the media for all to see. The schemes of Ivy League Brainiacs and their delusions of ‘liberating’ the world and assimilating it into their post-national managerial Longhouse seem so shabby and absurd in the cold light of dawn. Twenty years’ worth of veterans have chewed the dust of faraway lands now reverting to their former masters, and we are left with the hard realization we have been in service to a country ran by people who not only don’t believe in countries anymore, but are shamelessly inept and corrupt, and that this has been the case since before we were born.
As Afghanistan falls before our eyes, we remember the blood-price from days gone by and wonder: what did we buy with it? Our battles belong to those of us who fought them, but they were ultimately in service to policies; policies created by those who are at best indifferent to our existence, or worse, have placed themselves in a state of war with us. Though it seems inflammatory to write such things even at this late hour, the court eunuchs have implied such things for years and now are increasingly explicit in their fever dreams of eliminating their political opposition. And it is a failure of what leaders we have on ‘our side’ that they have refused to take them at their word.
Already the talking heads have begun likening to the Taliban any here among us who would oppose them and the policies they promote. They must deflect. They must craft the story to fit their objectives. The failure of GloboHomo in the graveyard of empires? Shift fire back to the Proles. How dare the Kulaks dissent. How dare we challenge the authority of the credentialed classes and their masters. How dare we cling to such provincial loyalties as to God or family or country. They could permit such outdated notions so long as they served as leverage for goading us into hurling ourselves at distant strangers, but when it entails cultivating our interests within our own borders, it cannot be borne.
Every day, what has been my home feels more and more like an occupied country. Frustrated abroad and blinded by an almost demonic frenzy of resentment and utopian megalomania, the Leviathan turns with increased zeal upon its host. The mandates become continually more bizarre and shrill, with the stakes only getting higher. American citizens are being spied upon, imprisoned, fired, censored, lied to, manipulated, robbed, and killed, and those in the halls of power either incite it, enable it, or look away.
And yet, if Haji can endure the Leviathan and win, so can we.
By growing more severe and repressive in its methods, the regime hemorrhages legitimacy at home and around the world. As many have noted, it can no longer inspire or seduce, but must compel. There were many in my unit who enlisted after 9/11; who would join now? The regime’s occasional attempts to feign the old patriotism that galvanized generations prior seem so shallow and threadbare as to elicit sadness. People can no longer bring themselves to love and serve a country that has dispensed with the pretense of loving and serving them. It has become painfully apparent that we have crossed a threshold, and there is no going back.
I have heard it said that it is better for a man to lose a battle when he’s young if it keeps him from losing a war when he’s old. We have lost Afghanistan. We killed a great many of them, yes, but once again Ol’ Haj outlasted a foreign empire with delusions of grandeur, and the strong among them have retaken their clay. Haji is welcome to it. They got their last klick out of Sarge.
I suspect our struggle here though is just beginning. Formal institutions and avenues of influence are all but closed to those outside the managerial consensus. Most of America has been deemed “deplorable” as a citizenry whose wishes are no longer of any consequence to those in authority, and are not entitled to representation in any meaningful way. It is my hope this can be changed peacefully. Stranger things have happened.
However we do it, this enterprise before us will take a great deal of sacrifice and toil in the coming years, but also present us with opportunities to rediscover, explore, defend, and build anew. We don’t have to live this way; “tis not too late to seek a newer world.”
I like to think that some of what us ‘GWOT’ hands learned downrange in the war of our youth will help us achieve such ends. And I would find it somewhat fitting if the long road we took through Afghanistan wound up helping us find our way home.".......
Let's say you were a group of power-mad assholes who had stolen the elections and you wanted to set up a World Government. What would you want next?
Three things:
To frame your opposition for the crime you committed.
To make it illegal to say that you had stolen the election.
And to disarm Americans who understood what you were doing.
Check, check and check.
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Clearly, an Enemy of the State |