Abolishing the Electoral College by fiat, Packing the Court and Child Voting. Nice plan.
It's funny since Democrats also think you should be 25 to buy cigarettes. If a 16 year-old robs a liquor store, why, he's just an impressionable youth, an infant, really. But if he wants to vote for Beto, he's a fully-formed functioning adult. Speaking of, Katrina Pierson:
Nancy Pelosi - “I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16.”
Beto O’Rourke at 16:
“Wax my ass,
Scrub my balls.
The Cow has risen,
Provide Milk.”
*Apologizes for immature state of mind*#ThinkAboutThat
Beto O’Rourke at 16:
“Wax my ass,
Scrub my balls.
The Cow has risen,
Provide Milk.”
*Apologizes for immature state of mind*
Pelosi says she wants to "capture" child-voters while they're still gullible. Maybe they could vote at high school where their unionized teachers could grade them on proper voting, Nancy.
Meanwhile, Democrats in several states have passed what amounts to an un-Constitutional Bill of Attainder, a law aimed at one individual, requiring President Trump to release his tax returns to get on the ballot. The Constitution sets the requirements for office, not hack Democrats in every state. But that's not even the worst of it.
Daniel Horowitz: "When anti-federalists were scared that the proposed Constitution would grant the president king-like powers, Alexander Hamilton penned an essay in Federalist 69 to allay their fears. Among the paradigm differences distinguishing the power of a president from that of a king, Hamilton wrote, whereas “the one [a president] can confer no privileges whatever, the other [a king] can make denizens of aliens"."
Sanctuary Governors Are Acting As Little Kings, Minting Their Own Citizens. No Wonder They Want A National Popular Vote.
SCOTUS better get off their ascots and quash this illegal national popular vote-compact. If they wait until such time as Democrats try to install a Democrat popular vote-winner over a Republican Electoral College-winner, the firestorm will make Bush v. Gore look like a dispute over a parking spot.
One, it is a malicious end-run around the Electoral College clause.
Two, it’s an illegal putsch against the Constitutional Amendment requirement. Usually when the Left wants to illegally amend the Constitution, they get some Hawaii Judges to discover another invisible ink-clause that only they can see. This, however is a direct assault on the Amendment process, which requires supermajorities of Congress or states.
Third, it also creates an huge incentive for massive vote fraud and illegal immigration. Every phony vote directly affects the outcome.
Fourth, if a state awards its electors to a candidate the voters did not choose, that is a huge Civil Rights violation. By what right do state legislators hand your votes over to the losing candidate of their choice? The arrogance--and criminality--is staggering.
Fifth, if states are allowed to say they are awarding their electors based on national popular vote–even if it doesn’t change anything–it becomes normalized.
Sixth, if a state awards electors based on a national popular vote in defiance of their own voters and it *does* change the election outcome, that’s the that’s the kind of tyranny that could spark a civil war.
And, seventh, if you’re going to gut and ignore the Constitution to impose a popular vote, shouldn’t it at least be done by a popular vote? None of these states held a popular vote to dictate this Popular Vote Compact. That should tell you something. Additionally, the rationale and math behind the Electoral College is the same as for the Senate itself. Is that next? It is also why the United STATES flag has 50 stars--not just one, like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
These efforts are coupled with HR 1, which would put the Swamp in control of every election in America and essentially make any voter fraud enforcement a federal hate crime. J. Christian Adams covers their evil scheme here.
These are the same Sanctuary jurisdictions who are essentially minting their own citizens. Under Motor Voter, they are registering illegal foreign nationals to vote by the millions–and then claiming none of them do so. No one believes them. They don't even believe themselves.
Just as King George brought in Hessian troops to defeat the Americans and save his regime, Democrats are bringing in millions of Hessian voters to defeat Americans and save the Democrat Regime. For Democrats, Open Borders are not a problem. They are a solution to a problem. And that problem is losing elections. If Americans won't vote for them, they will simply replace us. Or conduct another coup attempt with the FBI and the CIA , while the One-Party Press provides cover and Big Tech monopolies censor and shadowban conservatives.
It is literally Un-American. Also Dis-, De-, Mal-, Mis- and Anti-American. And it is the Democrat Plan for One-Party Rule Forever.
No wonder they want to trash the Second Amendment, too.
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"I said 'if'." |
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