Sunday, December 27, 2020

It's Just a Mask UPDATE: BIDEN KNEW!

 It’s just a mask.

Well, a mask--and your paycheck.
And your Christmas dinner.
And your travel plans.
And your delayed medical care.
And your kids’ educations.
And your mental well-being.
And your government-by-decree.
And your grandparents in solitary.
And your criminals released.
And your churches closed.
And the funerals banned.
And your free speech censored.
And your doctor stopped from freely treating you.
And your mom-and-pop stores shuttered while Big Business thrives.
And your threats of forced vaccinations.
And your Fraudulent Mail-In ballots.
And your trillions in debt while China is empowered.
And your Bio-Medical Security State.

But, other than that, yeah, it's just a mask.

And Dred Scot was just a slave.

 It's Now Or Never = RESIST - OPEN - UNITE - YouTube

Reality sets in, restaurant owner blocks health inspectors car - YouTube

I'M NOT DOING IT ANYMORE. I'M DONE! Americans Start To Revolt Against Draconian Measures! - YouTube

Kanekoa on Twitter: "Dr. Kary Mullis, the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry & the inventor of the PCR test said that the PCR test was NOT designed to "find a virus". He also said that Dr. Anthony Fauci, "doesn't mind going on television... and lying directly into the camera."

Rosa Koire Explains Agenda 21 and The Great Reset - YouTube

Home | Vladimir Zev Zelenko M.D. (

Dr. Pierre Cory - YouTube  Ivermectin Works!

Fauci claims he hurts a little from the vaccine, but points to the wrong shoulder - YouTube

Simon Dolan #KBF on Twitter: "This is 1984. WHO changes definition of herd immunity. 2019 definition and 2020 definition. Spot the difference..." / Twitter

The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order - YouTube

Cardinal: THE GREAT RESET, the new normal, a communist evil agenda, which would make us slaves to their murderous agenda - new AWAKENING CHANNEL .com

The Neo-Tower of Babel-crowd were saying and planning "The New Normal" ten and fifteen years ago. 

Ian Lyne on Twitter: "Jacinda Ardern, at the 2019 'Goalkeepers' event hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, spoke about incorporating the principles of #Agenda2030 into domestic policy making. And just listen here to @RosaKoire talking about #thenewnormal, back in 2012 . . . Please RT" / Twitter

Lin Wood on Twitter: "Remember in days or weeks ahead this 10/25/19 tweet by Joey “Bribes” Biden. Never forget it. If Biden was knowingly complicit in CCP Covid attack on our country, he will make Benedict Arnold look like a saint. Biden is evil. He will never be President of the United States." / Twitter

Grrr Graphics – Official Ben Garrison Cartoons:

Linguistic Genomics - YouTube --How Dr. Franken-Fauci Hid All His Coronavirus Patents Off-shore at the Wuhan Bat Lab Before The Virus Was Released...


Joe "Benedict Smallpox" Biden, two months before the Fauci Brand(tm) ChinaVirus was known:

We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.



Plandemic? You bet!

Amazing First Lady with a heart of gold!
Raising hands

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