"We are witnessing the Democrat Party's merging of the federal administrative state (which it largely controls) with its crony capitalist corporations and its media allies together into a kind of proto-state apparatus."--Emerald Robinson
"For months, pro-war members of both parties and leading members of the NYT/CNN/MSNBC media axis pushed a story — an inflammatory, dangerous one — based on nothing more than the say-so of anonymous CIA operatives. How can anyone do this who knows even the bare minimum about what this agency does and what its function is: to spread disinformation not just to foreign countries but the domestic population as well? It is both mystifying and toxic. But for people who call themselves “journalists” to repeat, over and over, evidence-free CIA claims, telling those who trust them to believe it, is nothing short of repulsive."--Glenn Greenwald, "Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One"
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."--Ayn Rand"I may be the only person on the left who wasn't disappointed with Obama."--Bill Ayers
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"Your very specific invitation is appealing, Senator Sasse--but due to COVID restrictions, I will not be able to whip you with a cord made from Khalid Sheik Mohammed's excess chest hair while reading you the Federalist Papers aloud. In French. On the Solstice. At the Lincoln Holiday Inn, Room #301. With you dressed as a Farmer's Almanac centerfold. But, thanks, anyway." |
Julie Kelly: Biden Intelligence Community Breaches Authority to Target the Right
“The freshly reelected Republican senator from Nebraska had kind words this week for Joe Biden’s intelligence chiefs. “The American people are blessed to have an [intelligence community] as serious as ours,” Senator Ben Sasse said during Wednesday’s Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. He called the group, which included FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director William Burns, “heroes” and wanted a chance to “say thank you” in front of the American people.
Sasse, who is supposed to act as a fierce skeptic not a fawning cheerleader of the world’s most powerful intelligence apparatus, singled out Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines for praise. “Your opening statement . . . was incredibly strong,” Sasse swooned.
Haines, the top deputy to former CIA Director John Brennan during the Obama Administration, undoubtedly marveled at winning such a groveling endorsement from a sitting Republican senator—or perhaps she internally laughed at winning over yet another reliable GOP dupe. (In fairness, most Republicans on the committee joined in Sasse’s praise for Haines.)
But Senate Republicans should have been outraged rather than starry-eyed over Haines’ opening statement as well as her conduct in office since taking the reins of the intelligence community the day after Joe Biden’s inauguration. Haines is wasting no time accelerating the weaponization of a sprawling organization that is supposed to identify threats to the homeland by foreign actors, not target Americans with the wrong political views.
It’s a practice, however, that Haines perfected as a trusted aide to Barack Obama; her fingerprints are all over the fabricated Trump-Russia collusion storyline and, as part of Brennan’s inner circle, Haines at least knew of—if she did not partially approve—the unleashing of insidious government surveillance tools against Trump and his campaign.
“Domestically, lone actors and small cells with a broad range of ideological motivations pose a greater immediate threat” than ISIS and al-Qaeda, Haines said in her opening statement to the committee. “We see this threat manifest itself in individuals who…commit terrorist acts for ideological goals stemming from other influences, such as racial bias and antigovernment sentiment, which we refer to as Domestic Violent Extremism or DVE. DVE is an increasingly complex threat that is growing in the United States.”
“Newer sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election—will almost certainly spur some DVEs to try to engage in violence this year,” Haines claimed…”
Why do we even have Election Fraud laws on the books if it is subversive to even make the claim? Unless you are a Democrat who claimed Trump and Putin stole an election, of course. Polls show most of the American People know that Democrats cheated.
She’s saying the majority of American citizens are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers for believing their own lying eyes.
"During a separate hearing Thursday morning, Haines, Wray, and NSA Director Paul Nakasone were blasted by GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee for abusing their authority to advance the Democrats’ political agenda. Representative Chris Stewart (R-Utah) asked each official whether he or she was statutorily empowered to spy on Americans with “no foreign nexus”; each answered no.“It’s very clear the IC has no authority to turn your tools or your resources on American citizens,” Stewart scolded. Holding up a copy of Haines’ report, Stewart asked her if she used intelligence community resources to draft the document in violation of an executive order clearly limiting the IC’s reach to “foreign security threats.”
Haines tap-danced around the question, insisting her office merely received, and did not collect, the domestic-based intelligence. But Stewart was having none of it. “Your analysts helped prepare, you did an analysis on this.”.......
The supposed "laws" against using the Foreign Spy Apparatus against Americans are now being completely gutted by an Occupation Government.
Which makes sense: they regard Americans as foreigners and foreigners as Americans. ................................................................................................
We were told that if we normalized relations with China, market forces would eventually liberalize them and their people would gain freedom.
But instead of China becoming more like us, we’re becoming more like China.
We have a corrupt and greedy political class like China.
We see Big Tech oligarchs suppressing speech to protect that Ruling Class. Just like China.
We see a nearly-One-Party Media ignoring corruption, just like China.
We have a two-tiered justice system; one for Party Members, another for everyone else. Like China.
We have spies and secret police that sponsor coups, jail opponents and target non-Party members. China does that.
We even have revolutionary mobs in the streets and on the campuses like Mao’s Cultural Revolution, just like China.
And now we have China's Proconsul Puppet installed in the White House. At least three hostile foreign governments are holding kompromat on Biden:
Russia, China and the FBI.
Glenn Greenwald: Big Corporations Now Deploying Woke Ideology the Way Intelligence Agencies Do: As a Disguise
"The CIA — in between military coups, domestic disinformation campaigns, planting false stories with their journalist-partners, and drone-assassinating U.S. citizens without due process — joyously celebrates Women’s Day, promotes what it calls The Agency Network of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Officers (ANGLE), hosts activities for Pride Month, and organizes events to commemorate Black History Month. The FBI does the same.
It’s so sweet that one is tempted to forget about, or at least be more understanding of, all the bombing campaigns and all the dictatorships they install and prop up that repress and kill the very people that they purport to honor and cherish. Like the [British] GCHQ, how menacing can an intelligence agency be when it is so deeply and sincerely supportive of the rights of the people they routinely spy on, repress and kill?
Again, this does not make the CIA perfect — sure, they make some mistakes and engage in some actions that are worthy of criticism — but to combat real evil, you do not go protest at Langley. They are engaged in important work combating homophobia, racism and misogyny. Thus, real warriors against evil look not to them but instead go searching online for the Boogaloo Boys and boomers on Facebook who post Q-Anon and other problematic memes. That is where your focus should remain if you want to root out the real threats.
Large corporations have obviously witnessed the success of this tactic — to prettify the face of militarism and imperialism with the costumes of social justice — and are now weaponizing it for themselves. As a result, they are becoming increasingly aggressive in their involvement in partisan and highly politicized debates, always on the side of the same causes of social justice which entities of imperialism and militarism have so effectively co-opted.
Corporations have always sought to control the legislative process and executive branch, usually with much success. They purchase politicians and their powerful aides by hiring them as lobbyists and consultants when they leave government, and those bought-and-paid-for influence-peddlers then proceed to exploit their connections in Washington or state capitals to ensure that laws are written and regulations enforced (or not enforced) to benefit the corporations’ profit interests. These large corporations achieve the same goal by filling the campaign coffers of politicians from both parties. This is standard, age-old K Street sleaze that allows large corporations to control American democracy at the expense of those who cannot afford to buy this influence.
But they are now going far beyond clandestine corporatist control of the government for their own interests. They are now becoming increasingly powerful participants in highly polarizing and democratic debates. In the wake of the George Floyd killing last summer, it became virtually obligatory for every large corporation to proclaim support for the #BlackLivesMatter agenda even though many, if not most, had never previously evinced the slightest interest in questions of racial justice or policing.".......
These Mega-Corporations don't give a rat's ass about voting rights of black people. They just want to be able to install puppets with Phony Elections, puppets that serve their interest$. These Deep State Intelligence Agencies don't care about Civil Rights, either--at least not YOUR Civil Rights, like the Right to elect your own officials without a Color Revolution/Election Fraud Coup.
And then your Right not to be declared an Enemy of the State and be spied upon simply because you object to the Fraud.
"Every time I read a story that says a “data breach’ is being weaponized for political benefit, my immediate reaction is now to dismiss the oft claimed “hackers” and focus on the most likely source of privacy weaponization: the known and intentional intrusion by government officials and contractors.
It only makes sense that an ideologically aligned donation site to support patriots would be considered a high value target for exploitation by political operatives who need a system to weaponized against their enemy, wrong-thinking Americans. Is this “data breach” just another example of that? The answer is most likely, yes. If you need another frame of reference think about the admitted IRS target list of conservative donors to Tea Party groups. Another undeniable and factual example that led the IRS to settle a class action lawsuit.
However, beyond the initial value of targeting donors there is another facet that is even more important to contemplate. Targeting donors is actually small ball, stopping Americans from donating to groups and individuals fighting against the deep state is a bigger goal. If these individuals can put fear into Americans that their financial support can lead to targeting, well, that financial support might just stop…. THAT is their bigger goal.
With all of that in mind these are not just “data breaches”, these are battles within the ideological war that need to be adequately contemplated. Who will stand? Who will remain in the fight? Who will put themselves ‘out there’, remain courageous, remain strong in the face of the administrative state?
“We mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor”…
"Why We Fight": Patrick Byrne Explains What Is Really Going On - This Is The Final Battle - CD Media An excellent exposition of First Principles.
Here's the thing; if basic Rights are protected in a Constitutional Republic with honest elections, then people of widely-differing viewpoints can live together peaceably. If you lose an election, you can say "At least I was heard and my basic Rights are protected. I'll try to convince my neighbors again next time."
That is all upside down now.
Our basic, ancient Rights are under full assault as brand-new exotic and objectionable "Rights" are being manufactured and imposed, while our elections are now a tyrannical Potemkin farce.
When people know their voice is not being heard, and will not be heard in the future, they don't just say "Screw it--I'm not voting." They say "This corrupt system must be torn down and replaced with one that will listen."
And they're right.
ps; Ben Sasse really is a little boot-licking Police State bitch, isn’t he?
ps ps: They heard you.
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