"The "let them eat cake" arrangement in which the servants are masked and their masters are not is not is staggering. For all the degrees I'm sure they have, apparently the French Revolution wasn't covered in their studies. Save this video. It must not be forgotten."--Melquíades, officer, USN
When the American People re-elected Actual President Trump in a massive landslide, they had already factored in the mental and moral retardation of Biden and Harris. And the extremist radicalism of the Communist Democrat Party. They overwhelmingly rejected these gangster scum.
But this is a Color Revolution by the Fascist Overlord Class against the working people of America. Or rather, a counter-revolution; in their eyes, we revolted when we exercised our Right under the existing rules and chose Donald J. Trump. Twice.
That cannot be allowed. And was not.
"Do What You Have To Coup," as they say on the Front Fairway of Fascism.
Here, the old, fat, white, entitled Garbage Elites of the Global Left gather unmasked to imbibe the Five-Course wit and wisdom of Reichstag Nancy while their masked slave class serves them:
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was on video addressing a mask-less crowd at a DCCC event. |
video shows people sitting close together at long tables.
Video shows hoards of maskless people at Pelosi fundraiser (nypost.com): “All the servants fully masked,” tweeted journalist Glenn Greenwald. “The almost-entirely old, white, rich crowd of DCCC donors free to go maskless as they’re served.” According to the CDC, Napa County is a coronavirus hotspot, garnering the designation of “high” for its current level of transmission. “High” is the most worrisome designation."
Don't Worry. Be Happy. The World is in flames but you got your Chinese Doormat Pedophile and his Laughing Slut Mental Case installed.
Not to mention the Senate that Mitch sold you. Congratulations. You're on top of the fucking world.
Meanwhile, back in that world:
"US Soldier films Kabul Airport from MRAP turret. Looks daunting. Pray for our Troops."
It only looks like a shit-show there because the real shit-show is first in the Oval Office.
So much of the critique misses the mark. Biden doesn't need advice to do things better.
Let me recommend the Pinot Noir. It goes perfectly with all your Civilizational Collapse and Societal Free-Falls.
BTW, they just found another 12,000 dead bodies in the trunk of Gov. Cuomo's ’72 Buick and under the sofa cushions. That’s a Grand Total of 28,000 dead old people under the care of Governor Cuomo. All for campaign cash.
A Human Emmy Award-winning Monster. With a Cast of Thousands!
But still an amateur compared to mad scientist Dr. Franken-Fauci. Thanks, Ruling Class. Is there anything you fucks are not destroying? Anything at all?
Oh, nothing to see here, just the Democrats casually admitting they concealed 12,000 American deaths to keep one of their Dear Leaders in power. I'm sure they'll never do anything like that again.
ps ps:
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"On the left is a current member of the Board of Directors of Pfizer. On the right is the former FDA Commissioner in charge of regulating Pfizer." |
Angelo Codevilla: Graveyard of Narratives - The American Mind: "Perhaps the only useful result of the Afghan enterprise’s clamorous collapse, at a time when so much else that our ruling class is doing also collapses of its own weight, is the widespread recognition that we are not seeing the results of discrete choices about foreign policy. We are experiencing the inexorable working out of the logic by which a whole class lives, moves, and has its being."
Watch: Angry Afghan Screams 'Go to Hell, Biden!' Amid Taliban Takeover (breitbart.com)
Or more precisely, “Mr. Biden, you did this! You planned this! You made the deal with the Taliban. This is the consequences of it! This is the repercussions of it! Mr. Biden, it’s your ill calculation! You were against Trump, now we’re against you! Go to hell, Biden!"
Joe Biden groveling as Taliban calls the shots: Goodwin (nypost.com):
"The message was clear: I have bad news about Afghanistan and I want to turn attention away from it by feeding my left-wing base and promising the American people more free stuff. It was pathetic and as such was consistent with Biden’s entire conduct during this crisis. He created it and, as it spins further and further out of control, he shrinks and opts for deception instead of truth and partisanship instead of completing the mission. Because of the hard deadline, the military reportedly has already started its drawdown of the nearly 6,000 troops at or near the airport. The move renders as lies Biden’s many promises to get all Americans out of the country. The fact that he didn’t repeat that promise Tuesday reveals he doesn’t have the courage to be straight about the implications of his decisions. He even tried to sell it as a victory by saying the troops would come home on Sept. 11. He reversed that piece of lunacy, but never adjusted to the changing realities on the ground.
Once he ordered the abandonment of our air bases, the Afghan army saw the war was hopeless and collapsed. America’s fighting men and women are brave and resourceful beyond measure. They deserve a commander-in-chief as committed as they are. Unfortunately, the one they have has gone wobbly at the most crucial hour.".......
In fairness, Parasite Biden's crooked Election Officials also stole the votes of the troops he now commands. They voted for the Actual Commander-in-Chief they wanted. Come to think of it, they won that war, too, only to have it also stolen by these gangsters.
"Joe is everything they told us Trump was- and worse. Praying for our nation:
Lord, Your Word says You are famous for the way You punish the wicked in their own snares. It sure would be nice to see that happen about now! Your timing is perfect, but we wait anxiously to see some of Your justice in action! All for Your glory, Amen
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Rush at Bagram |
Steyn: "When you feel life is going nowhere, just think: with
4 U.S. presidents
20 years
2 trillion dollars
2,300 soldiers' lives...the regime of Afghanistan changes from Taliban to... Taliban
Isn't this Social Media crapola supposed to be the one remaining skill of the developed world? As James, a First Week Founding Member of The Mark Steyn Club from Texas, put it earlier today:
Apparently our Hashtag Industrial Complex is as hollow and weak as everything else.
You ain't seen nothin' yet: In a couple of weeks, the Taliban will be celebrating the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 by gamboling and frolicking in the US Embassy at Kabul, the second most expensive embassy in the history of embassies, costing north of three-quarters of a billion of borrowed federal moolah.
~I've found almost all allegedly "conservative" commentary of the last few days shallow and oblivious, and realized yet again how much I missed Rush - not the guest-hosting, but the man himself, the Mayor of Realville whose view of the situation has been painfully absent this last week.
With that in mind, I thought you might like to take a three-quarter-of-an-hour break from America's Suez moment and enjoy this finale to our friend James (Snerdley) Golden's series Rush Limbaugh: The Man Behind the Golden EIB Microphone. For this postscript, James has collated various vignettes from the life of America's anchorman, as told by yours truly, Rudy Giuliani, Megyn Kelly, Scott Baio, Mary Matalin and others. It's a timely reminder of who and what we're missing right now."........ Listen here:
Remembering "The Big Voice on the Right" :: SteynOnline
Actual President Trump: "Our Country has never been so diminished. It has reached an all-time low!"
Actual President Jefferson:
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CornPop Biden is a lifeguard. He should swim out there and save them. He's used to swimming in sewage. |
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CIA/FBI Asst.-Under/Over Secretary Deputy Dogshit for Good Lovin' and Overthrowing the Government, but Mostly Overthrowing the Government |
Ace: "Isn't that strange? A memorial in a country to a foreign airman who bombed that country?
That is very very strange. So strange, in fact, that that's not what this memorial is.
The memorial is a war memorial, celebrating the shoot-down of John McCain.

Jack Posobiec guesses that this all about Kumala attempting to get the "True Conservative" Neocons to support her, by showing that she presents sacrifices to their Hero-Gods. The Neocons are very, very cultish, and engage in the most absurd worship of Hero-Gods like Ben Sasse, John McCain, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney and Nikki Haley.
Meanwhile, the John McCain Funeral Parade enters its fourth year.".......

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"You go, girl!" |
"According to Peter Alexander, Joe Biden responded with snark: “You’ll be the first person I call.”"
After Xi, maybe.
"Thousands of Americans are trapped in Afghanistan behind enemy lines and Joe Biden is cracking jokes and turning his back and walking away." Biden’s handlers then kicked reporters out.
Does that decrepit traitor piece of shit even know how to use a phone anymore?
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