“The evident problem with democracy today is that the state is pre-empting—or ‘crowding out,’ as the economists say—our moral judgments. Rulers are adding moral judgments to the expanding schedule of powers they exercise. Nor does the state deal merely with principles. It is actually telling its subjects to do very specific things. Yet decisions about how we live are what we mean by ‘freedom,’ and freedom is incompatible with a moralizing state. That is why I am provoked to ask the question: can the moral life survive democracy?"-- Kenneth Minogue, The Servile Mind -- 2022 and Aesop’s Frog › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
"There’s nobody protecting dissident voices. I can’t get past it. I’m focused on it. I don’t really know what the answer is, but I’m just struck by it. It makes me very upset with the institutions that purport to be conservative in our country and consume hundreds of millions--billions, over time--in contributions, and they’re doing nothing to protect these people. In fact, they’re the first to abandon them. They’re like, oh someone liked a tweet by someone who said something naughty five years ago, therefore we have to distance ourselves. No, you’re cowards, you will be judged, and you are selling out people who actually believed in you. You’re horrible. That’s how I feel about it. Conservatives, the institutions, have found themselves in this position where they’re like trustees in a prison, where they’re carrying out the orders of the warden. The warden in this case is like the institutional left. Why are we doing this? Why are we playing along? It’s especially, it’s almost like the left is trying to see how ludicrous they can make it. You send out a tweet saying ‘men can menstruate too.’ Anyone who laughs is punished. When that happens, they’re challenging us. They’re basically saying ‘we can make you,’ this is 1984, this is Winston Smith, ‘we can make you say this. And then we can make you believe it. Watch us.’ ‘Repeat after me: Men can menstruate too.’ Then after a while you’re like ‘yeah, men can menstruate too, for sure.’ That’s when you’re a zombie. That’s when your soul is gone. That’s when they’re fully in charge of you. You’re just hunk of flesh, and you’re like a ventriloquist dummy at that point. That’s what happens. It’s not sustainable. You have a hyper partisan left, a supine conservative establishment, and an increasingly frustrated conservative and sincere left base--you know, just like normal people--this can’t continue.”.......
Yeah, I know that heavily regulating private businesses is not “free enterprise,” but I don’t care. See, “free enterprise” is a bargain, and they didn't keep their part of it, and I see no moral obligation for us to be played for saps and forgo using our political power to protect our interests in the face of them using theirs to disembowel us. I liked the old rules better – a free enterprise system confers huge benefits – but it was the left that chose to nuke them."--Kurt Schlichter, Conservatives Must Regulate Google And All of Silicon Valley Into Submission (townhall.com)
"China is doing this with the active cooperation of our fellow Americans. Their partners in this project aren’t just malevolent spies manipulating doofus California congressman. It’s none other than our own cultural business and academic elites who they have bought and paid for a thousand times over. Our elites now operate hand-in-glove with the Communist Party of China, doing its bidding even when it harms the freedoms and rights that are the birthright of every American. This is the biggest threat facing America today. Not Russia, not Islamic terrorism, not even the very real threats on our southern border. This external threat is existential because it is amplified by its alliance with a major internal threat facing America: the malign union of leftist authoritarian elites who seek to corrode this country from within. The monolithic union of American and communist Chinese interests in money that has dominated our national life for the past generation must end. The enemy is here, now. He commands the heights of Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street. He is poisoning our people in body and mind. He may put Jeff Bezos over his need to demand only five-star reviews, but he does not command us. We are Americans. We are wide awake, and we are ready to fight for our schools, for our governance, for our culture. The future does not belong to you and neither do we. Our minds are free and they are not for sale.”--Ben Domenech: U.S. Elites Are Selling The Nation's Soul To Communist China (thefederalist.com)
"We have reached that moment in Blazing Saddles when Mel Brooks throws away the script, and the brawling cowboys on one Hollywood soundstage crash through the wall into the next soundstage and start slugging the gentlemen of the chorus rehearsing a dance number called "The French Mistake"...
America has literally lost the plot. On the last soundstage, all parts are interchangeable: Men become women, and the grizzled butch coaches of college athletics can't wait to put 'em on the ladies' track team. Women become men, and then pregnant men, and then threaten the hospital for the humiliation of having to give birth in a "maternity ward". Warner Bros gives J K Rowling the bum's rush for being so out of it as to think periods are something women have. In the TERF wars, lesbians are transphobic because they don't wish to date women with penises. At dark on the streets of US cities, wispy, spindly, elderly eternal "college" boys cheer on hefty psycho-trannies with purple hair and hirsute cleavage as they light up precinct houses. Indulgent prosecutors release them without bail - or, if bail is still quaintly required, Seth Rogen or a Joe Biden staffer will cover it. Stories with less helpful narratives - Democrat Congresswomen getting carjacked, or blacks slaughtering blacks every weekend in Chicago, or black criminals (sprung from the big house by woke DAs) mowing down white grannies at a Christmas parade - are instantly memory-holed. Even real people adjust their actual lives to conform with the needs of the greater narrative: Thus the Vice President of the United States, the first in history to announce her pronouns on Twitter, purports to have celebrated "Kwanzaa" during her childhood in, um, a high-caste Indian household in, er, Quebec.
This is a way more surreal finale than Blazing Saddles. In today's America, everything's ablaze:
The same Democrat party that enslaved blacks for decades and then discriminated against them for another century now demands the incineration of the entirety of American history with the exception of its own glorious inviolable self. Kate Smith, for example, never owned slaves or ran a segregated lunch counter or served as a Grand Kleagle, as did Joe Biden's mentor for whom everything in West Virginia is named. But she did ninety years ago make a record with the word "darkies" in the lyric, so she cannot be permitted to sing "God Bless America" to a stadium of kneeling superstars. America's hideously unwatchable knee-taking corporate sports franchises boycott entire US states over "bathroom bills" but kowtow before a genocidal politburo if one of their lads accidentally puts in a good word for the people of Hong Kong.
Thoroughly Modern Milley and the other beribboned buffoons of the planet's most lavishly funded dysfunctional military take twenty years to lose to goatherds with fertilizer and write off a two-billion-dollar ship because a five-admiral chain of command can't command its men to put out a fire in a timely manner ...or even call the municipal fire department in a timely manner. But they can design third-trimester flight suits for heavily pregnant fighter pilots. And, in a year or so, no doubt for heavily pregnant Navy Seals...
The rah-rah right finds the scale of America's global humiliation in Afghanistan a bit of a downer, but not to worry because it sets up the GOP (Send Money Now to sendmoneynow.com) pretty nicely for the midterms - in the same way that a total catastrophe on D-Day would have made Dewey's numbers look pretty good for November, eh? The "national security" right swivels smoothly from the Fall of Kabul to saber-rattling over Taiwan and the Ukraine, fully confident that the same military that managed to return Afghanistan to the Taliban with more territory than they ever controlled before is now fit and rested and ready to threaten the Red Army on its own turf and a Chinese Communist Party that makes all the most basic American needs, from batteries and microchips to aspirins and underwear."--Mark Steyn: America Sticks Out Its Tush :: SteynOnline
Various excerpts:
"The argument from Team Trump in the closing days of the election is that Hillary Clinton is too corrupt to rule. He’s painting her as the face of the larger problem, which is the metastasizing corruption of the ruling class. It’s a good closing argument and it resonates, but the reason Hillary should not rule is she is dangerously incompetent and she surrounds herself with outlandishly stupid people. A society can survive crooked rulers, but it cannot survive stupid ones. Hillary Clinton is too stupid to rule. ...Even if Trump overcomes the Clinton crime machine, he will most likely face a ruling class unified against him. In America, we may have crossed the Rubicon in the 1990’s when it became clear that the ruling class could no longer police itself. Their inability to purge their ranks of the Clintons was a sign that the rot had reach a point where reform is no longer possible. That leaves popular revolt. ...[W]hat comes after Trump is, if history is a guide, going to be much worse. Instead of an amateur politician, who still believes in the system, the next guy to rally the troops will be a professional who does not believe in the system. Instead he will be a guy that looks at the system in the same way Turkish strongman Erdoğan looks at democracy....
"What the Covid-19 panic has revealed, and continues to reveal, is the managerial elite has no respect for things like the rule of law, individual liberty or any of the other foundation items of consensual government. To protect democracy, they will rig the election process. To keep us free they will strip us of our rights. In the name of inclusion and diversity they will exclude anyone who disagrees. What we are seeing is that the real plague on our society is the ruling class."
"John F. Kennedy famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” The line was no doubt written for him, but it captured the sentiment in favor of popular government at the time. Elections offer the public an opportunity to petition the political class for redress of grievances and if they are not satisfied with the results, get a new political class. Not only is peaceful revolution impossible, but minor reform is no longer possible. Election results are ignored by the political class, and now those election results may not even be legitimate. The Democratic Party had to rig their primary to install Biden as the nominee instead of Sanders. Now it appears they have rigged the general election to install Biden instead of Trump."
“This is what makes current events in America both interesting and dangerous. The various pieces of the puzzle that is liberal democracy are not working. The media, for example, is nothing more than the public relations department for the narrow cabal that is currently running the empire. The people who used to claim that “democracy dies in darkness” are now demanding censorship and speech laws. Both political parties now compete with each other for the love of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and global interests. The media lies so much that they have become worthless at news reporting. Outside of sports scores, nothing they “report” can be accepted at face value. The result of all of this is a system in which not only is peaceful revolution impossible, but minor reform is no longer possible. Election results are ignored by the political class, and now those election results may not even be legitimate. The Democratic Party had to rig their primary to install Biden as the nominee instead of Sanders. Now it appears they have rigged the general election to install Biden instead of Trump. If the voters cannot pick their leaders, they have no hope of influencing the political class through the electoral process. If the political class has nothing but contempt for the people, those people will inevitably return the favor. Where that leaves us is where societies end up with dictators. With no peaceful option available, the only option left is a violent overthrow of the ruling order. Somehow, a system that was supposed to allow for regular pressure relief is now operating like a pressure cooker. Every move by the political class results in a greater degree of public agitation with them. This in turns results in more foolish responses from the political class. Liberal democracy in America appears to be in a death spiral inevitably leading to what appears to be a violent conclusion."--The Z-Man: Setting the Stage for Revolution
It was that moment that everything changed for me--not only the harassment, fake Yelp reviews and the death threats that forced them to temporarily close up shop--oh, that was bad enough, but the most powerful man on Earth bullying a couple of small town pizza owners from Indiana simply for expressing an opinion on a hypothetical asked of them by a reporter with a malicious agenda? That was when I snapped. Do you remember?
It's this that sent me to a place from which I'll never return. I literally don't care what Donald Trump does because nothing he can do is worse than what they've already done.
Donald Trump isn't the bully; he only insults and abuses people in power who have attacked him. They're the fucking bullies. The left, with their smears, their witch hunts, their slanders, their insults, their riots, their violence, and their weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy. There aren't any rules anymore because the left only applies them one way. And in doing so, they've left what once was a civil compact between the two parties in smoldering ruins. I have no personal investment in Donald Trump. He is a tool to punish the left and roll back their ill-gotten gains, no more and no less. If he succeeds even partially in those two things, then I'll consider his election a win. Further, I no longer have any investment in any particular political values, save one: The rules created by the left will be applied to the left as equally and punitively as they have applied them to the right. And when they beg for mercy, I'll begin to reconsider. Or maybe not. Because fuck these people. This new philosophy has freed me of more emotional angst that I can describe. Literally nothing the left says or does matters to me anymore. I don't care about their tantrums. I don't care about their accusations. I don't care if they say Trump is lying. I don't care if Trump is lying. They created this Frankenstein. They own it. I am free of all obligation. I will never play defense again. I will attack, attack, attack, attack using their own tactics against them until they learn their lesson. What I will not do is let them play my values against me ever again. I don't need to prove that I'm better than them. I already know it."--Warden, Open Blogger at Ace of Spades: How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom
"Get ready for Strong Man Populism. The bad guys - the soft elite who think it can hold onto the societal power it inherited, but did not earn, through petty oppressions - will call it “authoritarianism.” Of course, they like authoritarianism when they are the authority - that’s why they feel no compunction about remaking our country and culture without bothering with obtaining our buy-in. But history teaches - not that they would know it, because they have never been taught it - that a backlash is inevitable.
We’re going to turn to someone who won’t be deterred by cultural caterwauling, who will not be satisfied with a status quo ante that is deeply anti-American, who will ruthlessly use his power to reclaim our society for us, and who will wreak vengeance on our enemies.
That last one is important. They must learn never to do this again.
We’re going to elect a Strong Man Populist because the current crisis is intolerable, and because we understand that the Weak (Wo)Man Caucus - think pliable puffball Jeb! and Chamber of Commerce-curious squishes like Nikki!, Kristi! and Asa! - don’t know what time it is.
It’s time to smash the ruling class - an odd thing for conservatives to want, but then we’ve never quite had a ruling class that sucked so much.
Strong Man Populism will come, and dumb people will find this ironic, because we are, at heart, still a free people unwilling to merely survive on scraps as serfs."--Kurt Schlichter, The Coming of Strong Man Populism and the Power of 'No!' (townhall.com)
"ITEM 1: The New York Times ran an editorial, "Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now," making the Capitol protest an official Reichstag Fire to enable the fascists in Washington and Upper Manhattan to repeal our Constitutional rights.
We don't need Donald Trump. He's too nice. I want a president who will shut down Twitter and Facebook. I do not want to get even. I want to take command. I never want to be in the situation we are now in where I am a second-class citizen."--Don Surber: Highlights of the News
This is what I'm talking about.
Don't scream "DICTATORSHIP!". What I'm talking about is, by your own standard, perfectly legal. Proper. Widely accepted. Well within bounds. "By the book", as Obama said while ordering his minions to wiretap, frame and overthrow Donald Trump. In fact, that's a perfect example.
If Acting President Hussein can sic the entire Nat/Sec Apparatus on his political opponents, then I want my Next President to do just the same, too.
If Obama can write a One-Man Law to protect foreign children called "Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals", then I want my next president to also write a One-Man Law for unborn American children--also called "Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals".
As you say, "It's not their fault they were brought here as children."
If the pedophile installee Biden can enact an Experimental Injection Mandate for these dangerous genetic time bombs, then a subsequent Actual President can surely decree a Mandate for the time-tested, safe and proven drug Ivermectin.
"Wake up, sir--it's time for your sleeping pill!"
If Biden can disregard every immigration law Congress ever passed, the next actual executive should also feel free to ignore any laws he wishes.
All these and more can be done under the Goose/Gander Clause of the Constitution, an obscure passage that, like John Roberts, I just invented. It's a tax.
As Jefferson famously said "What's good for the goose is good for--you know, the thing". Madison amplified the thought, saying "If it's good enough for you, pal, it's good enough for me." Sam Adams echoed the sentiment: "Payback's a bitch, dude." Founder John Witherspoon sealed the debate with his famous bon mot "Instant Karma's gonna' get you." Well--John somebody.
What's that? Madison never said any such thing, you say?
Prove it.
If you haven't grasped the concept yet, "Let me be clear":
We're Done With Two-Tiered Everything.
No more two-tiered Justice. Law. Morality, Speech, Enforcement, Standards, Elections, Rights, etc., etc,. etc..
If it weren't for double standards, you people would have triple and quadruple standards. No more.
For some long-forgotten reason, some joker once scribbled "Equal Justice Under Law" over the Supreme Court's doorway. But today, the Left believes that the bank president and the bank robber should both have access to the vault. After all, they both work there.
If the Obama/Biden Junta can use their Oligarch buddies to suppress the free speech of conservatives, I want the next president to crush theirs.
If President Trump is taken off of Twitter and Facebook, I want Biden, Bush, Obama and Carter removed, too. That's right.
If the O'Biden Junta use the IRS to target conservatives, I say don't be a slow Lerner! If they use the FBI to outlaw Trump support, smash them with a bold Strzok!
If they can write One-Man nuclear treaties and pass them with a super-minority instead of a super-majority, then so can the next president.
If the Regime can sign a One Man-Climate Treaty written on one square of toilet paper, simply by calling it by another name, then so can the next president.
The Occupation Government has installed weighted Voting CheatWare across the country. It's counts me as two/thirds of a citizen and counts you as One and one/third. Cheater, please.
My Next President will install our new programs.
As you see, you have already approved of all these actions when it was your guys in charge. It cannot be "dictatorship"--unless you admit you are dictators. And Everybody Knows(tm) you are the most pure, decent and fair people ever to walk the earth. Ask anybody. Ask Seth Rich.
And now, a word from our sponsor:
"The third guarantee of liberty is the Rule of Law. The idea that all are equal under the Law is deeply rooted in our democratic systems and nowhere else. Like democracy, it is a difficult, a fragile, and, sadly, an uncommon concept. The thought that no-one in the state can escape the law is, after all, a daring one. Governors and governed, groups and individuals, soldiers, policemen, and civilians, each must bow to a higher principle. This is not a thought which the powerful can easily accept. Those who hold sway in totalitarian states take good care that the Rule of Law does not challenge their authority."--Margaret Thatcher, 1979
The entire point of Constitutions and the Rule of Law is to establish One Teir of law, justice and citizenship. One--not Two.
You have grown so used to your Yertle the Turtle-perch high above others that you will not accept mere equality again without being forced into it. Okay, then. So be it.
Not to worry. My Next President will not unleash a Plandemic on the world like your politicians did. Only a Pandemic of patriotism. You'll only feel like you're sick.
That's enough.
Until my King comes.
The Rehoboth Reichsfuhrer Speaks!--UPDATE:

"I will poop my pants in front of the Duchess of Cornwall.
Note Biden explicitly mentions a previous voting rights bill in this section -- just as Senate Democrats openly bragged to the media, this Propaganda Pageant is nothing but a pressure campaign for their rig-the-vote bill."
Perv. Biden says nobody should steal elections except him and his gangsters. It is somehow so very, very fitting that the Communists would try to enact even more election theft on this anniversary of their last Election Fraud Coup and Reichstag "Riot".
That Trump-I-am
That Trump-I-am!
I do not like
That Trump-I-am
Do you like
real votes and ham?
I do not like them,
I do not like
Real votes and ham.
Would you like them
Here or there?
We would not like votes anywhere
I would not like them
in Maricopa.
I would not like them
with Joe's L-Dopa.
We do not like
Real votes and ham.
We do not like them,
We do not like them
midnight in Philly
or in Atlanta
Don't you be silly.
We will not have
election observers
while counting votes
on Chinese servers.
We do not like
real votes for Trump.
That's why we drive them
to the dump
We'll erase them with our
CheatWare Systems
and Steal the Deal
with Mail-In fictions
We just can't stand
that Trump-I-am
So we'll vote FOR you,
sirs and ma'mes!
![]() |
"...you know, the Thing!" |
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