They say he’s a demon, a scoundrel, a war criminal, a cosmic accident sent to destroy democracy and all that is good and noble, which of course only derives from good and noble nations of the west claiming to still be democratic. Sixty years ago they also said that by now cars would fly, there would be no more wars, liberal democracy would shepherd us from evil, and not morph into the evil it proclaimed to dispel. Thirty years ago was supposed to be the end of history.
They say Putin is our enemy and the reason they keep repeating it ad nauseam is that they know millions will believe it. Those who incessantly level these charges without irony, apparently lack any self-awareness or a mirror. Perhaps all they have are mirrors and can only make dark accusations based on their own reflections.
We used to expect so much of our enemies, with a minimal prerequisite being they behaved as such. And here we are, millions still believing the unbelievable, a new prepackaged promo kit of “The Present Thing” delivered with the usual historical inconsistencies and logical fallacies, while millions more watch this charade repeat in disbelief.
If we have learned anything from western governments in their quest to enflame a new cold war with Russia, and now a new world war with both Russia and China it’s that they can’t be trusted about anything. If they point in a direction and say, “Look! Be outraged! It’s your enemy!” The only thing more outrageous than the cartoonish nature of their sloppy programming attempts, is that they seem to work because not enough people stop and ask, “Why?”
In Sun Tzu’s The Art of War one of his five constants of warfare is the Moral Law:
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. …The consummate leader cultivates the Moral Law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline.A nation or people bound to their leaders by strong foundations and principles, rooted in justification for a righteous conflict, whether in attack, defensive attack, diversion, or defense, will be more likely to find success. It requires the people to be in complete accord with their ruler.
Does this sound like NATO?
Does the Moral Law exist in any nations of the west that just concluded two years of psychologically abusing if not outright murdering their own citizens?
Does it exist in the drunken empire of the west that has been at war with the world and its own people for decades?
Wars used to require some foundation for public acceptance. Sun Tzu could hardly have imagined the ability of governments to manipulate and gaslight their own warriors to sacrifice for inoble aims. Now all conflict requires is first and foremost a good public relations campaign. People want to feel like their side has a clear conscience about things. It never really matters whether the information that relieves the conscience is based on truth. They want a sense of moral high ground even if that ground is built of straw. They seek to be on the “right side of history”, even if that side is objectively clouded in ambiguities and contradictions.
Governments of the west have given up on the Moral Law a long time ago. They do as they please toward aims they are never honest about with those who entrusted their governance. Moral governance seems like a contradiction in itself.
And so with no moral ground of any discernable kind to stand on, we’re still supposed to believe what we’re told by our unscrupulous leaders about Russia and Putin.
Let’s play a game, Russia or the West?
Political prisoners are held without trial accused of being against the regime.The correct answers are both, mostly, with the exception of the last three which are exclusively American. ...
Rampant censorship.
State-controlled media works for the regime.
Kangaroo committees go after political opponents.
Secret police for internal coups and crushing regime opposition.
Election rigging.
Shutting down protests of one political nature while allowing others.
Unequal protection under the law.
Oligarchy posing as democracy.
Fascism posing as liberalism.
Racism, sexism, child grooming, and bigotry disguised as state-mandated tolerance or education, with corporations of all industries colluding with the state to carry out all of the above.
The past two years alone (30-60 years for us older horses) have revealed where the real enemies of western citizens are, and they don’t appear to be in Russia. ...
But the real enemy of our enemies is in Moscow, and the U.S. government is trying so desperately to topple him to keep its unipolar geopolitical monopoly of power, which means he’s not reading their scripts or acting in their global stage plays anymore. He’s not moving the pieces on the chessboard they demand of him. A few photos of Putin in Davos over the years mean nothing. He’s against their order and working for Russians and Russia alone.
The king’s gambit is over and the world is quickly moving toward the multipolar middle game. The west wants more war, endless war, maybe even world war or nuclear war judging by their incessant belligerence and absence of any pretense to moral anything. That makes them the real danger to humanity, along with the globalist cabal of technocrat Malthusian psychopaths they support.
If our true enemies are our own leaders and governments who have declared war on us, then the real enemy of our enemies is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
And it’s time to say openly, without apologies what scholars of effective warfare have known for centuries: The enemy of my enemies is my friend.".......
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Actual President: "It doesn’t make sense that Russia and Ukraine aren’t sitting down and working out some kind of an agreement. If they don’t do it soon, there will be nothing left but death, destruction, and carnage. This is a war that never should have happened, but it did. The solution can never be as good as it would have been before the shooting started, but there is a solution, and it should be figured out now—not later—when everyone will be DEAD!"
The U.S. Has A Potemkin Government, And It's Not Just Joe Biden ( Pullman:
"The term “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people.
In 1949, The New York Times described Moscow as a “Potemkin village” because its apparent vitality and strength, artificially boosted to both provide the corrupt elites a comfortable place to live and foreign visitors a misleading portrayal of the nation, was “unrepresentative” of the typical Russian’s everyday life under Joseph Stalin.
The phrase was allegedly named after Grigori Potëmkin, an imperial Russian military official who reportedly first deployed the tactic. (Soviet “history” is untrustworthy, especially when it appears to blame-shift evil deeds onto monarchs and capitalists instead of national socialists.) According to CIA archives, the Soviet Communists widely deployed the deceptive tactic, of course. ...
The U.S. federal government has clearly and openly become a total farce. This is not just in the symbolic farce of regime actions such as placing a man who claims to be a woman in charge of what is supposed to be a health agency, and installing into the presidency a man whose incompetence is so dangerous to national security and international order he is prevented from speaking publicly by a fierce Easter bunny.
It is also in the utter farce of governmental authority at all, as seen in almost every major public issue, big and small. ...
About the only thing Congress can do right now is further inflate prices for working people by endlessly greasing politicians’ corrupt cronies. Oh, they can also elevate to final oversight of the people’s Constitution a woman who believes our natural human rights must be destroyed. That’s a Potemkin Supreme Court justice, and if we get one more like her, or one of the current ones goes softer, it will be an entirely Potemkin Supreme Court.
Both parties have been complicit in such behavior such that no other conclusion can be drawn but that leading elements of the Republican Party are simply a controlled opposition.
In other words, another Potemkin mirage. How can someone go on stage and tell voters he loves the Constitution, then let members of his caucus vote to confirm to the Supreme Court someone who avowedly hates the Constitution with precisely zero effective sanction? One can only conclude these people are lying liars who lie — obscenely, for pay and prestige. ...
At the same time, does any person in the federal government appear to have any of this under control, or even possess a plan for leading us out of any of these fiascos? To ask that question is to provoke a bitter laugh. At best, these people wildly jerk their skin suits onscreen to project to the rest of us whatever Potemkin propaganda they hope will keep us believing in their false projections of power.
Joe Biden is a symbol of the entire federal government: Its dangerous incompetence, corruption, and utter disrespect for the American people and the rule of law.".......
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