"According to the State of Colorado — and The Associated Press and the New York Times! — the official results for the GOP primary race for Secretary of State have Pam Anderson winning with 43% of the total vote, and Tina Peters second with 28% — but the real story was that Australian businessman Mike O’Donnell had picked up 28% himself, and might actually beat Tina Peters too.
I wanted to know more about Mike O’Donnell because I had never heard of Mike O’Donnell.
In the most high-profile race in America for the office of Secretary of State, a candidate who had become a national political figure, who had the highest name recognition, who outraised both of her opponents by 3 to 1, who spoke at rallies with President Trump, who was the obvious frontrunner — that person didn’t just lose, but she tied with a guy who had none of those things in a GOP primary.
I didn’t even know that Mike O’Donnell was running in the race until I saw the race results. How did an unknown candidate like Mike O’Donnell manage to garner as many votes as a national political figure like Tina Peters?
This question, ladies and gentlemen, is whatleads you down the rabbit hole of America’s bogus election system.
I went looking, in other words, for Mike O’Donnell’s 170,000 supporters in Colorado. I didn’t find them on Facebook — only 193 people were following his campaign page.
Mike O’Donnell’s 170,000 supporters were not hiding on Twitter either — just 560 of them were following his campaign at all. The day before the election, his last tweet managed to get 4 “likes.”
That’s the most interaction that his campaign Twitter account got — ever.
"The really big news is that Pam Anderson supposedly won the race with 43% of the vote (266,000 citizens voted for her!) which is an unbelievable result — to say the very least.
It’s truly unbelievable because two months before the primary, Pam Anderson was not just losing to Tina Peters in all the polling and fundraising metrics, but her campaign was broke. She had a $5,665 balance in her campaign coffers. According to liberal site Colorado Pols, “this surprisingly anemic fundraising is just more evidence that [Pam Anderson] is a candidate without a constituency…”
Two days after that assessment, Colorado Pols considered Anderson’s campaign dead-on-arrival and added that: “Peters’ strong performance further underscores Anderson’s weakness in this race, running on a message not just disagreed with but considered treasonous by a majority of Republican voters.”
Furthermore, Tina Peters was the obvious frontrunner in every way:
“In the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State, all the momentum now is with Tina Peters. By every available metric, Peters is the frontrunner. Peters dominated the vote at the state assembly, and now holds a commanding lead in fundraising. Peters is getting orders of magnitude more earned media attention. Coverage one might perceive as negative about Peters’ criminal case, at least until June 28th, is not a major liability with GOP primary voters. To the extent they’ve heard of Peters, a large percentage will see her as a hero.”
So where were Pam Anderson’s 266,000 voters hiding all this time before primary day?
They were not hiding on Twitter and Facebook — that’s for sure.
Do these tweets appear to show the kind of sudden political momentum that turns Pam Anderson from being twenty points behind Tina Peters to beating Tina Peters by 15 points?
You must remember that Tina Peters got 61% of the delegates at Colorado’s Republican Assembly in April. What about Pam Anderson — you ask?
Pam Anderson did not even attend the Republican assembly. She was so unpopular in the Colorado GOP that she was a write-in candidate who only qualified in April. She had to collect 1,000 valid signatures from registered Republicans in each of the state’s eight congressional districts just to get on the ballot. In the 5th Congressional District, Anderson managed only 1,282 valid signatures. Apparently, more than 5,000 of the 17,904 signatures submitted by Anderson were not valid.
In other words, Pam Anderson was not a wildly popular candidate among Republicans.
So how did Pam Anderson suddenly pull off a miraculous 35 point swing on Primary Day two months later with no money and no endorsements?
The only advantage that Pam Anderson had in this race: she’s on the Board of Directors for Mark Zuckerberg’s private election mafia, the “Center For Tech And Civic Life.”
Isn’t it strange that the director of Mark Zuckerberg’s private election charity for Democrats (on temporary leave!) just won the most important election integrity race in Colorado — and a GOP primary no less — as a write-in candidate with a 35 point polling swing with no money and no visible support from Republicans?
To sum up, in a Republican Primary about Honest Elections, the "winner" was a Zuck Buck$- Democrat ringer. And a second equally unknown ringer was given second place just to make sure the theft held.
"Democrat Judge Valerie Robison ruled on Tuesday that Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters cannot oversee the primary and general elections in her county this year. Tina Peters, who was mercilessly attacked by the Soros-backed Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and the state media, recently released a report in March on the hard drives of the Dominion voting machines used in the Colorado 2020 Election. This report released on March 1, 2022, had several findings. Tina Peters is the Election Clerk from Mesa County Colorado who backed up the voting machines in her county when the corrupt Secretary of State demanded that all voting machines be altered in a manner that erased election data (which is against the law) after the 2020 election. Ms. Peters was attacked for her actions. The FBI raided her home instead of investigating her claims. Recently in early February Peters was interrupted at a local restaurant by police and arrested on some garbage charges. After Peters downloaded a copy of the hard drives Democrats officials claimed the machines were damaged. So the state replaced the delicate machines in her county.".......
Griswold is trying to railroad Tina Peters into prison because Peters refused to destroy the evidence from the last stolen election. So, bravely and heroically, Tina Peters challenged Griswold for her job.
So Griswold had Peter's election stolen. Outright theft in broad daylight. Sound familiar?
Because No One Must Challenge these NAZIS and their Voteskrieg System!
This is what Real Courage looks like. She was arrested for telling the truth and given a million dollar-cash only bond because she wouldn't destroy evidence for the Fraud Mob.
Gov. Jared Polis pretends to be a moderate, but he has signed off on the Election Fraud and the Police State prosecutions of election clerks. In fairness, he's also pretending he was elected.
The ANTIFA shooter was arrested. When the furor died down, they cut him loose, gave him a good citizenship medal and washed their hands like Pilate. MESSAGE: "We regard Trump supporters as subhuman vermin who may be exterminated on sight."
If you think you are entitled to steal a man's life, you're certainly entitled to steal his vote.
Colorado used to be a reliable Red State until twenty years ago. People assumed it was because of illegal aliens and Locust Californians fleeing their own fouled nest. But now we know it was due to Mail-In Vote Fraud and crooked Voting Machines being installed then. Now there is an army of ghost voter registrations, ready to do their seditious civic duty for the Soros Syndicate at the push of a button.
It was bad enough when they were just stealing the general elections. Now they're even picking the Republican candidates.
We see from other crooked elections around the country, such as in Philly and Raffensperger stealing his own election in Georgia that THESE GANGSTERS HAVE NO INTENTION OF EVER LETTING US VOTE IN TRULY FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS AGAIN.
Like Jefferson said of another kind of slavery, they've got the wolf by the ears and can't let go. The more they cheat, the more they must CONTINUE to cheat.
They will not let us vote our way out of their Election Fraud Tyranny if they can possibly stop it.
And just to be clear, many Republican officials are neck-deep in this Criminal Sedition Against the America People, too. That's why only a few of the election reforms passed get at the Heart of the Beast. That is By Design.
Plan accordingly.
"One if by land, two if by sea, 81 million if by Fraud!"
1 Samuel 17:43-47 The Message
43 The Philistine ridiculed David. “Am I a dog that you come after me with a stick?” And he cursed him by his gods.
44 “Come on,” said the Philistine. “I’ll make roadkill of you for the buzzards. I’ll turn you into a tasty morsel for the field mice.”
45-47 David answered, “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel’s troops, whom you curse and mock. This very day God is handing you over to me. I’m about to kill you, cut off your head, and serve up your body and the bodies of your Philistine buddies to the crows and coyotes. The whole earth will know that there’s an extraordinary God in Israel. And everyone gathered here will learn that God doesn’t save by means of sword or spear. The battle belongs to God—he’s handing you to us on a platter!”
Satanic sabatouge