"The really courageous man is he who defies tyrannies young as the morning and superstitions fresh as the first flowers."--G.K. Chesterton
#VoteAmish! But First, a Word from the Actual President of the United States of America:
""Breaking News: Mike Lindell, “THE Pillow Guy,” was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughingstock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!Why aren’t they going after the people that RIGGED the Election? Massive amounts of irrefutable evidence. They are only interested in those seeking the TRUTH! Third World Country.
Dozens of amazing Patriots who stand for America, including wonderful young people, are being targeted and harassed by the Department of “Justice” and FBI. Is this payback for Liz Cheney being ANNIHILATED by 40 points and DESTROYING what was left of the Unselect Committee’s credibility?
Our Country is being destroyed by the Radical Left Democrats—stock market crash, no southern border, rampant crime, military failure, and much more. Meanwhile, all they want to do is take vengeance on the 45th President, me, and those who support me. We will never back down. Make America Great Again!The FBI was paying a big time Russian informant (Spy) all the way back to 2017, while at the SAME TIME they were accusing me of working with the Russians in the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. In other words, they knew their case against me was, with all of the money and man hours spent, a Fraud!.......
The only real question about the 2020 Election is this:
Did Actual President Trump beat Actual President Reagan's 49-state Re-election Landslide?
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“I never Meta FBI request I didn’t like, Senator!” |
Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election --THEY SPIED FOR THE FBI:
N.Y. Post:
"Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or question the 2020 election — according to sources within the Department of Justice.
Under the FBI collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these supposedly subversive private messages over the past 19 months and transmitted them in redacted form to the domestic terrorism operational unit at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, without a subpoena.
“It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause,” alleged one of the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
“Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena.”
These private messages then have been farmed out as “leads” to FBI field offices around the country, which subsequently requested subpoenas from the partner US Attorney’s Office in their district to officially obtain the private conversations that Facebook already had shown them.
But when the targeted Facebook users were investigated by agents in a local FBI field office, sometimes using covert surveillance techniques, nothing criminal or violent turned up.
“It was a waste of our time,” said one source familiar with subpoena requests lodged during a 19-month frenzy by FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, to produce the caseload to match the Biden administration’s rhetoric on domestic terrorism after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.
The Facebook users whose private communications Facebook had red-flagged as domestic terrorism for the FBI were all “conservative right-wing individuals.”
“They were gun-toting, red-blooded Americans [who were] angry after the election and shooting off their mouths and talking about staging protests. There was nothing criminal, nothing about violence or massacring or assassinating anyone.
“As soon as a subpoena was requested, within an hour, Facebook sent back gigabytes of data and photos. It was ready to go. They were just waiting for that legal process so they could send it.”
Facebook denied the allegations yesterday.
In two contrasting statements sent one hour apart, Erica Sackin, spokesperson for Communications, Dangerous Organizations and Individuals at Facebook’s parent company, Meta, claimed Facebook’s interactions with the FBI were designed to “protect people from harm.”
In her first statement she said: “These claims are false because they reflect a misunderstanding of how our systems protect people from harm and how we engage with law enforcement. We carefully scrutinize all government requests for user information to make sure they’re legally valid and narrowly tailored and we often push back. We respond to legal requests for information in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice to users whenever permitted.”
In a second, unprompted “updated statement,” sent 64 minutes later, Sackin altered her language to say the claims are “wrong,” not “false.”".......
25 states move to ban 'Zuck bucks' from election donations - YouTube--You can't buy a Judge--but Zuck can buy Election Judges?
While Zuck was paying off Election Judges to steal your Elections, he was reporting you to the FBI for complaining about it! |
And here's his Soros-Installed Republican Secretary of State candidate in Colorado:
"Pam Anderson did not even attend the Republican assembly. She was so unpopular in the Colorado GOP that she was a write-in candidate who only qualified in April. She had to collect 1,000 valid signatures from registered Republicans in each of the state’s eight congressional districts just to get on the ballot. In the 5th Congressional District, Anderson managed only 1,282 valid signatures. Apparently, more than 5,000 of the 17,904 signatures submitted by Anderson were not valid.
In other words, Pam Anderson was not a wildly popular candidate among Republicans.
So how did Pam Anderson suddenly pull off a miraculous 35 point swing on Primary Day two months later with no money and no endorsements?
The only advantage that Pam Anderson had in this race: she’s on the Board of Directors for Mark Zuckerberg’s private election mafia, the “Center For Tech And Civic Life.”
Isn’t it strange that the director of Mark Zuckerberg’s private election charity for Democrats (on temporary leave!) just won the most important election integrity race in Colorado — and a GOP primary no less — as a write-in candidate with a 35 point polling swing with no money and no visible support from Republicans?
One more thing:
Colorado uses Dominion Voting Machines.".......
That would be something like Ted Cruz winning the Mayorship of New York City.
This was rigged to be Griswold against Anderson, a fake Soros vs. Zuckerberg Cage Match to the #FakeDeath, next on "Cheaters"!
"This “investigation” is centered around Colorado and the Tina Peter’s criminal case. But the imperative civil lawsuits in El Paso County are being widely ignored by the judiciary. The Gateway Pundit has covered the recount debacle in Colorado and the stonewalling by Sec of State Jena Griswold from conducting a candidate funded hand recount after the atrocious failure of the Logic and Accuracy testing back in August. The lawsuit to compel a hand recount was dismissed from the district court, refused by the CO Supreme Court, and now headed to the US Supreme Court, where hopefully they choose to hear this. There is standing. There is injury. It is recent enough. And there is relief that can be granted. There is no excuse not to hear this case.".......
According to the Gestapo Agents who interrogated him, the Lindell Raid centers on the Regime trying to frame Tina Peters and Dr. Douglas Frank for exposing the Total Rigging of Colorado’s Elections with Dominion CheatWare.
Dr. Frank was just accosted by the Nazis this morning.
Outside of the supernatural Glory of God which is Coming, there is only One Thing the Occupation Government fears even more than Donald Trump:
Honest Elections.
And it shows.
ps; The Mail-In Fraud is horrible, too--and often done to echo and thereby mask the Voting Machine Fraud.
That said, VOTE! These gears need more sand! .................
More: Mike Lindell Announces Lawsuit Against US Government and FBI (rumble.com)
Home | Selection Code Movie --Tina Peters' story--not to be missed.
She relates one incident about a local Mesa city election after the 2020 Theft. Mesa is a super-Red city, poised to elect a conservative council. But a slate of leftists connected to Jena Griswold somehow won. It would be like Wyoming electing Nancy Pelosi. The Democrat campaign manager announced their victory one hour before a single result had been tabulated. That's because he was on the phone with Griswold's office in Denver, where the real "counting" goes on.
Follow the Data with Dr Frank – Telegram
People are contacting me like crazy since the FBI confiscated my phone. Many are asking me how they can help.
1) Keep up with the latest by following my social media.
2) Watch the Lindell Report weekdays at 6pm CT: FrankSpeech.com
3) Join the growing grassroots movement across the country exposing the widespread election fraud. The fix is local! CauseOfAmerica.org
4) Help us out financially: LindellLegalFund.org
5) Watch and share this one-hour movie with your friends (it's free): SelectionCode.com
6) Tell everyone that widespread election fraud is real, that we all need to vote, and that we need to get rid of all electronic systems affiliated with voting (since they are so hackable). Be annoying!
And most importantly, pray every day. We're in this mess because we've degenerated as a nation. We the People have lost our way, and need to return our eyes toward heaven.
"Only a virtuous people are capable of Freedom" - Benjamin Franklin
BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reads Off List of Trump Allies Subpoenaed by Merrick Garland's DOJ (rumble.com)
DOJ Conceals Records About Federal Agencies Rigging Elections (thefederalist.com)
The Moment of Truth Summit From Start to Finish | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
This is chock full of vital info.
For instance, did you know that Obiden just created a Voter Surveillance Bureau within the Post Office? Remember that truck full of blank Mail-In ballots that disappeared in 2020? This is worse than that. You may like your mailman, but headquarters in D.C. is now just another Domestic Spy Agency.
Their database has a photograph of every piece of mail in America, It has your complete voting history. It geo-locates you. It tracks every Mail-In ballot at every stage with special bar codes. It can tell which zip codes are voting when and what the likely results are--very helpful to friendly candidates. It can tell if you've not returned your ballot. In the hands of bad actors, that makes it available to be "voted". How many Trump voters have shown up only to be told they had already voted?
If you think you just put a stamp on it and they take it where it's supposed to go, think again.
FBI Surrounds Mike Lindell and Takes Cell Phone | FS Media (frankspeech.com)
"The FBI agents started by asking him questions about Mesa, Colorado, Dominion, Tina Peters, and Doug Frank. However, this was only a prelude to what the agents actually wanted. Lindell was given a subpoena and was told that he needed to hand over his cell phone. His reply? “Are you kidding me? You are not getting my phone.”
Grand Jury Subpoena #22-105
When someone owns five companies and has a busy schedule, a cell phone is an important item. Especially for Mike Lindell, who uses the phone for everything, even to operate his hearing aids. There had to be a good reason for the FBI to want his cell phone, right? So, what did they want from his phone?
According to the Grand Jury Subpoena, this was part of an official criminal investigation of a suspected felony from the Federal Grand Jury in the District of Colorado. The document instructed Lindell to keep silent about the subpoena as it could “interfere with their investigation.” That of course wasn’t going to happen with Mike Lindell.
In the seizure document it had the FBI seizing Lindell’s phone for four things: All records and information relating to damage to any Dominion computerized voting system, including any impairment to, or attempt to impair, the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information
All records and information relating to BIOS on any Dominion computerized voting system, including any modification to, or attempt to modify, a BIOS setting
All records and information relating to the attachment of any peripheral to any Dominion computerized voting system, including any USB flash storage drive or other external storage media
All records and information relating to the operation of any Optical Disc Drive on any Dominion computerized voting system, including the use or attempted use of CDs or DVDs to run software
In addition to seizing the cell phone, Lindell was given the summons to testify in a District of Colorado in early November.
Give Them Your Phone!
Mike Lindell asked and was allowed to contact his lawyer. The attorney advised him to hand over the phone. After Lindell asked if he would be arrested if he declined, the attorney pressed his point. Subsequently, Mike reluctantly complied. However, the conversation didn’t end there because Mike Lindell had a lot to say.
Weaponizing the FBI
Throughout the entire encounter, the agents stated that they were doing their jobs. Yet, Lindell asked them if they were aware that they were being weaponized against American citizens, like Sherrona Bishop. When the businessman asked the FBI why they didn’t just kick down his door as they did with Bishop, the agents said that she didn’t answer the door. Mind you, Bishop didn’t answer for 35 seconds before they busted down the door and dragged her half-dressed daughter out of the house.
Find It on FrankSpeechDelaware Judge Rules Vote-by-Mail Violates State's Constitution, Cannot be Used in November Election (thegatewaypundit.com)
Furthermore, all of this is being done to prosecute Tina Peters, who saved and proved that there was something wrong with the Dominion machines and that there needs to be a recount. To add insult to injury, this entire encounter was unnecessary. All of the information that agents were looking for is on FrankSpeech! Inside the Machine and Bombshell Proof has all Mesa, Colorado information and more. At this point, it is hilarious to think that Lindell would keep silent about the overt abuse and corruption, let alone the subpoena.
Tina Peters is a True American Hero.
Findings and Implications:
1) There was an unauthorized creation of new election databases during early voting in the 2020 General Election on October 21, 2020, followed by the digital reloading of 20,346 ballot records into the new election databases, making the original voter intent recorded from the ballots unknown. In addition, 5,567 ballots in 58 batches did not have their digital records copied to the new database, although the votes from the ballots in those batches were recorded in the Main election database.
2) The same unauthorized creation of new election databases occurred during the 2021 Grand Junction Municipal Election on March 30, 2021, followed by the digital reloading of 2,974 ballot records, making the original voter intent recorded on those ballots unknown. In addition, 4,458 ballots in 46 batches did not have their digital records copied to the Page 4 of 87 new database, although the votes from the ballots in those batches were recorded in the Main election database.
3) The absence of secure hash algorithm (.sha) files for each digital ballot image makes the authenticity of each digital ballot image, and the ballot level record for those ballots, impossible to verify.
4) The true total vote count in Mesa County, Colorado cannot be accurately calculated for the 2020 General Election or the 2021 Grand Junction Municipal Election from records in the databases of the county’s voting system.
5) There is no function or feature on the EMS server that could be executed inadvertently or deliberately by a local election official that would cause this combination of events to occur, especially within the time frame that these events occurred. Given the complex sequence of data manipulations and deletions necessary to produce the digital evidence described in this report, this combination of events could not have been the result of either deliberate or inadvertent actions by those officials.
6) Dominion’s installation of the Trusted Build update on the EMS in May of 2021, as ordered by the Colorado Secretary of State, destroyed all data on the EMS hard drive, including the batch and ballot records that evidenced the creation of new databases and reprocessing of ballot records described in Findings 1 and 2 above. This destruction of all data by the trusted build is described in the “Mesa County, Colorado Voting Systems Forensic Examination and Analysis Report”.
7) The fact that such ballot record manipulation has been shown demonstrates a critical security failure with the DVS EMS wherever it is used. The manipulation would not be identifiable to an election official using the voting systems, nor to an observer or judge overseeing the election conduct, much less to citizens with no access to the voting systems; without both cyber and database management system expertise, and Page 5 of 87 unfettered access to database records and computer log files (many of which were destroyed by the actions of the Secretary of State) from the EMS server, the manipulation would be undetectable.--Tina Peters for Colorado
1 John 4:15-17 15 If someone says, “I believe that Jesus is the Son of God,” then God lives in him. And he lives in God. 16 And so we know the love that God has for us, and we trust that love. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him. |
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