"The reason no amount of safety data changes the Federal Government's stance on vaccines is because the purpose of the new vaccines is to introduce biometric surveillance — not to stop the spread of COVID."--Emerald Robinson
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A: Danielle Mei |
UPDATE: MUST-WATCH: RFK Jr.’s speech at Hillsdale College: Anthony Fauci and the Public Health Establishment | Hillsdale College Freedom Library
Why I Wrote ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ • Children's Health Defense--RFK, Jr.:
I wrote this book so that Americans — both Democrat and Republican — can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dominate our government and subvert our democracy, and to chronicle the key role Dr. Fauci has played in the current coup d’état against democracy.
While some Republicans bridled warily at Dr. Fauci’s accumulating power and seemingly arbitrary pronouncements, the alchemies of political tribalism and the relentlessly stoked terror of COVID-19 persuaded spellbound Democrats to close their eyes to the damning evidence that his COVID-19 policies were a catastrophic and dangerous failure.
As an advocate for public health, robust science and independent regulatory agencies — free from corruption and financial entanglements with Pharma — I have battled Dr. Fauci for many years.
I know him personally, and my impression of him is very different from my fellow Democrats, who first encountered him as the polished, humble, earnest, endearing and long-suffering star of the televised White House COVID press conferences.
Dr. Fauci played a historic role as the leading architect of “agency capture” — the corporate seizure of America’s public health agencies by the pharmaceutical industry.
Lamentably, Dr. Fauci’s failure to achieve public health goals during the COVID pandemic are not anomalous errors, but consistent with a recurrent pattern of sacrificing public health and safety on the altar of pharmaceutical profits and self-interest. He consistently prioritized pharmaceutical industry profits over public health.
Readers of these pages will learn how in exalting patented medicine Dr. Fauci has, throughout his long career, routinely falsified science, deceived the public and physicians, and lied about safety and efficacy.
Dr. Fauci’s malefactions detailed in this volume include his crimes against the hundreds of Black and Hispanic orphan and foster children whom he subjected to cruel and deadly medical experiments and his role, with Bill Gates, in transforming hundreds of thousands of Africans into lab rats for low-cost clinical trials of dangerous experimental drugs that, once approved, remain financially out of reach for most Africans.
You will learn how Dr. Fauci and Mr. Gates have turned the African continent into a dumping ground for expired, dangerous and ineffective drugs, many of them discontinued for safety reasons in the U.S. and Europe.
You will read how Dr. Fauci’s strange fascination with, and generous investments in, so-called “gain of function” experiments to engineer pandemic superbugs, give rise to the ironic possibility that Dr. Fauci may have played a role in triggering the global contagion that two U.S. presidents entrusted him to manage.
You will also read about his two-decade strategy of promoting false pandemics as a scheme for promoting novel vaccines, drugs and Pharma profits.
You will learn of his actions to conceal widespread contamination in blood and vaccines, his destructive vendettas against scientists who challenge the Pharma paradigm, his deliberate sabotaging of patent-expired remedies against infectious diseases, from HIV to COVID-19, to grease the skids for less effective, but more profitable, remedies.
You will learn of the grotesque body counts that have accumulated in the wake of his cold-blooded focus on industry profits over public health.
All his strategies during COVID — falsifying science to bring dangerous and ineffective drugs to market, suppressing and sabotaging competitive products that have lower profit margins even if the cost is prolonging pandemics and losing thousands of lives — all of these share a common purpose: the myopic devotion to Pharma.
This book will show you that Tony Fauci does not do public health; he is a businessman, who has used his office to enrich his pharmaceutical partners and expand the reach of influence that has made him the most powerful — and despotic — doctor in human history.
For some readers, reaching that conclusion will require crossing some new bridges. Many readers, however, intuitively know the real Anthony Fauci, and need only to see the facts illuminated and organized.
I wrote this book so that Americans — both Democrat and Republican — can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dominate our government and subvert our democracy, and to chronicle the key role Dr. Fauci has played in the current coup d’état against democracy.".......
“He has a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases,” Kennedy said. (book link) He has another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research, and that is why he had to do the gain of function … He was locked into that; 68% of his personal salary comes from doing military/bioweapons research that used to be called ‘dual-use.’”
So, if you can say “I’m doing vaccine research,” then you can do bioweapons research, backdoor bioweapons research, and that’s what he did. After the anthrax attacks in 2001, the Pentagon and the CIA began pouring money into bioweapons research. The Pentagon was nervous about doing it itself, because of the ban, the prohibition on it. So, those cohorts began funneling money to Tony Fauci to do it because he could legitimately say, “Well, I’m not really doing bioweapons research, I’m doing vaccine research.”
And Fauci was giving them millions and millions of dollars but the biggest contributor was the CIA, which gave about $69 million through USA ID to do that kind of research, and then the Pentagon through DARPA, which gave about $39 million to do that. And the three of them are all working in tandem, U.S. agencies with smaller amounts coming from Homeland Security, and the other agencies and they were teaching the Chinese how to weaponize bat viruses.”…….
Rest in the Vine: "All Along the Watchtower" by Dr. Robert Malone:
"Before I was de-platformed by Twitter for posting the famously accurate Canadian COVID Care Alliance video, before I was de-platformed by LinkedIn for the same reason, before the infamous Joe Rogan hit #1757 where I said the three little words “mass formation psychosis” that caused the Silicon Valley overlords to loose bladder control, many feared that I was “controlled opposition”. And for good reason.
I have spent most of my career deeply involved in the US Biodefense enterprise. I have worked closely with biodefense research teams at USAMRIID, DTRA, and MIT Lincoln Lab. I was once a business partner with a retired CIA officer who was deeply involved in the DoD biodefense enterprise, and I have co-published with another. I once worked for the Dynport Vaccine Company, which had the DoD contract for “advanced development” (basically, clinical testing) of virtually all biodefense medical countermeasures for the US Department of Defense. My father worked as a federal defense contractor all his life, as did my father in law. In my father’s case, it was mostly in high energy systems- including developing technologies for protection against the electromagnetic surge effects of “the bomb” as well as exploding foil – the technology used to trigger “the bomb”. My father in-law ran the Raytheon special projects division – basically a CIA gadget and technology shop. Think “Q” from the James Bond series. This is a byzantine world that I have deep understanding of, and direct experience with for virtually my entire life. I lived by the mantra which all DC bureaucrats know – keep your head down, because if they cannot see you, they cannot shoot you.
But I never really allowed myself to confront the possibility that we might not be the good guys, the white hats. Until I experienced what we have all been through over the last two years. A government (or really multiple governments) that clearly believes that it is justified in disregarding fundamental principles of bioethics and the common rule. And like many others, once I saw that, it was like having backed into a light switch and suddenly the entire room was lit up, and I could never un-see what was revealed. Are we always the good guys? Or is this just more interchangeable Spy vs Spy, where ethics and roles and fungible and “situational”. A world in which there are no good guys, no white hats. Just a matter of media spin, perspective, and realpolitik. The world as envisioned by Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab.
And by the way, “biodefense” is big business. Yet more weapons of war.".......
MORE: Rest in the Vine: "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Rest in the Vine: The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie
American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Edward Curtin "When a book as fascinating, truthful, beautifully written, and politically significant as American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, written by a very well-known author by the name of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and published by a prominent publisher (HarperCollins), is boycotted by mainstream book reviewers, you know it is an important book and has touched a nerve that the corporate mainstream media wish to anesthetize by eschewal. ... It is the heart of this book that has the reviewers avoiding it like the plague, perhaps a plague introduced by a little mockingbird. Days before the California primary, seated next to journalist Pete Hamill on his campaign plane, my father mused aloud about his options. ‘I have to decide whether to eliminate the operations arm of the Agency or what the hell to do with it,’ he told Hamill. ‘We can’t have those cowboys wandering around and shooting people and doing all those unauthorized things.’” American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (goodreads.com) |
Labs of Judgment: Ukraine Always Get What You Want
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”--Margaret ThatcherAnd the problem with these Globalists is that you eventually run out of other people.
Pentagon Clarifies, No "Offensive" Biologic Weapons in Ukraine Bio-Labs Where U.S. Defense Dept Was Working - The Last Refuge: "The DoD says the U.S. has not been involved in “offensive biological weapon” creation in Ukraine. Technically, all of the weapons in the U.S. military are classified as “defensive” weapons, ergo the Department of Defense. Every weapon is defensive until it is used; then, depending on the circumstances, the use of the weapon changes its classification to offensive. Why would biological weapons be any different?".......
"The project’s goal was to research the potential of especially dangerous pathogens to be transmitted via migratory birds, including the highly pathogenic H5N1 flu, whose lethality for humans can reach 50%, as well as Newcastle disease. The use of migratory birds for possible delivery of pathogens was a major research program between Smithsonian Institute and the US Department of Defense in the past.".......
"In complicity with the pharmaceutical industry, U.S. public health institutions lied about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and, either directly or indirectly, enforced unethical and dangerous vaccination mandates, while suppressing the use of early intervention therapeutics. All of the above caused over a million unnecessary American deaths. And we are still counting. Yet, so far, no one has been held accountable because the Globalist Uniparty that controls the U.S. government, like the Chinese Communist Party, considers all of the above part of a successful operation in controlling the American population and maintaining its iron grip on power.".......
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"Ike's not a communist, he's a golfer."--Russell Kirk |
Ike's Farewell, Jan., 1961:
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades. In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.".......
We didn’t fight them over there to let ObidenFuhrer install a Fourth Turning-Reich over here.
Even now, they are destroyed. GOD’s Word.
ps: look at that number on the paratrooper’s chest.
In this unusual book, “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” Edward Dowd proves an undeniable and urgent reality, laid out with facts that can be confirmed by any reader, point by point, page by page. --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr."Among the world’s towering financial titans is BlackRock, a company with a bigger economy than every country on Earth except the U.S. and China. They manage $10 trillion in assets.
In 2002, BlackRock recruited the brilliant Wall Street careerist Edward Dowd, and soon promoted him to serve as managing director.
Turns out BlackRock made a very good bet on Ed Dowd: the growth fund he managed started at $2 billion. By the time he left BlackRock, it was $14 billion.
His work with BlackRock required a keen ability to understand markets, pick stocks, analyze statistics and identify trends.
In 2021, Dowd found himself withdrawing from Wall Street to study an entirely new kind of trend: the expanding and tragic epidemic of sudden deaths among healthy young people.
Every country dutifully maintains statistics on what’s called “all-cause mortality” — deaths from any cause whatsoever. Whether accidents, disease, suicide, homicide, natural disaster or unexplained deaths, there is a long-established and fairly consistent baseline of all-cause mortality, year over year. Anything above that baseline is considered “excess death.”
In 2021, it was Ed Dowd — not the public health officials that citizens rely upon — but Dowd who brought international attention to the fact that healthy working-age Americans were dying, and dying suddenly, at an alarming rate not seen before.
These excess deaths were not anticipated by insurance actuaries, and weren’t attributed to COVID-19.
Dowd framed the issue in a way I can’t forget:
“From February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam War, with more than 60,000 excess deaths. The Vietnam War took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people we’ve just seen die in 12 months.”
One after another, reports from life insurance companies confirmed what Dowd was discovering, and in early 2022, he convened a group of insurance industry executives to explore it further.
Later, he recruited expert analysts from around the world, and drawing on data from various official sources in many countries, he and his growing team committed to study the topic from every available vantage point.
In this unusual book, “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” Dowd proves an undeniable and urgent reality, laid out with facts that can be confirmed by any reader, point by point, page by page.
He has helped us all understand something that many powerful people want to deny — and would get away with denying were it not for his skills and integrity.
Anyone who appreciates truth and accuracy owes Ed Dowd their gratitude. He certainly has mine.".......
The Vigilant Fox 🦊 on Twitter: "1/ THREAD #Covid19files 'Something Horrible Is Going On': The Longer They Ignore It, the More Criminal It Is "Why have they not stopped this? They see what we see."--Ed Dowd. Denmark stopped jabbing people under 50.
2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.
A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent.
And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions:
- What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people?
- What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?
It isn’t COVID, of course, because we know that COVID is not a significant cause of death in young people. Various stakeholders opine about what could be causing this epidemic of unexpected sudden deaths, but “CAUSE UNKNOWN” doesn’t opine or speculate. The facts just are, and the math just is.
The book begins with a close look at the actual human reality behind the statistics, and when you see the people who are represented by the dry term Excess Mortality, it’s difficult to accept so many unexpected sudden deaths of young athletes, known to be the healthiest among us. Similarly, when lots of healthy teenagers and young adults die in their sleep without obvious reason, collapse and die on a family outing, or fall down dead while playing sports, that all by itself raises an immediate public health concern. Or at least it used to.
Ask yourself if you recall seeing these kinds of things occurring during your own life—in junior high? In high school? In college? How many times in your life did you hear of a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance? Your own life experience and intuition will tell you that what you’re about to see is not normal.
Or at least it wasn’t normal before 2021." .......
"Above all, take up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one."
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