Sunday, January 15, 2023

"2023 A YEAR TO BE FREE AND A YEAR OF GREAT VICTORY"--The Lord your Redeemer


Date Word Received: January 2, 2023 -Watch video
"For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children what to say and declare in this new year of 2023.
2023 is:

a year to be free
a year of glee
a year of prophecy
a year to end what you see
a year of great victory
a year of great prosperity
a year to bring a great correction
a year that will bring justice
a year that will bring a great exchange
a year for me
a year of reversal of the captivity
the year of great glory

The year of 2023 is a year to be free.
Call in freedom:

from sickness
from lack
from families being divided
in your lands
from tyrannical governments
from all the things your enemies have used to hold you captive

Say these words, declare them daily, My children, and watch and see how fast I show up for thee.

For those in My church that are only looking to Trump and Trump prophecies, you are looking and paying attention to one thing and one thing only. If it doesn't happen, you quit, but you have missed all the things that I have already done. Do not be your ancestors in the wilderness. They focused on all the wrong things and missed the great things I had already done for them.

My hand is moving.
My hand is delivering.
Things I already started for a great and sudden shift. Don't miss what I have already done and what I am about to do. Remember, not all My children saw the Promised Land, even though it was My Will for them to see it and experience it right away. They chose to believe what they saw. They chose to believe what they felt. They chose to believe an evil report over Mine. Do not be deceived and tricked by your enemies' influence or persuasion. Do not listen to people who don't believe the truth. They are there to steal it from you. Get your strength from Me; I will give it to you. So just rely on me in 2023, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Lord, but what about Trump and his return? My children, he never left his position, no matter what this crooked and fraudulent government says. No matter what things look like. Do not be moved. My children, I am restoring your president back to where you can see him. He has been restored, even though you can't see it. A reinstatement has taken place, even though you don't understand it. Prophecy is being fulfilled. I am not saying this to you today to only focus on this. This prophecy is not the only one that matters or the only one that is changing everything you see. Stop focusing on just this, or you will miss what I am doing in front of you now.

Call your rightful president back now. Call him to be seen in his rightful seat. Call in his reinstatement to be seen.
Call your enemies to fail. Call your enemies to be removed.
Shout it and declare it. This is the year for great fulfillment.
This year, rely on your faith and trust in Me and My Word. Do not put your faith and trust in man.

This year, rely not on your own understanding but rely on My Words.
Have great expectancy in the year of 2023.
Remember, a great year to be free, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Sodom and Gomorrah: this will be in your news for a surprising reason.

Armageddon will be used again and again to describe many things going on around the world. But I said, remember, things are not how they appear to be, so do not walk by sight but walk by faith.

Hezbollah will be in the news, and they will make a shocking statement that will get the world's attention.

Greece will be in your news for a surprising reason.

Antarctica will be in your news for a shocking reason. Yes, it will shock the world what has been going on there and what has been hidden there that will not stay hidden anymore.

An earthquake will hit an unusual place that will definitely get the world's attention.

I will mention the Pacific Ocean and the Ring of Fire again. They will say it has woken up and to expect more earthquakes and devastation. My children remember My Words; they are doing things behind the scenes to cause destruction and distractions. Something big on the horizon is coming to destroy your enemies once and for all. Their distractions will become greater in this time to discourage you. Stand like never before. I told you to war like never before.

Your enemies you see today, soon, and very soon, you will see no more. So, start declaring this daily, saith the Lord of Hosts.

The Appalachian Mountains will be in your news once again, and the reason why will surprise you and shock the world.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center will be in your news for a significant reason. Great exposures are coming that cannot be held back.

A Supreme Court ruling will shock this Nation and bring a great shaking to this land, saith the Lord.

Wake up. Get up, My children, and start declaring your freedoms. Demanding freedom. Start declaring your enemies' defeat and every lie to be revealed. Do not wait; shout these things out loud.

Your enemies will run and scatter before you. They are running out of time. Their plans are failing and falling apart before your eyes. I will say this again- don't stop, and do not give up. It's almost the end of the Great Exodus in this land and around the world. So rejoice in your freedoms, rejoice in your victories, rejoice in My deliverance that is coming for you. Take it all back, take it and receive it now. My trumpet is about to sound. So declare this as well- the trumpet is about to sound that will destroy the power of the enemies I see today. Don't give in to the pressures of today. Remember, I am on the inside of you, and I'm greater than anything you see, saith the Lord your Redeemer.".................
2 Corinthians 1:20

For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are 
[all answered] “Yes.” 
So through Him we say our “Amen” to the glory of God.


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