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Amos 9:11–13 “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the LORD that doeth this. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt." |
"...For the public gallows they have erected, and the decrees they have attempted through pious judges and generals and the departments of justice and law shall be written over in due season, says the Lord. They shall be written over, they shall be over-ridden, over-ruled. FOR I AM THE HIGHEST JUDGE. AND THE JUDGES WHO TOOK CASES OF MONEY AND CONSUMED THE PROMISES OF SERPENTS SHALL FALL AND WILL SUDDENLY FALL SAYS THE LORD..."
Also a warning to Putin not to choose Islam over Israel.
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2 Samuel 3 3 The war between the house of Saul and the house of David dragged on and on. The longer it went on the stronger David became, with the house of Saul getting weaker. 2-5 During the Hebron years, sons were born to David: Amnon, born of Ahinoam of Jezreel—the firstborn; 6-7 Abner took advantage of the continuing war between the house of Saul and the house of David to gain power for himself. Saul had had a concubine, Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. One day Ish-Bosheth confronted Abner: “What business do you have sleeping with my father’s concubine?” 8-10 Abner lost his temper with Ish-Bosheth, “Treat me like a dog, will you! Is this the thanks I get for sticking by the house of your father, Saul, and all his family and friends? I personally saved you from certain capture by David, and you make an issue out of my going to bed with a woman! What God promised David, I’ll help accomplish—transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and make David ruler over the whole country, both Israel and Judah, from Dan to Beersheba. If not, may God do his worst to me.” 11 Ish-Bosheth, cowed by Abner’s outburst, couldn’t say another word. 12 Abner went ahead and sent personal messengers to David: “Make a deal with me and I’ll help bring the whole country of Israel over to you.” 13 “Great,” said David. “It’s a deal. But only on one condition: You’re not welcome here unless you bring Michal, Saul’s daughter, with you when you come to meet me.” 14 David then sent messengers to Ish-Bosheth son of Saul: “Give me back Michal, whom I won as my wife at the cost of a hundred Philistine foreskins.” 15-16 Ish-Bosheth ordered that she be taken from her husband Paltiel son of Laish. But Paltiel followed her, weeping all the way, to Bahurim. There Abner told him, “Go home.” And he went home. 17-18 Abner got the elders of Israel together and said, “Only yesterday, it seems, you were looking for a way to make David your king. So do it—now! For God has given the go-ahead on David: ‘By my servant David’s hand, I’ll save my people Israel from the oppression of the Philistines and all their other enemies.’” 19 Abner took the Benjaminites aside and spoke to them. Then he went to Hebron for a private talk with David, telling him everything that Israel in general and Benjamin in particular were planning to do. 20 When Abner and the twenty men who were with him met with David in Hebron, David laid out a feast for them. 21 Abner then said, “I’m ready. Let me go now to rally everyone in Israel for my master, the king. They’ll make a treaty with you, authorizing you to rule them however you see fit.” Abner was sent off with David’s blessing. |
Text: ACTION ITEMS:"*As people are shaken awake and lose what is not of Him, we can tell them of the sweetness of knowing Him and of the good future He has planned for the world. Comfort them as He has comforted us and invite them to know His goodness and His power. We are to keep strengthened in Him so that He can pour thru us to help steady people thru this bittersweet time.
*Don’t be alarmed and distracted by the parade of fear-filled stories that pour out. Instead, pick them off one-by-one until the darkness if fully exposed and beaten. Pray that His presence will be released upon the people who will be crying out in pain, suffering, and confusion.
*When we surrender our lives to the sacrifice and love of Jesus, we must allow it to grow in us and to consume us. We have to come to realize we can not earn His love and that nothing will ever stop Him from loving you. Then, our motivation will be love for whatever we do—not a religious checklist. Lost and broken people need the antidote of His love, expressed through you. Speak beautiful, life-giving words—they heal souls. Use the power of your words to speak life!
*Do not get sucked into fear-mongering! Stay in an atmosphere of faith and trust in Him.
*As the Army of Light we are called to push back the dark forces behind the plans of invasion. We are to send confusion into their ranks, and declare that their plans will backfire onto them. We are being given spiritual intel and strategies to pray to cut off the planned attacks. (Donna Rigney and others have called for specific prayer for New York.)
*Because we are fighting a war of words (information warfare), we must not align our words with the darkness or use their tactics. The darkness uses accusation, slander, and condemning words with those who do not agree with them. Knock off trying to control others because you want to prove that you are right or because your spirituality is threatened by someone else’s experiences. We need to say “I will not be afraid of letting You become bigger in my life.”
*We need to change the way we view bad judgments. He does not consider them defeats but rather exposures on steroids—people and plots being exposed. Hold steady, continue to call forth exposures, exposures, exposures, and call in the judgments of the unjust.
*This is a season of revelation: we are going to know who is of the darkness and who is of the Light. Trust this crucial part of His strategy, as He draws those partnered with darkness deeper into His trap. Keep steady in His love, protection, and provision for us and call forth His showdown.
*Instead of FRETTING at the present shenanigans of those partnered with darkness as they FUTILELY try to STOP the AGE OF EXPANSION, start IMAGINING how GOOD, how FULL, how RICH, and how FREE life is going to be, as His Spirit POURS OUT on the world and the Kingdom Age flourishes."
"... And Lord, we conclude this prayer by remembering to pray for protection over our waterways, water supplies, dams, and ports. We thank You for protecting our nation from the destruction the enemy has planned for us. We also continue to bind the strong man over the Middle East, declaring that the hold of the “prince of Persia” is broken over that region in the name of Jesus. We declare Your will over the Middle East, that the people there are free through the blood of Jesus, and that the veil of deception is being lifted from their eyes. We also pray this over Asia, asking for the Spirit of revelation to replace all deception, leading to the harvest of millions and millions of people.
And finally, we ask You to continue revealing the corruption in our land, especially in our government, and remove it. Send revival, we pray, in Jesus’ name.
Our decree:
We declare that we are Your hands and feet in the earth, even when we don't feel as though we are. According to John 14:12, the works Jesus did, we will do, and even greater works, in His powerful name." .......
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Luke 18 18 1-3 Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit. He said, “There was once a judge in some city who never gave God a thought and cared nothing for people. A widow in that city kept after him: ‘My rights are being violated. Protect me!’ 4-5 “He never gave her the time of day. But after this went on and on he said to himself, ‘I care nothing what God thinks, even less what people think. But because this widow won’t quit badgering me, I’d better do something and see that she gets justice—otherwise I’m going to end up beaten black-and-blue by her pounding.’” 6-8 Then the Master said, “Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying? So what makes you think God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t he stick up for them? I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?” |
I See God's Glory Getting Brighter in Your Life! | Mike Thompson (2-16-24) (youtube.com)
FlashPoint LIVE Colorado Prophetic Update (2/9/24) (youtube.com)
Jerry Savelle: Remain Steadfast on the Promise - Progressing and Advancing, Part 4 (youtube.com)
URGENT WARNING From God!! For The WORLD!! | Donna Rigney (youtube.com)
More: ALERT! We Have Been INVADED!! I Saw The Future! | Donna Rigney (youtube.com)
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Joel 3 Judging the Nations 3 In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all the nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. I will enter into judgment with them there regarding My people and My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land. 3 They have cast lots for My people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute; they have sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. 4 Also, what are you to Me, Tyre and Sidon and all the regions of Philistia? Are you repaying Me for something? If you are repaying Me, I will return your payment swiftly and speedily on your head. 5 For you have taken My silver and My gold, and you have carried off My finest treasures to your temples. 6 You have sold the people of Judah and Jerusalem to the Greeks in order to remove them far from their border. 7 I am about to rouse them from the place to which you have sold them, and I will return your payment on your head. 8 I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans—to a distant nation, for the Lord has spoken. 9 Proclaim this among the nations: Consecrate a war! Stir up the mighty men! Let all the men of war draw near and rise. 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weakling say, “I am a warrior!” 11 Hurry and come, all you surrounding nations, and gather there. Bring down Your warriors, O Lord. 12 Let the nations be roused, and go up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; for there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations. 13 Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come and tread, for the winepress is full. The wine vats overflow, because their evil is great. 14 Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of the decision. 15 The sun and moon darken, and the stars withdraw their radiance. 16 The Lord roars from Zion, and sounds His voice from Jerusalem, and heaven and earth quake. But the Lord is a refuge for His people, and a stronghold for the children of Israel. 17 Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who dwells in Zion, My holy mountain. And Jerusalem will be holy, and invaders will never again pass through her. 18 And it will be that in that day the mountains will drip sweet wine, and the hills will flow with milk, and all the streambeds of Judah will flow with water; a spring will proceed from the house of the Lord and will water the Valley of Acacias. 19 Egypt will become a desolation, and Edom a desolate wasteland, because of the violence done to the people of Judah— they shed innocent blood in their land. 20 But Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem for generations and generations. 21 I will avenge their blood, which I have not yet avenged. The Lord dwells in Zion! |
The Eleventh Hour S24 #8 (youtube.com)
The Covenant Healing Room (Prophetic Dream) | Tim Sheets - YouTube
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Psalm 24 A psalm of David. 1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. 2 For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. 3 Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. 5 They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior. 6 Such people may seek you and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob. 7 Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter. 8 Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle. 9 Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter. 10 Who is the King of glory? The Lord of Heaven’s Armies— he is the King of glory. We praise You Father God, King of Glory and Lord of Hosts, Amen! |
“The Special Counsel’s report covers the finding of classified documents in a number of locations. Let’s focus on one of those, the Penn Biden Center, in order to illuminate the national security concerns that are in the process of being buried.
The Penn Biden Center is a supposed “think tank” created just for Joe Biden when he stepped down as Vice-President in 2016. It is supposedly focused on our China policy and relations with Communist China. It is, in fact, a propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It toes the CCP line and parrots the talking points of Xi Jinping. During the pandemic, it focused much of its attention on branding anyone who said COVID came from a lab in Wuhan as racist and xenophobic.
The Penn Biden Center is awash in Chinese money. During the period between Biden stepping down as Vice-President and his election as President the Center received $61 million from Beijing. It does not account for the source of these funds as required by law. It has refused multiple requests to explain how it gets all this money from China or what it does in exchange for the cash.
The Penn Biden Center never criticizes Chinese policy. It shamelessly repeats the blatant lies of the Chinese Communists on every topic.
The Penn Biden Center is affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania. It was established around Joe Biden after he left the Vice-Presidency. That means it was created after Joe left federal service. The office in which the documents were found did not exist prior to Joe becoming a private citizen. He could not have inadvertently transported documents there during his time as Vice-President, because there was no Penn Biden Center then.
The classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center were in unlocked, uncontrolled spaces. No one can really tell you who brought them there or when. Everything about how the documents got there and why remains murky. Visitor logs for the Penn Biden Center for the time period during which Joe was there were not made available to the Special Counsel.
Among the documents found was a folder marked “Eyes Only” with the additional notation “VPOTUS.” “Eyes Only” is a designator used to refer to highly classified documents, which are intended to be seen only by specific individuals. In this context, “VPOTUS” means Vice-President of the United States. So, that would suggest that the folder contained documents that were being restricted to only a handful of individuals within the U.S. government.
The exact contents of this folder were not revealed in the unclassified version of the Special Counsel’s report released to the public. It is known, however, from the redacted images published that in the folder were a TOP SECRET CIA report on the Iran nuclear report and what appears to be a significant number of handwritten notes made by Joe Biden detailing what intelligence we had on the Iran nuclear program as of the date the notes were made.
It is also known that some of the documents at least were marked “SCI.” That stands for Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence. It means the information in those documents came from very sensitive sources – the compromise of which would significantly harm American national security.” …….