“She [America] well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.
The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force…. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit….
Her glory is not dominion, but liberty. Her march is the march of the mind. She has a spear and a shield: but the motto upon her shield is, Freedom, Independence, Peace. This has been her Declaration: this has been, as far as her necessary intercourse with the rest of mankind would permit, her practice.”–John Quincy Adams, 1821
Mark Steyn on Borders (from 2003):
"Did you see what Sandra Day O'Connor said the other day? Swingin' Sandra is the fifth vote on all the 5-4 decisions setting the course for this great Republic, the one the lawyers pitch their arguments to, which isn't as easy as it sounds, given the lack of discernible legal principles governing her erratic pendulum. Clarence Thomas has a sign on the wall of his office: "Please do not emanate into the penumbra." But over at Sandra's pad it's all penumbra: The trick for counsel is figuring, in this constitutional twilight zone, which particular degree of gray tickles her fancy on any given day.
Even so, it comes as a shock to discover that Sandra's now swingin' not between left and right but between the U.S. Constitution and Belgian law. As she told her audience in Atlanta: "Over time we will rely increasingly -- or take notice, at least, increasingly -- on international and foreign courts in examining domestic issues." Doing so "may not only enrich our own country's decisions, I think it may create that all-important good impression."
Until recently, U.S. courts declined to consider foreign courts [this is not quite so - KA]. But, as Justice O'Connor was happy to report, that's all changed: In "the famous or perhaps infamous case" on Texas sodomy she and her colleagues relied on a series of decisions by European courts.
Wow. That penumbra stretches a lot farther than it used to. Speaking as a foreigner myself, I've always found it one of the more charming features of the American scene that "progressives" are obliged to find justification for their radicalism in a piece of old parchment. In Europe, they can simply say: We need to get with the beat, daddy-o. But in the U.S. the Left at least observes the niceties and pretends that the powdered-wig guys had somehow ingeniously anticipated the need for a constitutional right to gay marriage or a partial-birth abortion. Perhaps recognizing that this particular penumbra is pretty well tapped out, Justice O'Connor is now saying that there's gold in them thar Scandinavian hills.
No prizes for predicting which way the emanations are going to go once they take the foreigners into account. In considering the pros and cons of sodomy in Texas, the Supreme Court did not rely on the large body of Nigerian sharia precedents and Taliban jurisprudence in this area. No, the only countries the Supremes seem to have taken under consideration are those in (as Justice Breyer suggested) the Western tradition -- i.e., white Europeans.
Speaking as a foreigner myself, I've always found it one of the more charming features of the American scene that "progressives" are obliged to find justification for their radicalism in a piece of old parchment. In Europe, they can simply say: We need to get with the beat, daddy-o. But in the U.S. the Left at least observes the niceties and pretends that the powdered-wig guys had somehow ingeniously anticipated the need for a constitutional right to gay marriage or a partial-birth abortion. Perhaps recognizing that this particular penumbra is pretty well tapped out, Justice O'Connor is now saying that there's gold in them thar Scandinavian hills. ...In considering the pros and cons of sodomy in Texas, the Supreme Court did not rely on the large body of Nigerian sharia precedents and Taliban jurisprudence in this area.
Given that this is the court that elevated "Celebrate Diversity" from a bumper sticker to a bedrock constitutional principle, it's a little bewildering to find that they cheerfully accord the white European a unique monopoly on the judicial consultancy positions. Heartening though it is to know the white man still has his uses, this privileged access is, alas, unwarranted. For one thing, the fact that the U.S. Constitution is older than the French, German, Italian, Greek, and Spanish constitutions combined suggests that this member of "the Western tradition" is more traditional than others. For another, can you imagine any judge in France, Denmark, or New Zealand taking U.S. court decisions into account when deliberating on, say, gun ownership or capital punishment?
Let me come at it this way. I love borders, the more the merrier -- town lines, county, state, and, of course, national. Borders symbolize one of the few remaining constraints on government: You don't like the grade school here in town? Move ten miles up the road. You don't want to pay Vermont sales tax? Drive over the river and shop in New Hampshire. Arianna Huffington huffs against "tax loopholes for fat cats," but I'd say the ability to rent a post-office box in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands is a "loophole" in one of the original 16th-century senses -- an aperture to let in light and fresh air. The fact that there's somewhere else to go to is the ultimate limitation on government. Borders give people choices -- and, to put it in a bumper sticker, "I'm Pro-Choice and I Vote with My Feet." When starry-eyed utopians speak of a "world without borders," you can pretty much guess what kind of a place the one-world one-party state would be, with tax rates starting at more than 50 percent, where they are in Sweden right now.
That's why Justice O'Connor's indifference to jurisdictional integrity and partiality to foreigners is not just a kinky fetish but something philosophically incompatible with the job she's meant to be doing. If you wanted to construct the precise opposite of the U.S. Constitution, it would look an awful lot like "international law." The former is a document that limits the state's grip on the people, the latter is designed to ensure they can never wiggle free, no matter where they go. "International law" is the new colonialism, the imposition on the world's peoples of the moral certainties of a remote, unaccountable Western elite -- indeed, one far less tolerant of local customs and culture than the old-school imperialists. The Europeans haven't had much luck imposing their laws on Saudi Arabia and Sudan but, thanks to Justice O'Connor, other backward jurisdictions like Texas and Alabama are about to be whipped into line." .......
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams in an 1819 letter to Herr von Fiirstenwarther of Germany, who was seeking government favors for coming here:
“Emigrants…coming here, are not to expect favors from the governments. …They come to a life of independence, but [also] to a life of labor—and, if they cannot accommodate themselves to the character--moral, political, and physical, of this country, with all its compensating balances of good and evil, the Atlantic is always open to them, to return to the land of their nativity and their fathers.”
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"Your Swamp does not amuse us." |
The Revealed Reality :: SteynOnline:
"... you'd think, after the debacle in Kabul, that the beribboned buffoons of the Pentagon would at least take a twenty-minute tea-break before launching the next quagmire. But no! You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in its third-quarter earnings projections.
As many have pointed out on either side of the Atlantic, it should be laughable that countries indifferent to their own borders have suddenly decided that, of all places, Ukraine's are inviolable. Boris Johnson, for example, was happy to let Brussels annex Northern Ireland, but feels differently about the Donbass. Yet the black comedy of Euro-American pretensions should not blind us to the remorseless human tragedy. Any takers for a "Not In My Name" march?
... As Mr Orbán notes at the beginning of his speech, the EU has "condemned the Hungarian peace mission" re Ukraine, with whom his country shares a border. We are now two-and-a-half years into this war. It's all fun and games if you're Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan, the Washington power couple playing with other people's money and other people's lives. (If it's any consolation to the Ukrainians, Mr Kagan plays just as fast-and-loose with American blood and treasure.) However, when this first European war between two demographically diminished nations eventually ends, it will be generations - if ever - before Ukraine recovers culturally and economically from the loss of so much of its desperately needed manpower. ...
It is interesting to contrast the west's tone on Gaza with that on Ukraine. With the former, there are more high-level calls for "ceasefires" on the average business day than there have been re the latter in the last two years. This is despite the fact that for most western nations the Ukraine war has been a disaster. Mr Orbán:
There are three big issues on the table today. The first is the war – or more precisely, an unexpected side-effect of the war. This is the fact that the war reveals the reality in which we live. This reality was not visible and could not be described earlier, but it has been illuminated by the blazing light of missiles fired in the war...The war is our red pill: it is what we have been given, it is what we must swallow.
I mentioned on Monday the rejection by some eighty-five per cent of the planet of the Nuland-Kagan position on Ukraine. So the war has had the effect of accelerating the rise of the post-American world. The Prime Minister's take:
In years gone by we had got used to the United States declaring its main challenger or opponent to be China; yet now we see it waging a proxy war against Russia. And China is constantly accused of covertly supporting Russia. If this is the case, then we need to answer the question of why it is sensible to corral two such large countries together into a hostile camp. This question has yet to be answered in any meaningful way. ...European policy-making has collapsed. Europe has given up defending its own interests: all that Europe is doing today is unconditionally following the foreign policy line of the US Democrats – even at the cost of its own self-destruction. The sanctions we have imposed are damaging fundamental European interests: they are driving up energy prices and making the European economy uncompetitive. We let the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline go unchallenged; Germany itself let an act of terrorism against its own property – which was obviously carried out under US direction – go unchallenged, and we are not saying a word about it, we are not investigating it, we do not want to clarify it, we do not want to raise it in a legal context...
The Prime Minister is quite correct, although he is the first western head of government to say so explicitly. That's why the official investigations by Sweden and Denmark simply closed up shop after eighteen months without publishing any conclusions on who was responsible. If you give the most cursory glance to what the Deep State's alphabet-soup agencies do to their allies, why would you be surprised by what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania?" .......
As Mike Benz has explained, the Obama/Holder Junta first developed the Censorship Industrial Complex meant for Americans in their Maidan Coup in Ukraine. Then used it to cover-up their Jan. 6 Coup in America.
There is indeed a straight line from Maidan to NordStream to the Moscow Mall to Butler, PA.
The CIA then killed him to prevent the People from judging such truth and falsehoods.
Democrats and Uni-Party Republicans are afraid of the People. They would be like a minor third party without Massive Vote Fraud.
Popular parties don’t need Voting Machine CheatWare like Tina Peters is in Kangaroo Court for exposing.
They don’t need to inflict a Virus/Vaxx Plandemic to get Universal Mail-In Fraud.
And mostly, popular parties don’t need to shoot their opponent in the head.
“Why is the U.S. Government so entirely willing to bankrupt itself, essentially destroy itself, in an effort to protect a few thousand square meters in Eastern Ukraine?”
A: Certainly the American Government of Occupation wants a conflict that would somehow justify cancelling elections and curtailing civil rights in order to avoid swinging from the neck at a military tribunal.
The OSoros State Dept. manipulated this war into existence by NATO Expansion and repudiating the Minsk Agreements. They did so for many evil reasons; to keep their Criminal Disneyland open forever, the Bio-Weapons Labs, every kind of Trafficking known to man, to loot our Treasury, Depopulation, looting the energy reserves in Donbas, the Mad Dream of Empire by installing a Puppet Government in Moscow like they did in America and Ukraine, etc., etc..
But the biggest reason we manufactured this war:
This Proxy War on Russia actually functions as a Proxy War on America.
Everything about it is bad for America; the cost, the military drain, the loss of moral authority, the harm to the dollar, BRICS and as this site uncovered, the Economic Sanctions were not to keep Russia out but to box America in and institute Digital Tyranny here.
The War in Ukraine is, in reality, the demonic Obankster/Globalist War on America.
Fear not!
By the authority of the believer, we come against the Spirit of Murder and Tyranny and all that kill, steal and destroy for the kingdom of darkness. We bind these and call them defeated as we loose Your Spirit of Liberty over the nations and decree Victory for Your Beloved Children, Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus!
Habakkuk 2:12-14
“Who do you think you are—
building a town by murder, a city with crime?
Don’t you know that God-of-the-Angel-Armies
makes sure nothing comes of that but ashes,
Makes sure the harder you work
at that kind of thing, the less you are?
Meanwhile the earth fills up
with awareness of God’s glory
as the waters cover the sea.”
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