Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation – The White House

EXECUTIVE ORDER January 28, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Policy and Purpose. Across the country today, medical professionals are maiming and sterilizing a growing number of impressionable children under the radical and false claim that adults can change a child’s sex through a series of irreversible medical interventions. This dangerous trend will be a stain on our Nation’s history, and it must end.

Countless children soon regret that they have been mutilated and begin to grasp the horrifying tragedy that they will never be able to conceive children of their own or nurture their children through breastfeeding. Moreover, these vulnerable youths’ medical bills may rise throughout their lifetimes, as they are often trapped with lifelong medical complications, a losing war with their own bodies, and, tragically, sterilization.

Accordingly, it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called “transition” of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures.

Sec. 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this order:

(a) The term “child” or “children” means an individual or individuals under 19 years of age.

(b) The term “pediatric” means relating to the medical care of a child.

(c) The phrase “chemical and surgical mutilation” means the use of puberty blockers, including GnRH agonists and other interventions, to delay the onset or progression of normally timed puberty in an individual who does not identify as his or her sex; the use of sex hormones, such as androgen blockers, estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, to align an individual’s physical appearance with an identity that differs from his or her sex; and surgical procedures that attempt to transform an individual’s physical appearance to align with an identity that differs from his or her sex or that attempt to alter or remove an individual’s sexual organs to minimize or destroy their natural biological functions. This phrase sometimes is referred to as “gender affirming care.”

Sec. 3. Ending Reliance on Junk Science. (a) The blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity. In light of the scientific concerns with the WPATH guidance:

(i) agencies shall rescind or amend all policies that rely on WPATH guidance, including WPATH’s “Standards of Care Version 8”; and

(ii) within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) shall publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.

(b) The Secretary of HHS, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall use all available methods to increase the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation.

Sec. 4. Defunding Chemical and Surgical Mutilation. The head of each executive department or agency (agency) that provides research or education grants to medical institutions, including medical schools and hospitals, shall, consistent with applicable law and in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, immediately take appropriate steps to ensure that institutions receiving Federal research or education grants end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children.

Sec. 5. Additional Directives to the Secretary of HHS. (a) The Secretary of HHS shall, consistent with applicable law, take all appropriate actions to end the chemical and surgical mutilation of children, including regulatory and sub-regulatory actions, which may involve the following laws, programs, issues, or documents:

(i) Medicare or Medicaid conditions of participation or conditions for coverage;

(ii) clinical-abuse or inappropriate-use assessments relevant to State Medicaid programs;

(iii) mandatory drug use reviews;

(iv) section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;

(v) quality, safety, and oversight memoranda;

(vi) essential health benefits requirements; and

(vii) the Eleventh Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and other federally funded manuals, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

(b) The Secretary of HHS shall promptly withdraw HHS’s March 2, 2022, guidance document titled “HHS Notice and Guidance on Gender Affirming Care, Civil Rights and Patient Privacy” and, in consultation with the Attorney General, issue new guidance protecting whistleblowers who take action related to ensuring compliance with this order.

Sec. 6. TRICARE. The Department of Defense provides health insurance, through TRICARE, to nearly 2 million individuals under the age of 18. As appropriate and consistent with applicable law, the Secretary of Defense shall commence a rulemaking or sub-regulatory action to exclude chemical and surgical mutilation of children from TRICARE coverage and amend the TRICARE provider handbook to exclude chemical and surgical mutilation of children.

Sec. 7. Requirements for Insurance Carriers. The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall:

(a) include provisions in the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) and Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) programs call letter for the 2026 Plan Year specifying that eligible carriers, including the Foreign Service Benefit Plan, will exclude coverage for pediatric transgender surgeries or hormone treatments; and

(b) negotiate to obtain appropriate corresponding reductions in FEHB and PSHB premiums.

Sec. 8. Directives to the Department of Justice. The Attorney General shall:

(a) review Department of Justice enforcement of section 116 of title 18, United States Code, and prioritize enforcement of protections against female genital mutilation;

(b) convene States’ Attorneys General and other law enforcement officers to coordinate the enforcement of laws against female genital mutilation across all American States and Territories;

(c) prioritize investigations and take appropriate action to end deception of consumers, fraud, and violations of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by any entity that may be misleading the public about long-term side effects of chemical and surgical mutilation;

(d) in consultation with the Congress, work to draft, propose, and promote legislation to enact a private right of action for children and the parents of children whose healthy body parts have been damaged by medical professionals practicing chemical and surgical mutilation, which should include a lengthy statute of limitations; and

(e) prioritize investigations and take appropriate action to end child-abusive practices by so-called sanctuary States that facilitate stripping custody from parents who support the healthy development of their own children, including by considering the application of the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act and recognized constitutional rights.

Sec. 9. Enforcing Adequate Progress. Within 60 days of the date of this order, the heads of agencies with responsibilities under this order shall submit a single, combined report to the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, detailing progress in implementing this order and a timeline for future action. The Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy shall regularly convene the heads of agencies with responsibilities under this order (or their designees) to coordinate and prepare for this submission.

Sec. 10. Severability. If any provision of this order, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstances, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this order and the application of any of its other provisions to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

Sec. 11. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


January 28, 2025.
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Isaiah 49:24-26

Can plunder be retrieved from a giant, prisoners of war gotten back from a tyrant? But God says, “Even if a giant grips the plunder and a tyrant holds my people prisoner, I’m the one who’s on your side, defending your cause, rescuing your children. And your enemies, crazed and desperate, will turn on themselves, killing each other in a frenzy of self-destruction. Then everyone will know that I, God, have saved you—I, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Your very Name means Save, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Water You Talking About?

"You have enlarged the nation, Lord; you have enlarged the nation. You have gained glory for yourself; you have extended all the borders of the land."--Isaiah 26:15

BREAKING: Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Send U.S. Military into California and Provide Water: "The Days of Putting a Fake Environmental Argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER." | The Gateway Pundit:

“The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond,” the President said on Truth Social. “The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER.”

Watershed Map of North America | U.S. Geological Survey

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huh... President Trump was right. Again.

BTW, if you draw a line from South Padre to the Keys and Matamoros to the Yucatan, you’ll see that it is indeed the Gulf of America!

Lord, we reclaim our Borders in Jesus' Name, Amen!

President James Monroe presides over a cabinet meeting in 1823 to discuss the Monroe Doctrine. From L-R: John Quincy Adams, William Harris Crawford, William Wirt, President James Monroe, John C. Calhoun, Daniel D. Tompkins, and John McLean.

"Are you cold and lonely up there all by yourself, Greenland? Well, come on down!"

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                                                          “Enjoy the water, California!”

Isaiah 54:2
Enlarge the site of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.

We won't hold back when You say go, Father God!  

Monday, January 27, 2025

"Why Tulsi Gabbard Is The One To Fix The DNI" by Sam Faddis

“I am hopeful also because of the goodness in people and the naturally compassionate nature of people. However, I will tell you from firsthand experience that what we talk about is the national security state, and the military industrial complex, this cabal of warmongers that extends not only within government but outside of government, extends to many powerful media outlets. They are incredibly powerful and don’t have any qualms at destroying those who try to get in the way of their power, and they’ve got a lot of tools. They’ve got a lot of tools to do that, which I think is why President Eisenhower chose to include this in his farewell address as a warning, because the only recourse, the only real power that has the ability to destroy them and stand up against them is a free people living in a free society, exercising the rights that we have enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.”--Tulsi Gabbard

And Magazine: Why Tulsi Gabbard Is The One To Fix The DNI--ex-CIA case officer Sam Faddis:

"...It is long past time to restore common sense to the ODNI and to remember what the DNI was supposed to do. Fortunately, the individual named by the President to hold this position, Tulsi Gabbard, seems well-suited to do both. Most bio’s of Gabbard key on her service in Congress and her decision to leave the Democratic Party. What they don’t talk about nearly enough is her own service down range and her commitment to America’s veterans.

In April 2003, Gabbard enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard. She was at the time already a serving member of the Hawaii House of Representatives. She did not step into some pre-arranged cushy staff job. She enlisted, and she went through basic training like everyone else without any of her drill sergeants even knowing who she was.

The next year, although she had filed to run for reelection, Gabbard volunteered for a 12-month deployment to Iraq with the Medical Company, 29th Support Battalion, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. She pulled out of the race and stepped down from office to serve in a war zone. The Army sent her to Iraq where she served with Charlie Med at the Anaconda Logistical Support Area in Baghdad and earned the Combat Medical Badge.

In an interview later, Gabbard described her decision to go to Iraq this way:

“That summer, the Hawaii National Guard's 29th Brigade Combat Team was called up for a deployment to Iraq. I was in a headquarters medical unit and heard very quickly from my commander. He said, ‘Hey Tulsi. Good news. You don't have to deploy. You're not on the mandatory deployment roster because somebody else already filled the slot. So you get to stay home.’ I said, ‘No, I'm not staying home. That's crazy. There's no way that I'm going to stay back and watch all of you guys go and deploy to Iraq, while I sit here in this fancy office.’ We went back and forth, he pushed back a little bit, and I pushed back some more. He realized I wasn’t budging. They had a different job in the medical unit that needed to be filled, so I volunteered and took it. I withdrew from my reelection campaign and went to our pre-deployment training at Fort Bliss, Camp McGregor, and Dona Ana, for all the training cycles. We trained there for a few months, then deployed to Iraq for a year after that."
After returning from Iraq in March 2007, Gabbard graduated at the top of her class from the Accelerated Officer Candidate School at the Alabama Military Academy—the first woman to do so. She was commissioned as a second Lieutenant and then returned to her National Guard unit as a Military Police officer. She then volunteered to return to the Middle East.

She served in Kuwait from 2008 to 2009. She worked closely with the Kuwaiti military and was given an award by them on her departure.

Following her return from Kuwait Gabbard continued to serve in the Hawaii National Guard and was promoted to Major on October 12, 2015. In 2020 she transferred from the National Guard to the U.S. Army Reserve. She was assigned to a California-based unit in the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne). Gabbard was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on July 4, 2021. As a Civil Affairs officer, Gabbard deployed to the Horn of Africa as part of a Special Operations mission.

When asked to explain the impact her service in the Army has had on her view of conflict and national defense Gabbard had this to say.
“When it comes to war, just from my own personal experiences, coupled with a study of history, I'm asking very simple but important questions… What is our objective? What are we trying to accomplish? Can we ensure that objective serves the best interests of the United States and the American people? Unfortunately, again, we have leaders who don't know history, who are not interested in learning from it, who are not motivated by a desire to truly be of service — and these are the people making decisions about foreign policy, about peace and war, and about our men and women in uniform. We could speak for hours about different examples… Afghanistan. Regime-change in Iraq. Regime-change in Syria. There are so many different examples that you and I and our peers have lived through. And, frankly, our friends who have not lived through these wars. Look at how our policy leaders and even some of our military leaders have devastatingly failed us and failed the country.”
Donald Trump has made clear that he is committed to a strong defense. He has also made clear that he is done with unnecessary wars. He understands the human cost we pay. He understands the national security establishment is supposed to serve the American people and that for too long it has not done so. He knows that the agencies that are supposed to serve the American people are increasingly run by people who have never themselves been in harm’s way or heard a shot fired in anger. He knows that needs to change.
“We will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them,” Trump said in 2023 while laying out his priorities for a second term. “The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled.”--Pres. Donald Trump
Tulsi understands what our national security agencies are supposed to do, not in some abstract way but in the way only those who have been on the ground in the middle of a war do. The DNI was supposed to keep Americans safe in their beds at night. Tulsi remembers that, and for that reason above all others, she is the one to fix the DNI." .......

more: Mr. Faddis speaks at Hillsdale:

Sunday, January 26, 2025

MNN's Weather or Not UPDATE!



Gavin Newsom turns up uninvited in LA to greet unimpressed Trump,
 beg for federal aid after weeks of feuding



"Don't be a hoser, Gavin."

Manufactured News Network: "Where There's Smoke, There's Newsom!"


Emerald & Naomi: "Were LA Fires an Act of War?" - DailyClout

The Newsom Arsonists Caught in Mid-Rocket:

A FIRE STARTER 🔥This Was REAL 😳 Law Enforcement 🙏 NEW WEATHER & Hummingbirds in Southern California

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Gavin Newsom Shut Down a Volunteer Wildfire Response Force, Leaving LA Firefighters Shorthanded for 10 Days--Free Beacon:

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration shut down a highly trained, all-volunteer team of certified firefighters in early 2024—a move that rendered the California National Guard incapable of sending a complete firefighting force to Los Angeles until 10 days after the deadly fires broke out in the city, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Launched in 2020, Team Blaze was an on-call strike force staffed entirely with certified firefighters of the California State Guard, a volunteer militia force that reports directly to Gov. Gavin Newsom. Former State Guard commanding general Jay Coggan said its members attended regular trainings at their own expense, and an outside charity procured much of the team’s firefighting equipment at no cost to the state. California was obligated to pay Team Blaze only when the unit was activated to fight a wildfire, and by 2023 Coggan had plans to expand its ranks to 1,000 certified volunteer firefighters on standby all across the state.

But in January 2024, the Newsom administration disbanded Team Blaze after barring its charitable benefactor from providing free firefighting equipment to its volunteers. Team Blaze had to return its equipment to the state and many of its firefighters quit, while those that remained were transferred to support a separate state initiative called Task Force Rattlesnake, a senior enlisted leader in the California State Guard told the Free Beacon.

Task Force Rattlesnake is composed of "hotshot" Type I handcrews trained to carry out the most dangerous frontline wildfire duties. Rattlesnake deployed 14 of its Type I handcrews to Los Angeles after Newsom activated the National Guard to help quell the wildfires, California National Guard spokesman Lt. Col. Brandon Hill told the Free Beacon. Hill disputed that Team Blaze was disbanded, saying the force was "incorporated" into Rattlesnake "as their reserve detachment."

Type I handcrews put out wildfires where they stand, but they count on the support of Type II handcrews working behind them to prevent the fires from spreading further. Team Blaze maintained a force of Type II handcrews, and when it was disbanded in early 2024, the California National Guard was left with no Type II handcrews on standby.

That meant Rattlesnake’s Type I handcrews had to battle the flames in Los Angeles for 10 days without the support of Type II handcrews from the California National Guard, because they didn’t exist when the fires broke out on Jan. 7. As flames engulfed the city, the Guard sent 200 soldiers to Camp Roberts—situated 220 miles north of the burning city—where they spent several days learning how to perform the duties of a Type II handcrew, Hill told the Free Beacon.

The Guard’s freshly trained Type II handcrews arrived at Rose Bowl Stadium in Los Angeles on Jan. 17, according to a now-deleted Facebook post by the California Army National Guard. From there, the teams were prepared to deploy on "multiple firefighting missions such as fuel and debris removal, mop-up operations, and holding down fire lines among other firefighting tasks," according to the Facebook post, which the Free Beacon saved before it was deleted.

Coggan, the former State Guard commander who founded Team Blaze, said the 10-day delay could have been avoided had his unit still existed. Coggan said Team Blaze’s Type II handcrews could have been on the ground in Los Angeles within hours of the initial outbreak working to quell the flames and saving lives.

"Our people were already trained to do this," Coggan told the Free Beacon. "They could have done a lot. Not only could they have responded quickly, they could have made the regular firefighters more mobile. They could have brought water up to some of the houses and the hills. They could have rescued people. There’s a lot they could have done."

Team Blaze had a track record of battling California wildfires before the Newsom administration disbanded it. The unit responded to the 2021 Dixie Fire, which was the largest single-source wildfire in California state history, burning nearly one million acres before it was contained. Team Blaze also performed search-and-rescue missions during that fire, the Sacramento Bee reported.

A senior enlisted leader in the California State Guard said the Guard disbanded Team Blaze in January 2024 and transferred some of its firefighters into Task Force Rattlesnake. During the transition, Team Blaze had to return the five firefighting engines that it had received, free of charge, from the California Office of Emergency Services, the source said.

"The engines were given back to the state for no good reason," said the enlisted leader, who requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Team Blaze’s dismantling was first reported by the Daily Signal.

Team Blaze’s days were numbered after Newsom appointed Major General Matt Beevers to serve as acting head of the California National Guard in August 2022. Beevers was no fan of Coggan, who happened to be a Jewish attorney as well as commander of the State Guard. Beevers allegedly referred to Coggan as a "kike lawyer" during a private June 2022 conversation with his predecessor, Dave Baldwin, according to California Military Department Inspector General records obtained by the Free Beacon.

Beevers also faces charges of anti-Semitism from former Brigadier General Jeffrey Magram, an experienced commander credited with leading the California Air National Guard’s response to some of the largest wildfires in state history." .......

Maybe it’s not make or break in and of itself. But it leans in the wrong direction, like every decision Newsom has ever made.

Obeying China, coddling criminals, Open Borders, water management, radical personnel, looting the Treasury, DEI, pleasing Cartels, 15-minute cities, opposing brush clearing, idiot judges, Main Street lockdowns, failure to purchase equipment or staff properly–remember when Kamala used prisoners as firefighting slave labor for the kickback$? Why does California need Mexican firefighters and Canadian airplanes? Why don’t they have a fleet of their own instead of a bullet train to nowhere?

When every single decision of a lifetime leans in favor of LA burning, you may deduce motive.

Even the timing.

They’re burning down this city on purpose.

Proverbs 10

24 The fear of the wicked will come upon him,
but the desire of the righteous will be granted.

25 As the whirlwind passes, so is the wicked no more,
but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.

26 As vinegar to the teeth and as smoke to the eyes,
so is the sluggard to those who send him.

27 The fear of the Lord prolongs days,
but the years of the wicked will be shortened.

28 The hope of the righteous will be gladness,
but the expectation of the wicked will perish.

29 The way of the Lord is strength to the upright,
but destruction will come to the workers of iniquity.

Your whirlwind, Lord Jesus! 


History rhymes…..Watch LA Fire Department 1962 documentary (26 min) on Los Angeles Bel Air/Brentwood wind driven wild fire that destroyed hundreds of high priced homes and businesses. LAFD identified lack of water as major factor then because water system undersized for fire emergencies and neighborhoods wouldn’t allow permanent water booster stations for higher elevations because they are “unsightly”.

And now, an MNN Public Service Moment: How It's Done:

May 4, 1967 Statement of Honorable Ronald Reagan, Governor of California, Before the Public Works Subcommittee, Committee of Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives | Ronald Reagan:
May 4, 1967

“Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee: Ordinarily when the California witnesses appear before you on behalf of appropriations for flood control and reclamation projects, we are clearing up debris from a severe winter flood, or are preparing for an unusually dry summer. This year is different, typical of California weather. We had one of the driest Februarys on record and were beginning to worry about water supplies when March storms brought the snowpack and streamflow up to about normal. Someone, however, forgot to turn the faucet off and the rain and extremely heavy mountain snowfall continued through March and right up to the end of April.

Reservoirs are almost full, and we have almost a 200 percent of normal snowpack waiting for warm weather and the snowmelt season. We just have no place to put the water and we anticipate some real problems with agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley.

All of this is just another way of highlighting Californias need for continuing development of flood control and water storage projects, and in the manner in which the federal projects fit in with scores of others being built by state and local agencies.

I fully endorse the program which will be presented to you in some detail by the Director of Water Resources and the Chairman of the California Water Commission, as well as by many witnesses from local agencies. It is a sound program, a necessary program, and one which is realistic. It has full support of all parts of California.” …….

*** URGENT*** 


Friday, January 24, 2025

Donald Trump's Many Terms of Endearment

Congressman pushes amendment to allow Trump a 3rd term — but not Obama, Clinton or Bush

I don’t think he wants another one.

But the Constitution itself is in conflict when it is undeniably proven that we re-elected him in the 2020 Landslide–and it will be so proven.

Art. 2 Section 1:

“He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and…be elected…”

22nd Amdt. Section 1:

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…”

Too late. PDT has already been elected three times.

The Law says two terms only. But it also says the election winner shall hold office.

Since he won three terms, which part of the Law shall prevail?

To respect the Will of the People, I say he is due an additional term.

Proverbs 6:31 

And thieves who get caught
    must pay back
seven times what was stolen
    and lose everything.

Good is the Word of the Lord!

ps; Maybe he does:

Trump Tells Republicans He Won't Seek Third Term Unless They Find a Way to Allow It

Besides, he's earned another chance at this: