Friday, January 24, 2025

Donald Trump's Many Terms of Endearment

Congressman pushes amendment to allow Trump a 3rd term — but not Obama, Clinton or Bush

I don’t think he wants another one.

But the Constitution itself is in conflict when it is undeniably proven that we re-elected him in the 2020 Landslide–and it will be so proven.

Art. 2 Section 1:

“He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and…be elected…”

22nd Amdt. Section 1:

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…”

Too late. PDT has already been elected three times.

The Law says two terms only. But it also says the election winner shall hold office.

Since he won three terms, which part of the Law shall prevail?

To respect the Will of the People, I say he is due an additional term.

Proverbs 6:31 

And thieves who get caught
    must pay back
seven times what was stolen
    and lose everything.

Good is the Word of the Lord!

ps; Maybe he does:

Trump Tells Republicans He Won't Seek Third Term Unless They Find a Way to Allow It

Besides, he's earned another chance at this:

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