Sunday, August 22, 2021

America Held Hostage Day 7: The Sands of Iwo JoeBama

"I'm an O'Biden-Bama Democrat!"--Der NippleFuhrer, before the "election" 

"Don't stand so close to me."--Acting Shadow Fuhrer Hussein Bi-Bama

"That's not who we aren't!"

Hindraker:   "Taliban fighters took American Army uniforms left behind in Joe Biden’s disorganized skedaddle from Afghanistan and used them to create a mocking image of Iwo Jima:

You can say that this is “only” symbolic, that we haven’t really been humiliated by a bunch of primitive terrorists. But symbols can be powerful, and this one is especially galling because it capitalizes on the fact that the Biden administration couldn’t even be bothered to bring our war-fighting materiel with us–not just uniforms, but airplanes, helicopters, guns, ammunition, night-vision goggles, and so on–when we bugged out of Afghanistan. To the victor goes the spoils, but the spoils didn’t have to include millions or billions of dollars in military equipment.".......

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden Says Biden “Surrendered to the Taliban” (

Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill: We have these people who are in charge who are a disgrace. I’m amazed that there hasn’t been at least 30 generals and admirals that haven’t resigned or been fired today.”

Q: "We were pretty good for the past four and a half years at impeaching a president for no reason. If anything deserves an impeachment, it’s right now because we don’t do this. We don’t ask the enemy for permission. We go in there. We crush them. We win. Every single time. And we leave with our people.”

A: “This is nonsense. It’s insulting. We don’t ask the Taliban permission. You know what we do? We kick their ass. That’s it. Why did we fight? For these people to just live there until we elected people in suits who can’t do anything and they surrender? Are you kidding me? This president surrendered to the Taliban. Should I not be embarrassed as an American right now? I think that everyone wearing a suit and tie or a pantsuit right now in Washington D.C. should step down. And I think the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should not be a four-star general. Everyone get out of there. Just leave. We have people that can handle this. We have people who can fight. Get rid of these politicians.”

Fake SecDef Austin is there to dismantle the military. His concept of "Over-the-horizon" is 1,000 yards outside the concertina--the same view they have of America. His enemy is not the Taliban. It's Toledo.

"Utterly Horrendous... People Who Have Done Multiple Tours Say It's the Worst Thing They Have Ever Seen - People Dying Outside Airport Gate" - Sky Reporter Tells of Horror Outside Airport (VIDEO) (

Biden considers activating Civil Reserve Air Fleet to aid Kabul airlift | Daily Mail Online:

Pentagon reveals only 2,500 US citizens out of 15,000 have been evacuated since Kabul fell a week ago: Biden puts commercial airlines on notice that the Civil Reserve Air Fleet could be activated to help get them out

  • Pentagon said Saturday that only 2,500 Americans have been rescued from Afghanistan in the past week
  • Up to 15,000 Americans need airlift and the administration hopes to get out a further 50-60,000 Afghans
  • US Embassy in Kabul tells citizens not to go to the airport amid threat of Islamic State attack 
  • White House is considering activating the reserve fleet of commercial airliners to ferry refugees
  • Civil Reserve Air Fleet was created after post-WWII Berlin Airlift for activation times of emergency
  • It was last used to repatriate Americans stranded abroad as the pandemic descended in March 2020
  • Now Biden considers conscripting commercial airlines to ferry thousands in Kabul evacuation
  • They would not fly into Kabul, but help ferry refugees from staging bases in German, Qatar, and Bahrain 
  • Situation remains chaotic in Kabul on Saturday with at least 12 dead so far in crush to escape 
Instapundit; PENTAGON ENLISTS COMMERCIAL AIRLINES FOR AFGHANISTAN EVACS; CRITICS CALL A POLITICAL STUNT: “Civil Reserve Air Fleet is just for headlines and Biden knows it. Plenty of mil aircraft. Commercial airliners don’t even have midair refuel capability. Slows down and endangers operations just for clicks.”

Another fucking stunt by stunted fucks. Everything this Occupation Junta does is designed to protect themselves politically, not protect Americans physically.

This O'Biden Stunt would be like Churchill authorizing the Australian Merchant Marine to assist at Dunkirk.

"Meanwhile, the Royal Air Force, which had already been intervening in the battle, so far as its range would allow, from home bases, now used part of its main metropolitan fighter strength, and struck at the German bombers and at the fighters which in large numbers protected them. This struggle was protracted and fierce. Suddenly the scene has cleared, the crash and thunder has for the moment-but only for the moment-died away. A miracle of deliverance, achieved by valor, by perseverance, by perfect discipline, by faultless service, by resource, by skill, by unconquerable fidelity, is manifest to us all. The enemy was hurled back by the retreating British and French troops. He was so roughly handled that he did not hurry their departure seriously. The Royal Air Force engaged the main strength of the German Air Force, and inflicted upon them losses of at least four to one; and the Navy, using nearly 1,000 ships of all kinds, carried over 335,000 men, French and British, out of the jaws of death and shame, to their native land and to the tasks which lie immediately ahead. We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations. But there was a victory inside this deliverance, which should be noted. It was gained by the Air Force. Many of our soldiers coming back have not seen the Air Force at work; they saw only the bombers which escaped its protective attack. They underrate its achievements. I have heard much talk of this; that is why I go out of my way to say this."--Prime Minister Winston Churchill on Dunkirk

Instead of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, we get the Truth Ministry's Hussein Mosquemound.
Like a flea inspecting an elephant, Pres. Footnote inspects Sir Winston
and finds him lacking the Greatness that is Barry Hussein.

It's not the colonialism that bothers Comrade O--it's the Anti-Communism.
Mark Steyn"Churchill was the Indispensable Man of the 20th century. He presided over the hinge moment in history when the British Empire stood alone against Hitler. No need to apologize for Churchill. You and I live in the world he created."

"So now the Admiralty wireless whispers through the ether to the tall masts of ships, and captains pace their decks absorbed in thought. It is nothing. It is less than nothing. It is too foolish, too fantastic to be thought of in the twentieth century. Or is it fire and murder leaping out of the darkness at our throats, torpedoes ripping the bellies of half-awakened ships, a sunrise on a vanished naval supremacy, and an island well-guarded hitherto, at last defenceless? No, it is nothing. No one would do such things. Civilization has climbed above such perils. The interdependence of nations in trade and traffic, the sense of public law, the Hague Convention, Liberal principles, the Labour Party, high finance, Christian charity, common sense have rendered such nightmares impossible. Are you quite sure? It would be a pity to be wrong. Such a mistake could only be made once—once for all."—1923, recalling the possibility of war between France and Germany after the Agadir Crisis of 1911, in 'The World Crisis'

Phillip Wegmann: "The Senate Majority Leader Schumer is dancing while the chaos in Kabul continues, and a congressional aide texts me wondering, 

“would it kill anybody in Washington to at least pretend to give a fuck?”

Evidently, it would. Very much so.

Great-Grandpa Kiddie Klamper is stunned and confused as an NPR reporter asks him a question not on his Large-Print Pre-Approved List of Pre-Cleared Inquiries.

Blinken looks like a  Maitre d' with projectile flatulence issues and no more Crab Florentine.

Kamala is staring at her shoes like a used condom is stuck to her high heel.


She has since fled to Vietnam to get as far away as possible from the smell of old man and abject failure, but mostly abject failure. Except she unfortunately carries around a bottle of Eau de Failure in her purse like Hillary carries around hot sauce and vodka nips. In fairness, it's not her fault that Joe also sold out the South Vietnamese. She was just a little girl riding on Biden's segregated school bus, blaming the Beaver for her missing homework. Always the Beaver.

And now she's on the floorboard of Obama's Fascist Fiat, trying to make a clean getaway. But some things will never come clean, no matter how long you scrub them, lady. "Out, damned spot!" she cried to nobody there, and no one heard at all, not even the Ottoman. 

Especially the Ottoman.

Ripples of Kabul › American Greatness -Prof. Hanson: "No sooner did Biden claim he was straight jacketed by Trump, than he reversed course to defend not just his own withdrawal but the disastrous manner of it. In his dotage, Biden claims that he has no free will, while insisting he would have done nothing differently had he such. In a sane world, the Joint Chiefs and the secretary of defense would resign. We have heard for too long their careerist boasts about assigning climate change as their chief challenge. For too long they have virtue signaled their critical race theory credentials to Congress. For too long, they have bragged about rooting out alleged “white supremacists” from their ranks. For too long they have sparred with journalists, while fighting twitter wars and issuing cartoonish commercials attesting to their woke credentials. In other words, they sermonized on anything and everything—except their plans to prevent a humiliating military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies. Our intelligence and investigatory agencies are just as morally suspect. The legacy of John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe has been the destruction of the reputations of the CIA, NSA, and FBI. Current and retired intelligence lackeys and careerists all wasted years promulgating Russian “collusion.” They swore Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian “disinformation.” They doctored evidence, surveilled and unmasked officials, and hatched adolescent plots against an elected president. All that was more important to their careers than warning of the growing existential threats in Afghanistan. In the aftermath of the Afghan debacle, we must depoliticize and de-weaponize these warped agencies and incompetent institutions.".......

Roger Kimball: The Rotten Edifice Revealed › American Greatness: "It may, however, turn out to be a more fundamental challenge than anyone could have foreseen even a few weeks ago. For that, we have the bumbling, mentally incontinent Joe Biden to thank, he and his clown car of self-absorbed spiritually adipose bureaucrats who prance about in a cloud of self-importance, shedding disaster like dandruff."

John McCain's Remarks on Blinken Being 'Dangerous to America' Resurface Amid Afghanistan Debacle - Geller Report News  Oh, John McCain would have voted to confirm Blinken. Because he was also going to build the dang wall, repeal and replace Obamacare and ban anonymous dark money smears like the Russia Dossier. 

comment image
A fictional, plastic play-toy of dubious sexuality from the 1960’s
–and Mr. Potatohead.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Incredible Shrinking President is not Jimmy Carter, but George W. Bush, who has not been seen since sometime around 2006, and statistically may or may not exist. 

Bush could have ended his foray in 2007, but chose Nation Building, to bring Jeffersonian Democracy and Purple-Fingered Honest Elections there. 

Now America has neither, either. We have an Occupation Government and Rigged Elections ourselves.

Osamabama could have withdrawn us in 2014. We controlled 95% of the country then. 

But instead of his expected anti-Colonialism, the Obama/Biden Syndicate had acquired the taste for money-laundering billions in Sandbox foreign aid kickbacks, such as the Biden Crime Family's Billion-Dollar Deal to build Brady Bunch split-levels in Samarra, despite not knowing one end of a hammer from the other.

Obama made the decision to milk it. Besides, that would have created an American victory and freed the Afghans from the Taliban--unacceptable outcomes. So he bidened his time. 

All through the unexpected Trump Presidency, Shadow President Obama kneecapped President Trump's goal of Withdrawal Through Strength, hamstringing him with FBI frame-ups, impeachments and dirty deals with Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and their Chinese partners. 

Until now. Until the Overthrow was completed. Until a costly, humiliating and dangerous defeat could be safely secured by a disposable throwaway figurehead. And trillions could be stolen to replace the cashflow.

"You don't have to do this, Joe."

But somebody had to.

The Syndicate already paid.

Whenever I hear any of these Military/Industrial Occupation Government stooges speak, I have only one thought: “That’s not who we are.”

"The soi-disant "superpower" now resembles one of those stories you see from time to time on Eyewitness News: the 700-lb bedridden guy unable to get up, even to go to hospital, and requiring the fire department to slice off the upper wall of the house just to winch him out of there. The inability of Lloyd Austin, Thoroughly Modern Milley, Tailspin Taylor and the other beribboned buffoons of the Potemtagon to adapt swiftly and effectively to ground conditions that are changing hour by hour is as telling as anything.

It is not just that General Milley and the Joint Buffoons of Staff cannot plan; they cannot execute. Compare the 2,500 Americans evacuated from Kabul over this last week to the 7,000 Americans and allies choppered out of Saigon in just nineteen hours. Can Milley do anything in nineteen hours other than call his tailor and order up his next row of ribbonry? ...

...The big picture is that, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the United States blew its unipolar moment and has chosen to surrender the world, after half-a-millennium, to post-western dominance. Whatever the truth of Biden's charge that the money-no-object Afghan National Army went over to the other side, there is no question that key elements of American national power have gone over to China's side: the Chamber of Commerce, Hollywood, the NBA, not to mention the Wuhan Institute of Virology's protectors at the CDC and NIH; oh, and the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, at least two of whom have checked out with respect to anything to do with China...

Beijing has won without firing a shot, which is the way to do it. They have no desire to occupy Afghanistan or to prioritize (as did Washington, confusing the Great Game with the Gay Games) Pride Month in Kandahar. Your average goatherd will barely notice the ChiComs' presence, except insofar as the best tables at the only Michelin restaurant in Spin Boldak seem to go to the visiting Chinamen. But, an hour south of Kabul, Chinese development of the world's second largest copper mine will proceed apace. We were there for two decades, but all the lithium will go to Chairman Xi, just in case you thought the Chinese didn't have a tight enough hammerlock on the world's batteries, without which all your high-tech toys are novelty paperweights and doorstops.

After the US abandonment of Bagram air base, the Germans began moving their people out last month, quietly and without fanfare. Also in July, Mullah Baradar, the Taliban honcho now back in Kabul, flew to China to meet with Xi's Foreign Minister. And the government of Greece (which no German or Scandinavian would consider a functioning administration) somehow managed to anticipate a looming Afghan migrant tide and construct and complete a border fence with Turkey, in order to prevent another 2016 "refugee" stampede.

Everyone - Greeks, Germans, Chinese - knew where this was headed (and very quickly) ...everyone except the decadent, decayed hyperpower in nominal control of the timeline.

On Friday the chump who serves as US Defense Secretary was asked why his US troops at Kabul Airport couldn't do (as the French, British and others are doing) and fan out into Kabul and surrounding provinces and extract their nationals. Mr Austin replied that American forces don't have "the capability" - and, as a hack lobbyist formerly on the board of Raytheon, he should know.

But what exactly does America have "the capability" to do? The "Special Immigrant Visa" for loyal Afghans who made the mistake of trusting the infidel takes two years to process. What's so "special" about that? Well, the regular visas take five-to-ten years. Impressive as the government's comparative SIV urgency is, if you're in Jalalabad and your application isn't already in the mail, you'll find it quicker to bicycle over the Khyber, take a rusting steam packet from Karachi to Mexico and use the Rio Grande express check-in.

Which is what will happen. The implosion in Afghanistan and the dissolution of America's southern border will converge, and thousands of excitable young Mohammedans will wind up in the Lower Forty-Eight - while the few actual loyal Afghan support staff get stuck back in Kabul to be beheaded on jihadist snuff videos.

Why cannot the great flabby leviathan rouse itself? Why do French paratroopers have the "capability" and not their more lavishly funded Yank counterparts? Why can the Greeks build a border wall in a month but in America a winning presidential candidate can merely campaign on it for a year and a half and then get screwed over by his own corrupt donor-beholden party leaders?

Last week I was chided by a couple of commenters for not proposing "solutions". The solutions are being enacted by everybody else, in the face of a crapped-over superpower's meltdown:

~The soi-dissant Euro-pussies leave the airport every hour, go out and get their people, bring them back to "Hamid Karzai International" and fly them home - and by "home" I don't mean the now overflowing "processing" center in Qatar: Every day the BBC shows flights from Afghanistan landing back at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire.

~Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria build border barriers; America's "conservative" party thinks border chaos in a pandemic is a fundraising opportunity, and, after raking in the dough, they'll do nothing. ...

Our "experts" have expertise in nothing that matters - identity politics, micro-aggressions, statue-toppling, transgender sports... Much of American "conservatism" meets the civilizational vandals halfway - no, two-thirds of the way - so that the conversation is never anywhere near where it ought to be: No one could look objectively at an American TV network or newspaper and think this the public discourse of a serious power.

And yet apparently over half the nation does.

Until that changes, this is China's world.".......

                      "You want their lithium, Mr. President? You can have it! It makes me feel funny."

The True President: "America’s warriors are the single greatest force for justice, peace, liberty, and security among all the nations ever to exist on earth. God bless our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, Airmen, and Marines. We honor them today, forever, and always.".......

Please DO NOT give up on our young servicemen and women because of the Jellyroll Vindman twins or the other brown-nose Biden-sniffers and perfumed princesses at the Pentagon.

Case in point:

Nobody made these 2019 cadets pose with the Actual President. Even as the Garbage Elites throw away love of country, they wanted to be there because the Heart of Liberty beats in them, too.

"Joe Biden gave our enemies all around the World a great and lasting victory when he unexpectedly and inexplicably removed our great soldiers from Afghanistan before taking out our U.S. citizens and allies, along with abandoning many billions of dollars of highest-grade Military equipment. Leaving our Military till the end was such a simple decision that anyone with intelligence and common sense would have made, but he called it wrong and instantly created perhaps the greatest embarrassment for our Country in its history—and it is far from over!"

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