Monday, August 23, 2021

America Held Hostage Day 8: Just Kidding--It Started Nov. 3rd

“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men. 

Of the latter we are in most danger at present: Let us therefore be aware of it. Let us contemplate our forefathers and posterity; and resolve to maintain the rights bequeath’d to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. --Instead of sitting down satisfied with the efforts we have already made, which is the wish of our enemies, the necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that “if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.” It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our minds, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event."--Samuel Adams, Essay under the pseudonym “Candidus,”, The Boston Gazette, October 14, 1771

"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”--Sam Adams, Letter to James Warren, October 24, 1780 

Preston Byrne: Did America just lose Afghanistan because of WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is an American product. It can be switched off by its parent, Facebook, Inc, at any time and for any reason. The fact that the Taliban were able to use it at all, quite apart from the fact that they continue to use it to coordinate their activities even now as American citizens’ lives are imperiled by the Taliban advance which is being coordinated on that app, suggests that U.S. military intelligence never bothered to monitor Taliban numbers and never bothered to ask Facebook to ban them.

Or maybe someone in the Permanent Government had Facebook not interfere because they want the Taliban to win.

WhatsApp in full damage control mode, saying it doesn't ban the Taliban because it can't read their texts. Well, how about, oh I don't know, deactivating the service in-country when you learn it's being used to wage war? Update: stumbled on this from Reuters in 2017 "Afghanistan moves to block WhatsApp, Telegram messaging services" Why was this never implemented?

Because someone in the Permanent Government wants the Taliban to win? If only we knew who that person was. If only he would raise his hand and confess.

Spengler: “John Quincy Adams said that America “goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” He never imagined that America would go abroad to create monsters. The Endless War crowd is now coming out of the woodwork to argue that endless wars are better than what Biden served up in Afghanistan...

The Afghan Army was a reality show with hired actors who stole the props. But it’s even worse than that. Petraeus and his colleagues trained, funded, and unleashed a global jihadist movement in the name of “counterinsurgency.” It has to be the most self-defeating action on the part of any great power in history. Our foreign policy Establishment is incapable of learning from its most egregious blunders.

Here’s an extract from my 2020 book You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World:

Over dinner, in 2015, Admiral Luo Yuan told me that “General Petraeus created ISIS in order to destabilize China.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I said.

“It is not ridiculous in the least,” Luo continued, in the benevolent tone in which one instructs especially slow students. “There are ISIS leaders whom we have identified and tracked, who were trained by Petraeus during the ‘Surge,’” the counter-insurgency campaign that Petraeus conducted in 2008–2009 to contain a Sunni rebellion against the majority Shi’ite government that the United States had helped bring to power in 2007.

I took a deep breath and explained: “This was a comedy of errors. The neo-conservatives in the Bush administration believed in majority rule as a matter of dogma, so the US held elections in 2007 and the Shi’ite minority won. Then the Sunnis who used to run Iraq under Saddam Hussein resisted with guerilla war and terrorist attacks. Petraeus was just a careerist looking for another star, and he told the Bush Administration that he could fix the Sunni problem by paying off the Sunni tribal leaders. He handed out hundreds of millions of dollars to the Sunnis and gave them weapons and training through the ‘Sons of Iraq’ and the ‘Sunni Awakening.’” When Obama took US forces out of Iraq, a lot of the same Sunnis who took money from Petraeus faced the same Shi’ite state, and became non-state actors, that is ISIS. And the CIA’s support for Sunni jihadist opponents of the Assad government in Syria made matters worse, as the Defense Intelligence Agency warned in a notorious 2012 report.”

Of course, I wasn’t quite that coherent, but that was the gist of my reply.

My Chinese interlocutor was not impressed. “You’re trying to tell me that the people who run the world’s great superpower are complete idiots who don’t think about the consequences of their actions?”

That was exactly what I was trying to tell the Chinese admiral: American policy has indeed been run by complete idiots who don’t think about the consequences of their actions. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency report warned that American support for the so-called Arab Spring insurgencies would create a new caliphate movement. That put Gen. Flynn at the top of the Deep State’s most-wanted list. …

 Iran is patient, playing for time, possibly to acquire nuclear weapons – which Washington has all but conceded – and until the Americans withdraw, which they must sooner or later. …

Having armed all sides of the conflict and kept them apart by the threat of arms, the United States now expects to depart leaving in place governments of national reconciliation that will persuade well-armed and well-organized militias to play by the rules. It is perhaps the silliest thing an imperial power ever has done. The British played at divide and conquer, whereas the Americans propose to divide and disappear.” …….

Read it all: Goldman: The Dr. Frankensteins of Foreign Policy-PJM

1.) Obama was building a Caliphate for his Ayatollah.
2.) He still is.
3.) He may yet try to simply GIVE them nukes.
4.) Funny how he installed Petreaus at CIA, who was then honey-trapped to make way for Brennan.
5.) The real winners of the last “Election”:

comment image
"We did it!"

I ran Trump's Afghan withdrawal — Biden's attempt to blame us is sad ( Kash Patel: "Amid this cheap political rhetoric, ignorance of the ground-level security situation and the lack of a conditions-based plan, Afghanistan has fallen. America and the world deserve much better from those privileged to serve in high office. We are witnessing the utter collapse of a government — and not just in Afghanistan."

They thought they were so fucking smart, they deserved to steal the election from the American People with impunity. Entitled, even. They were as gods.
Look at you now. If you can stomach it.

Christopher Bedford, vet: "The United States does not have to build an empire, but if we’re going to (as we have), then damn it do it right. Half-blind, with both hands tied behind our backs while we lie that we’re the winners for decades, ain’t it. ... Milley wasn’t the only general who lied. By 2009, al-Qaeda wasn’t actually a problem in Afghanistan, but Gen. Stanley McChrystal knew that al-Qaeda was the supposed reason we were fighting there, so in a major report he simply added them back into the picture. In fact, McChrystal routinely manipulated politicians back in the United States in order to get more troops and more funding for his big war. By the time of the Trump administration, Afghanistan had simply become an end unto itself that a dedicated lobby in Washington wanted to go on forever. Last year, when President Donald Trump was trying to negotiate a withdrawal, The New York Times blasted out a story, planted by the intelligence community, about Russia paying the Taliban bounties for dead U.S. troops. No evidence was presented that this was true, but it didn’t matter. Somehow, this meant we had to stay longer, ideally forever, or the Russians would win? When that stunt didn’t work, generals tried a different tactic: They just lied to Trump about how many troops were still in the country so he’d think we were closer to withdrawing than we really were.".......

the recount:
"Now that Pfizer has received full FDA approval, Pentagon Press Sec. John Kirby says, "We're gonna move forward making that vaccine mandatory" for U.S. service members"

A Rubberstamp “Vaccine” for a Rubberstamp Regime.

It’s perfect, really.

CRAZY: CBS Blames Climate Change for Resurrected Taliban, After Blaming Opium in 2015 | Newsbusters Weather balloons.

Harris insists admin is 'singularly focused' on Afghanistan during statement from Singapore while en route to California — to campaign for Newsom — by way of Vietnam - TheBlaze

Vice-Parasite Harris is looking at to see if there’s a country farther away from Joe Biden than Singapore.

Curtis Houck on Twitter: "Asked by Defense One's Tara Copp if extending the Aug. 31 deadline to get more people out would be "wholly dependent whether the Taliban would let a U.S. presence remain in Afghanistan," Kirby replies that "what we do here at the building -- at the Pentagon is options." Yikes. 

Translation: “Defending America is optional.”

Taliban Issues Direct Threat To Joe Biden | The Daily Caller

“President Biden announced that on 31 of August they would withdraw all their military forces. So if they extend it, that means they are extending occupation while there is no need for that.”

Nobody here or there wants a Biden Occupation Government.

"The Anality of Evil"

Everyone in Washington knows...

Biden didn't win

He was a moron even before the dementia

He's a child-toucher and woman-claw

He's for sale to the highest China

and he's an figurehead run by the Obama Syndicate. 

They're burning him up to reach the Radiant Future and building back a New and Permanent Hostage Crisis better.

Everyone knows it--and no one will say it. That's exactly what Solzhenitsyn meant:

"In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State."

And so it has.

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