Saturday, January 27, 2018

#ReleaseTheMemo: Bigger Than Watergate--and It's Not About "Bias" by Strzok and Page

It's about an a criminal conspiracy by Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Comey, Brennan and the others to obstruct justice in Hillary Clinton's personal Crime Wave, to wiretap the Trump family, to frame the Trumps for non-existent crimes, to subvert an election and, failing that, to manufacture an impeachment.

Not to mention the Official Dizinformazion(tm) Campaign in collusion with complicit press toadies.  A Free Press would be a great idea--I wish we had one instead of a Lap Dog-Media.

Do not let the Professional Liars spin this as mere "political bias" by mid-level bureaucrats.

A lot of people are biased against President Trump--but they don't get to meet in the FBI's Asst. Director's office to criminally plot how to rig an election.

Nor was this a solo operation by a rouge bureaucrat or two, either. All of this wiretapping and subversion was approved and directed out of the Oval Office.

American Thinker: Obama -- Leader of the Deep State Coup

"This is Watergate on steroids. Not only do we have one party colluding with government agencies to keep its candidate from being prosecuted for her crimes and preventing the election of the other party’s candidate, but we also have a sitting and corrupt President using the powers of his office to subvert an election and hand-pick his successor.

Lock her up. Lock him up too. Lock them all up.".......

Criminals all.

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