"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."
--Poet John Harington, Epigrams, c. 1600
"Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."--Justice Brandeis, Olimstead v. United States 277 U.S. 438 (1928)
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"The only thing Democrats have to fear is Barr himself. Maybe." |
For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."
--Poet John Harington, Epigrams, c. 1600
"Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."--Justice Brandeis, Olimstead v. United States 277 U.S. 438 (1928)
"What would be the effect of this, if it should ever be the creed of a dominant party in the nation? Let us analyze, and consider it. It affirms that, whatever the Supreme Court may decide as to the constitutional restriction on the power of a territorial Legislature, in regard, in regard to slavery to the territory, must be obeyed, and enforced by all the departments of the federal government. Now, if this is sound, as to this particular constitutional question, it is equally sound of all constitutional questions; so that the proposition substantially, is ‘Whatever decision the Supreme court makes on any constitutional question, must be obeyed, and enforced by all the departments of the federal government.’ Again, it is not the full scope of this creed, that if the Supreme court, having the particular question before them, shall decide that Dred Scott is a slave, the executive department must enforce the decision against Dred Scott. If this were it’s full scope, it is presumed, no one would controvert it’s correctness. But in this narrow scope, there is no room for the Legislative department to enforce the decision; while the creed affirms that all the departments must enforce it. The creed, then, has a broader scope; and what is it? It is this; that so soon as the Supreme court decides that Dred Scott is a slave, the whole community must decide that not only Dred Scott, but that all persons in like condition, are rightfully slaves."--Senate Candidate Abe Lincoln, tweeting about an upcoming verdict despite being told not to by the expurts, 1857
Roger Stone deserves 9 years. He lied to the House, to the Senate and to the Chief Justice’s very face, telling them he didn’t know or conspire with the CIA Whistleblower Charlie Charmarella. Anyone who would tell such a bald-faced lie to Congress about such an vitally-important issue deserves a long prison-stretch.
Or maybe I’m thinking of someone else.
Mollie Hemingway: "The context is that disgruntled attorneys from the Robert Mueller special counsel recommended that Roger Stone by imprisoned for seven to nine years for lying to Congress and witness tampering. The notorious dirty trickster had apparently lied to Congress about something that was legal, and then encouraged a friend to not hurt him when he testified. A jury led by a rabid partisan and Russia collusion truther with open and sustained hostility to the Trump administration (really!) found him guilty a few months ago.
Mollie Hemingway: "The context is that disgruntled attorneys from the Robert Mueller special counsel recommended that Roger Stone by imprisoned for seven to nine years for lying to Congress and witness tampering. The notorious dirty trickster had apparently lied to Congress about something that was legal, and then encouraged a friend to not hurt him when he testified. A jury led by a rabid partisan and Russia collusion truther with open and sustained hostility to the Trump administration (really!) found him guilty a few months ago.
The decision to prosecute the case was a curious one, since it’s not common to prosecute someone for lying to Congress, particularly with no underlying crime. The FBI and Justice Department have come under fire for allowing political friends to skate without charges for false statements while nailing political foes for lesser and less consequential problems.
Prosecuting was one thing. Getting a guilty verdict thanks to a highly partisan jury was another. But recommending that the 67-year-old man with no prior convictions and not considered a risk for violence be sentenced to nine years in prison was another thing entirely.
The disgruntled Mueller attorneys misled Department of Justice officials about their sentencing plans. When the political leadership learned of the egregious recommendation, they filed a new memo saying, sanely, vaguely, and mildly, that they now recommended fewer than the seven to nine years.
The media and other Resistance members flipped out and immediately sprung to action. Sidestepping the issue of the recommendation of nine years in prison, they began shaping a narrative that Barr had no right to exercise such oversight of the agency he, well, oversees. Media ran story after story suggesting that political leadership of the agency — not rogue agents behaving irresponsibly — was in crisis."...….
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Amphibious assault victim Roger Stone on the cover of the Police State Gazette |
These four Rogue Deep-State Prosecutors are hoping and trying to recreate this event of blessed memory:
“On October 20, 1973, in an unprecedented show of executive power, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox, but both men refused and resigned their posts in protest. The role of attorney general then fell to Solicitor General Robert Bork, who reluctantly complied with Nixon’s request and dismissed Cox. Less than a half hour later, the White House dispatched FBI agents to close off the offices of the Special Prosecutor, Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General.”
This has been gamed-out by Schiff and Lawfare again for another run at Impeachment. Even if the President commuted Stone’s sentence later, they would have done it then.
This scheduled legal temper tantrum and the firing of the Vindbags does not a Massacre make and certainly doesn’t compare to Watergate for our President.
However, their actions themselves are another Dirty Trick and Agit-Prop event in this continuing Perma-Coup against us and the President, which does dwarf the Watergate Scandal exponentially and by orders of degree.
However, their actions themselves are another Dirty Trick and Agit-Prop event in this continuing Perma-Coup against us and the President, which does dwarf the Watergate Scandal exponentially and by orders of degree.
The Sentencing Trap they set for Barr (and the President) is straight out of the Weissman playbook, where they sat around for two years trying to bait the Prez into something they could call “Obstruction”. They purposely over-charged to force Barr into stepping in to reduce the 9-year recommendation (James Wolfe got two months!). This is the same thing–they’re trying to manufacture an ”Obstruction”-beef for AG Barr.
If they have scheduled Barr to appear in Congress on March 31, that means they have been given the crooked heads-up that Stone will be sentenced then. They assume that President Trump will then commute Stone so they can pounce, pre-scheduled.
If they have scheduled Barr to appear in Congress on March 31, that means they have been given the crooked heads-up that Stone will be sentenced then. They assume that President Trump will then commute Stone so they can pounce, pre-scheduled.
ps: Targeting Barr is a good sign!
Historically speaking, this feels something akin to the Phony War, the eight month-lull between when the European Democracies declared war on Germany after the Polish Blitzkrieg and the Nazi Invasion of France.
Time is up, Mr. Durham.
Crossfire Tweetstorm-UPDATE:
Debra Heine at American Greatness: “The jury foreman on the Roger Stone trial came forward on social media Wednesday to defend the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case after the Department of Justice overruled their excessive sentencing recommendation.
A Facebook post written by Tomeka Hart, the senior program officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was picked up by multiple news outlets. But the reports left out some highly pertinent details about her background—namely that Hart is a hyperpartisan Democratic Party activist who is rabidly anti-Trump and a Russia-collusion truther.” …….
The Kangaroo-American Jury Forman was a Democrat congressional candidate. She was tweeting before, during and after the trial, calling the President a klansman, etc.. Crooked Judge Berman also allowed other openly anti-Trump jurors, including one whose husband works at DOJ.
The corruption never stops.Historically speaking, this feels something akin to the Phony War, the eight month-lull between when the European Democracies declared war on Germany after the Polish Blitzkrieg and the Nazi Invasion of France.
Time is up, Mr. Durham.

If this isn't a Good Cop/Bad Cop routine...President Trump said something about an investigation? So what? President Obama used the entire government to rig these phony investigations.
I have hopes that Barr and Durham will come through, but somebody's got to Speak the Truth. Now. Today.
Hurry up, Bill. Your silence is making it harder for the President to do his job
AG Barr flipped Rosenstein, shut down Mueller, used Rosie to validate and then retired him. He boosted Durham. He challenged Horowitz. Got through Impeachment. He got rid of Liu. All good. But now it's showtime. I try to cut him some slack since half the government is in mutiny. But on the other hand, half the government is in mutiny! A sense of urgency, please.
Half this government has indeed been trying to frame Donald Trump for four years and he’s only been president for three. Bill Barr can’t know how that feels. If he says stuff, so would you.
I have hopes that Barr and Durham will come through, but somebody's got to Speak the Truth. Now. Today.
Hurry up, Bill. Your silence is making it harder for the President to do his job
AG Barr flipped Rosenstein, shut down Mueller, used Rosie to validate and then retired him. He boosted Durham. He challenged Horowitz. Got through Impeachment. He got rid of Liu. All good. But now it's showtime. I try to cut him some slack since half the government is in mutiny. But on the other hand, half the government is in mutiny! A sense of urgency, please.
Half this government has indeed been trying to frame Donald Trump for four years and he’s only been president for three. Bill Barr can’t know how that feels. If he says stuff, so would you.
I’m reminded of Chris Wray’s confirmation hearing, where senator after senator asked him if he would stand up to the President. He bravely and dutifully grandstanded for the cameras–and once in office, he laid down like a doormat for the President–President Obama, that is.
Whether this is Good Cop/ Bad Cop strategy or an honest disagreement, we need Action This Day, General. This is a war, sir, and you are a General.
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Remember? Liar and Seditionist McCabe--Update: Don Surber: "Barr needs to treat guys like McCabe and company the way McCabe and company treated Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Lori Loughlin." That's weird; four more DOJ prosecutors didn't walk off the job when a plainly guilty Dirty Cop got off today. Like Comey’s leak charges which were dropped in July, this is only acceptable on one condition: that John Durham brings the real indictments–and soon. Yesterday would be good. A failure to do that is My Own Personal Lexington and Concord. "...with Liberty and Justice for some." I never took that pledge. They're playing with fire. And History's still calling...
UPDATE: There are two ways to protect an institution: clean out the bad actors and reform it so it is healthy, or sweep the dirt under the rug and pretend, which keeps it sick but protected.
If you love your kid, you take him to the doctor when he’s sick. You don’t pat him on the head and say “We love our prosecutors.”
Barr says he doesn’t know why the four prosecutors quit. They quit because they are running another Lawfare Black Op on you and the President, Gramps. If he really doesn’t understand that, he’s not smart enough to be Attorney General. Are you really going to let the DOJ launch another Impeachment Coup on your watch, Bill?
I was offended by his full ABC interview. Stone’s prosecution was anything but “righteous”. Instead of telling the President to hush, he should be weeding out his own rogue prosecutors, not saying how he loves them as they continue plotting. He could have appointed a Special Prosecutor for Flynn’s corrupt prosecution a year ago. Instead of making up a hypothetical about President Trump abusing his power, how about focusing on the very real abuse of power by President Obama?
At this point, I’m not even sure a John Durham actually exists.
He did use his old friend Rosey to shut down the Mueller Fraud, which was itself a criminal enterprise. Okay. But he reminds me of Justice Roberts saying ‘We don’t have Obama judges, just really swell scratch bowlers with well-creased pant-legs’. I quote from memory.
Justice Roberts does indeed have Obama judges, Chris Wray has Obama agents and Bill Barr has Obama prosecutors. And none of them are doing a damn thing about it. And you wonder why the President tweets?
Bill Barr seems like a grandfather in denial that his drug addict-grandkids stole all his credit cards. They’re all hooked on the TDS, Bob. Wake up, man. Your country needs you.
I’ve defended the man many times, but after that ABC interview, he’s going to have to prove it to me. Barr was way out of line to tell his Boss to be quiet because he can’t do his job–especially on a day WHEN HE DID NOT DO HIS JOB.
Besides, the President speaks for us, and almost alone. He certainly should not be quiet. Did Barr ever consider how his own SILENCE has made the President’s job more difficult? If Barr finds his job impossible, he should resign and let someone younger and with integrity clean the DOJ Sewer. Barr seems over his head there.
ps; for the record, there have been two Deep State defendants; Greg Craig, who got his pre-scheduled jury nullification, and James Wolfe, whose jaywalking ticket was more cover-up than conviction.
But, in fairness, the Great Aunt Becky Menace stalking the nation has been defeated.
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