You Mean Like the One They Run in Gaza?
Lemme guess--Free Para-Gliding lessons?
"It is concerning on its own when government agents repeatedly turn up at your door, and call and text you.
It is even more concerning when they ask for your sources after you cover a reported Hamas training camp on the US-Mexico border."
They don't want to shut their Nazi Day-Care Camp down.
They want to shut her down, proving their own involvement.
They're not asking questions. They're admitting guilt. They've been running a Sumerian Summer Camp for Wayward Jihadists down there.
Wake Up and Smell the Barry, people. This stinks of Obama. el Jefe. Commander Zero, Frank Marshall Davis III. The Dukes County Sudden Death Paddleboarding Champion, "The Hazard of Dukes!"
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The Princess of Persia |
Matamoros was selected not just for proximity, but also for this:
Ancestry: "Matamoros meaning ‘killer of Moors’ a title given to Spain's patron saint Saint James in the Middle Ages (from matar ‘to kill’ + moros ‘Moors’). According to legend the saint appeared to a 9th-century Spanish king during a battle and enabled him to massacre 60 000 Saracens."
It honors the removal of Islamists from Spain. Barry hates that.
Rush, Andrew, Donald, and the Republican Reconquista - American Thinker:
“Most of my friends were graduating that year,” writes
Bill AyersBarack Obama in Dreams from My Father. “Hasan off to work with his family in London, Regina on her way to Andalusia to study Spanish Gypsies.”Ah yes, “Andalusia!” That, of course, is left-speak for “Spain.” For anti-colonialists like Obama, Andalusia is more than an historical place. It is a metaphor for a progressive golden age, one in which wisdom ruled and peace reigned. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance,” affirmed Obama at Cairo in 2009. “We see it in the history of Andalusia.”
True, after the invading Moors brutally ripped the Iberian Peninsula from its indigenous Latinos, peace of a sort did reign. It came at a price, specifically the jizya, a tax non-Muslims had to pay to secure their dhimmi status, the Islamic equivalent of Jim Crow.
The Moors arrived in the year 711. The Christians started reconquering their homeland in 721. It would take them seven centuries to finish the job. In all of Obama’s musings about Andalusia, he has spared scarcely a word for the “Reconquista...”
Cairo, June 4, 2009, Barack Obama: "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia..."--Obama said “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” But does it really? (
"NEW: Did you know HAMAS set up HQ inside America just three (3) blocks from the U.S. Capitol? The FBI does. They know HAMAS operates out of a red brick building on New Jersey Ave. And they've done virtually nothing about the threat. Read all about it here: Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America for 30 Years | RealClearInvestigations
Jonathan Cahn Prophetic: The Israel-Hamas End-Time Mystery - YouTube
Heavenly Father, we pray with other believers for the safe release of all the hostages in Israel and elsewhere, for with You, nothing is impossible, Lord. Amen!
Isaiah 61:
1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because the Lord has anointed me
To bring good news to the afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to captives
And freedom to prisoners;
2 To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
3 To grant those who mourn in Zion,
Giving them a garland instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.
So they will be called oaks of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.
In Jesus' Name, Yes and Amen!
Bring Them Home Now (@bringhomenow) / X (
Esther 7:
6 Esther said, “This wicked Haman is the adversary and enemy!”
Then Haman was seized with terror before the king and the queen. 7 And the king arose from the banquet of wine in his wrath and went into the palace garden. But Haman remained to plead for his life from Queen Esther, for he saw that harm was determined against him by the king.
8 Now the king returned from the palace garden back to the hall of the banquet as Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was.
Then the king said, “Will he also violate the queen while I am in the room?”
As the shout erupted from the king’s mouth, they covered the face of Haman. 9 Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs in the king’s presence, said, “The gallows, fifty cubits[a] high, which Haman had constructed for Mordecai (who had spoken good on behalf of the king), stands at the house of Haman.”
10 Then the king said, “Hang him on it!” So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s wrath was pacified.
Praise God!
Urgent Prophetic Insight: Israel at War Part 3 and a Persecuting Spirit (
Amanda Grace unpacks the Amalek Spirit behind Hamas and Obama and their Haman Spirit of Persecution of the Jews. For example:Esther 3:
8 Then Haman said to King Xerxes, “There is a certain people dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom who keep themselves separate. Their customs are different from those of all other people, and they do not obey the king’s laws; it is not in the king’s best interest to tolerate them. 9 If it pleases the king, let a decree be issued to destroy them, and I will give ten thousand talents of silver to the king’s administrators for the royal treasury.”
10 So the king took his signet ring from his finger and gave it to Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews. 11 “Keep the money,” the king said to Haman, “and do with the people as you please.”
That 'ten thousand talents of silver' is Fake #BasementPresident Obama's recent $6 Billion-dollar tithe to his beloved boyfriend the Ayatollah for the destruction of the Jews--looted from the American taxpayers, of course.
Amanda closes with a Powerful Word from the Lord, strong meat for His People, not to be missed as we'll see.
More: Rest in the Vine: Days of Haman: Nazis Then, Nazis Now:The small letters, tav, shin, and zayin in the list of Haman’s ten sons (Esther 9), with the combined numerical value of 707, are seen as a “prophetic” code hinting to the future hanging of the ten Nazis convicted at the Nuremberg trials in the year 5707, which Julius Streicher declared as “Purimfest 1946” before he was hanged. What is the origin of these small letters?by Dr. Emmanuel Bloch and Dr. Rabbi Zvi Ron
The three small letters and the large vav in the ten sons of Haman,
with the Nuremberg trial in the background.Streicher and the Nuremberg “Purimfest”
Twenty-four defendants were tried at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals (Nov 20, 1945–Oct 1, 1946). Two were acquitted, eight were given prison sentences, and twelve were condemned to death. Of these twelve, Martin Bormann was tried in absentia, and Herman Goering committed suicide before he could be executed. Given their military status, the ten men asked for the firing squad, but to underscore that their crimes went beyond mere military offenses, the court decided on the more common death by hanging.
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Kingsbury Smith of the International News Service was chosen by lot to represent the American press at the executions. He reported Streicher’s final moments and last words as follows:As the guards stopped him at the bottom of the steps for identification formality he uttered his piercing scream: “Heil Hitler!” The shriek sent a shiver down my back… As he reached the platform, Streicher cried out, “Now it goes to God.” He was pushed the last two steps to the mortal spot beneath the hangman’s rope. The rope was being held back against a wooden rail by the hangman. Streicher was swung suddenly to face the witnesses and glared at them. Suddenly he screamed, “Purim Fest 1946!”…Apparently, Streicher could not help but notice the parallels of the hanging of ten Nazis and the hanging of Haman’s ten sons.
The American officer standing at the scaffold said, “Ask the man if he has any last words.” When the interpreter had translated, Streicher shouted, “The Bolsheviks will hang you one day.” When the black hood was raised over his head, Streicher’s muffled voice could be heard to say, “Adele, my dear wife.” At that instant the trap opened with a loud bang. He went down kicking.”The Nazi’s Preoccupation with Purim
As historian Martin Gilbert notes, the Nazis were well aware of the Jewish holidays and used “Jewish festivals for particular savagery; these days had become known to the Jews as the ‘Goebbels calendar,’” and many atrocities were committed specifically on Purim.
In Zdunska-Wola, for example, on Purim 1942, ten Jews were hung by Nazis “in revenge for Haman." On Purim of 1943, the Nazis fooled the Jews of the Piotrkow ghetto—a demonic version of a Purim prank—by asking for ten Jewish volunteers as part of an alleged exchange program for Germans living in Palestine, and then shot them all.
Julius Streicher himself, founder and editor-in-chief of the weekly German newspaper Der Stürmer (“The Stormer”), featured a lengthy report on March 1934 (Der Stürmer 11): “The Night of the Murder: The Secret of the Jewish Holiday of Purim is Unveiled.” On the day after Kristallnacht (November 10, 1938), Streicher gave a speech to more than 100,000 people in Nuremberg in which he justified the violence against the Jews with the claim that the Jews had murdered 75,000 Persians in one night, and that the Germans would have the same fate if the Jews had been able to accomplish their plan to institute a new murderous “Purim” in Germany.
In 1940, the best-known Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda film, Der Ewige Jude (“The Eternal Jew”), took up the same theme. Hitler even identified himself with the villains of the Esther story in a radio broadcast speech on January 30, 1944, where he stated that if the Nazis were defeated, the Jews “could celebrate the destruction of Europe in a second triumphant Purim festival.”Jews and Nazi-Purim Parallels
The Jews at the time also saw parallels between Purim and the events in Nazi Germany. Already in the 1930s, European Jews connected Haman and Hitler, taking particular joy in the Megillah reading, especially at the hanging of Haman’s sons, interpreting it as the eventual downfall of the Nazis.
Hitler as a modern version of Haman appears in Purim plays going back at least to 1934,and this image figures prominently in the first Purim celebrations held by Holocaust survivors. Rabbinic letters at the time refer to him as the “known Haman” of the time. Photographs of the Purim celebration at the Lansberg DP camp show multiple versions of Hitler hanging in effigy in the fashion of Haman.
Unsurprisingly, therefore, an editorial on the Nuremberg trial in the Tel Aviv daily newspaper HaBoker (Oct 16, 1946, p. 2) as well as a front-page article in this paper discussing the Nuremberg trials (Oct 18, 1946) refer to the Nazis as “sons of Haman.”.......
"Even the Nazis were actually ashamed of what they did. You know, SS Battalions who spent the day shooting Jews in the back of the head and pushing them into trenches had to get very, very drunk in the evening to forget what they had done. ...
Here's the difference: Hamas did it with glee." .......
Sundance: “You might remember last year, when Texas Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar was highly and publicly critical of the Biden border crisis and the immigration policy of the administration, within 2 weeks the FBI raided his home {LINK}.
Fast forward to today, and for the past several weeks, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams has been highly and publicly critical of the Biden border crisis and the influx of illegal aliens into New York City. Suddenly, the FBI raids the home of his top aide.” .......
“Police states are not secure; their history is marked by successive purges, and growing concentration camps, as their governments strike out blindly in fear of violent revolt. Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”–Actual President Harry Truman
FBIGestapo Arrests Regime Dissidents inAmericaCzechoslovakia
Amanda Grace at Trump/Doral Miami, Nov. 6, 2023:
"And the Spirit of the Lord says this day: be strong and courageous for the Spirit of the Lord is with you wherever you go. O, Israel, I the Lord Your God Yahweh, I am calling to you this hour. I am calling to you through the tumult ["Haman"]. Do not put your eyes on the tumult in this hour O Israel and idolize it, lift up your eyes to the hills. Whom your Salvation comes from. Lift up your eyes to the hills. Who does your help come from? Your help comes from the Lord your God.
O, Israel, O, leaders of Israel, repent and turn to Me in this hour. Parliament, says the Lord, stop your squabbling and your squandering of time say the Lord, for I the Lord thy God led David, I the Lord thy God led Hezekiah, I the Lord thy God led Moses, and I the Lord thy God will lead you in this hour if you submit to me. For there is not only an attack says the Lord coming from the North, says the Lord, but there is an attack coming from the West says the Lord. And if you submit to me, O, Israel in this hour, I the Lord will raise my Right Hand of Justice and I will destroy and dismantle those attacks and they will not have their full effects.
For thus says the Lord: O, United States of America, O, have you attempted to cast lots to sell Israel to the highest bidder, says the Lord. O, leaders, how you have attempted to cast lots and try to divide this Nation, and tear it up and sell it before My Face. How dare you, says the Lord. How dare you tear this up and attempt to sell it before My Face? For I the Lord thy God have not abandoned My Children in this Nation. Though events happen, though it may be turbulent, though you may see many tumults ["Hamans"], I the Lord thy God will never leave you or forsake you.
And says the Lord, for the blood that is on the hands of those that exchange, for those that tried to sell out, for those that puppeted a weak, brittle confused host, for those oy you who did this in this hour, that curtain, that Iron Curtain shall be torn and be pulled back and expose every relation between you and those who shake their fist at Almighty God in those Nations that want to turn on God, and worship those that are not Him, while they claim it is Me committing such things. I in this hour will judge you. The blood cries out before My Court says the Lord. And the selling of the United States for money, for oil and for commodities, this shall be your seat now in this hour. Your seat shall be taken from you for doing such says the Lord.
For I am raising up Joshuas in this hour to lead My People in the next leg of this race. I am raising up Joshuas to position them in areas of government. In areas of government in Israel that will be the Voice of Favor the people turn to because they will be speaking from me.And they will mightily stand and oppose and they will go back to AI and they will war says the Lord. They will war for me says the Lord. And says the Lord, in this hour, rejoice says the Lord. Do not focus on the horror. The horror is meant for the enemy to damage your Faith in this hour and turn your face from Me.
I the Lord will deal with the butchers that committed the atrocities. I the Lord will deal with Amalek. I the Lord will deal with that spirit of Esau. I the Lord will deal with that spirit of Absalom. You lift up your face and rejoice in Me and you praise Me for what I am about to do in your nation and what I am about to do in Israel because I am leading you right now through the treacherous valley, through that Road of Perdition that was meant for your destruction in this hour. But it shall actually be the very thing that elevates you in this hour says the Lord.
And yes there shall be schisms, and yes peoples' seats shall shake and their pillars they have built in their churches and worship shall shake, but I the Lord shall defend. And I have chosen and annointed a chosen to lead this Nation one who is being humbled says the Lord. One who is being humbled to be dealt with, and I am bringing that into order. We will not go the same way as before says the Lord. We must carve out a new path to get to the same endpoint. So pray as this path is carved.
Go forth in faith and pray as I the Lord your God will have My way in your Nation and in Israel and My Name will be lifted above all by the end of this. Thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus Name, Amen." .......
Psalm 34:
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and his ears are attentive to their cry;
16 but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
to blot out their name from the earth.
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.
21 Evil will slay the wicked;
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

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