Monday, October 7, 2024

Franklin Graham is Aiding and Abetting the Illegal Alien Invasion of America With Federal Funds From the Biden/Harris Regime

Proverbs 22:28

Do not move the ancient boundary

Which your fathers have set.

Christian Nonprofits Incentivize Illegal Immigration With Tax Dollars (

"President and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse Rev. Franklin Graham told Newsmax in May 2023 that despite his organization’s prominent presence in Latin American countries, “We’re not aiding illegal immigration.”

“We are feeding people down there. We’re not helping people cross the border,” Graham, the son of the late evangelist Billy Graham, insisted.

While programs offering food and financial resources to the caravans snaking through Central America seem humane on the surface, they actually incentivize more migrants to pay the cartel smuggling fees so they can make the trip north. Well-intentioned Christian charities are using American taxpayer money to assist migrants on their journey through Central America, undoubtedly fueling the surge of human trafficking across borders from South America into Mexico and the U.S.

Catholic groups’ work subsidizing migrant treks to the U.S. is widely known and has even been scrutinized by members of Congress. But popular evangelical groups like Samaritan’s Purse and World Relief also use American tax dollars they receive from grants to make migrants’ travel to the deadliest land migration route easier.

Samaritan’s Purse’s mission to “Go and do likewise,” as Jesus commanded in the parable of the Good Samaritan, led to the creation of dozens of international aid programs including Operation Christmas Child and World Medical Mission. For its work, Samaritan’s Purse has received millions of American dollars from government grants, including from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Approximately $718,513 of the money Samaritan’s Purse garnered from government grants and donations has gone to the UN’s Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V).

Samaritan’s Purse may not be physically escorting hundreds of thousands of migrants across the U.S. border, but its partnership with R4V guarantees it is financially involved with a program that openly incentivizes migrants’ journeys to the U.S., no matter how illegal it may be.

On its face, R4V appears to offer basic aid to people leaving politically unstable and impoverished Latin American countries. A deeper dive into the group’s 2024 Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan, however, reveals a complicated scheme to load the many migrants pouring into the U.S. with taxpayer-funded “pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards but also hard ‘cash in envelopes,’ bank transfers, and mobile transfers the U.S. border-bound travelers can use for whatever they want,” as Center for Immigration Studies’ Senior National Security Fellow Todd Bensman reported in January. Encouraged and energized by the cash aid, these migrants continue to the U.S. where already overwhelmed border agents will likely release them into the U.S. with little accountability.

Bensman also noted that migrants from Venezuela with intent to cross the American border illegally aren’t the only ones who receive cash payouts. The UN and its close to 250 non-governmental partners, many of them religious organizations, award $372 million cash aid to hundreds of thousands of “multiple other nationalities” whose migration patterns “increasingly overlapped with and occurred simultaneously in time and place” as those from Venezuela.

“The only expression of apparent concern about supporting people clearly intending to break US law shows up on a page depicting a map with the thin red line of a migration route leading to the US border at about El Paso,” Bensman wrote. “Someone took the trouble to add a footnote on that page noting that the map ‘does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the UN.’ Despite no ‘official endorsement,’ the UN is spending big to encourage such a journey.”

The Federalist asked Samaritan’s Purse if it was aware its financial partnership with R4V benefits more than just Venezuelans and supports other migrants’ goal of crossing the U.S. border illegally. The organization’s Director of Marketing and Media Kaitlyn Josten claimed Samaritan’s Purse “does not support illegal migration” and that its Multipurpose Cash Assistance program is “strictly directed towards Venezuelan migrants who are legally entering Colombia or Colombian returnees who have made the decision to establish themselves permanently in Colombia.”

“No funds are used for cross migration purposes,” she wrote. “Samaritan’s Purse is deeply concerned about human trafficking and sexual violence, and we are very aware of the humanitarian crisis.”
Follow the Money

The North Carolina-based nonprofit isn’t the only Christian evangelical organization that is aiding and abetting the chaos, crime, and death stemming from the southern border by invigorating illegal migration. Dozens of faith-based profits across Jewish, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic, and other sects have involved themselves in programs that inflame the record-breaking number of migrants flooding the U.S.

World Relief, a non-governmental organization with the mission “to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable,” is one of several voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) that receive American tax dollars to resettle refugees.

“VOLAGs are strictly prohibited by regulation from any form of proselytization to refugees. In reality, they are simply government contractors paid handsomely for their services,” a Capital Research Center article noted in 2018.

Yet World Relief has raked in millions of U.S. tax dollars to date and is slated to receive more over the next two years while fundraising off of sharing “the example of Jesus” to the globe.

When Title 42 expired last year, World Relief issued a statement emphasizing that “Thoughtful policy solutions are needed that respect our laws, ensuring both secure borders and due process for those who profess a credible fear of persecution.”

World Relief VP of Advocacy and Policy Matthew Soerens recently claimed that World Relief wants “bipartisan solutions to improve border security, to provide more resources to the Border Patrol and others to ensure … their security” but rejected classifying the ongoing border crisis as an invasion with, as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said, “catastrophic consequences.”

“I just want us to be really careful, those of us who are followers of Jesus, not to fall for that rhetoric,” Soerens said in a dispatch from El Paso last week. “It is not a dangerous situation” because “it’s not a military conquest,” he said.

“It’s not people coming in trying to harm the United States,” he added.

Clean Hands

Soerens is wrong. Our nation’s border crisis is dangerous and deadly. More than 150 illegal border crossers were found on the terror watch list. Thousands of U.S. families have suffered because convicted criminals have kept committing crimes once they sneaked over our border.

The border crisis is also being exploited by our No. 1 overseas enemy and foreign criminal organizations alike to harm Americans and our country. Cartels may control the routes used for smuggling fatal fentanyl into the U.S., but their operations are sustained by investors linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Drugs aren’t the only problem. Cartels use migrants’ desperate desire to come to the U.S. to turn a profit. Migrants don’t cross into the U.S. from Mexico for free. They either pay a coyote, a professional smuggler, to escort them, or they pay with their lives.

Evangelical Christian organizations say they are loving their neighbors and being the “hands and feet of Jesus” by partnering with secular groups and programs aimed at dealing with migrants. Their finances and the results of the programs, however, tell a different story about complicity in a border crisis that, every day, wreaks more and more havoc on the people they claim to care about and love.

But even if the border crisis weren’t a humanitarian one, aiding and abetting illegal migration would still be wrong. That’s because illegal immigration also wreaks havoc on our nation and harms American interests by hurting our national cohesion and undermining our way of life, which is reason No. 1 why American groups should refuse to enable it." .......

Here is an excellent North Carolina church ministry for those who would prefer an alternative:

Home - Encounter Today--Hurricane Relief

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more: A Storm is Coming (2025 Prophetic Word) - Todd Coconato - YouTube

Diana Larkin--PROPHECY: THREE THUNDERS ARE COMING ( Jan. 23, 2024:

"The Father said  

"This year you will hear One, Two, Three Loud Booms of Thunder that will be heard around the world.

Each loud crash will further expose and weaken the Evil Empire, and it will collapse and fall. These booms of great exposure carry Heaven's Maximum Frequency of Destruction, and nothing will keep them from sounding.

The powerful waves will lay bare evil agendas and perverted lifestyles. They will expose a Pride and Arrogance that will sicken peoples' stomachs, and it will jerk them fully awake.

The Darkness has Multiple Death Agendas ready to release on the world, but the frequencies of My Thunders will cause those schemes to crumble right before their eyes. When you hear the threats of war the Darkness has planned for you, and they try to intimidate you with a forecast of sicknesses, financial losses and times of lack, you declare back to them that Heaven's Thunders will break those plans to pieces.

You are sons and daughters of My Covenant Promises, of Preservation, Protection and Provision. Stand on your Promises and call forth My Thunders to crack open the Heavens and release My exposures and the Destruction of the Darkness. Call in My Life, Light and Glory and watch as Thunders and Blessings manifest in this Yead of the Open Door" ........

Psalm 68:

1-4 Up with God!
Down with his enemies!
Adversaries, run for the hills!
Gone like a puff of smoke,
like a blob of wax in the fire—
one look at God and the wicked vanish.
When the righteous see God in action
they’ll laugh, they’ll sing,
they’ll laugh and sing for joy.
Sing hymns to God;
all heaven, sing out;
clear the way for the coming of Cloud-Rider.
Enjoy God,
cheer when you see him!

5-6 Father of orphans,
champion of widows,
is God in his holy house.
God makes homes for the homeless,
leads prisoners to freedom,
but leaves rebels to rot in hell.

7-10 God, when you took the lead with your people,
when you marched out into the wild,
Earth shook, sky broke out in a sweat;
God was on the march.
Even Sinai trembled at the sight of God on the move,
at the sight of Israel’s God.
You pour out rain in buckets, O God;
thorn and cactus become an oasis
For your people to camp in and enjoy.
You set them up in business;
they went from rags to riches.

11-14 The Lord gave the word;
thousands called out the good news:
“Kings of the armies
are on the run, on the run!”
While housewives, safe and sound back home,
divide up the plunder,
the plunder of Canaanite silver and gold.
On that day that Shaddai scattered the kings,
snow fell on Black Mountain.

15-16 You huge mountains, Bashan mountains,
mighty mountains, dragon mountains.
All you mountains not chosen,
sulk now, and feel sorry for yourselves,
For this is the mountain God has chosen to live on;
he’ll rule from this mountain forever.

17-18 The chariots of God, twice ten thousand,
and thousands more besides,
The Lord in the lead, riding down Sinai—
straight to the Holy Place!
You climbed to the High Place, captives in tow,
your arms full of plunder from rebels,
And now you sit there in state,
God, sovereign God!

19-23 Blessed be the Lord—
day after day he carries us along.
He’s our Savior, our God, oh yes!
He’s God-for-us, he’s God-who-saves-us.
Lord God knows all
death’s ins and outs.
What’s more, he made heads roll,
split the skulls of the enemy
As he marched out of heaven,
saying, “I tied up the Dragon in knots,
put a muzzle on the Deep Blue Sea.”
You can wade through your enemies’ blood,
and your dogs taste of your enemies from your boots.

24-31 See God on parade
to the sanctuary, my God,
my King on the march!
Singers out front, the band behind,
maidens in the middle with castanets.
The whole choir blesses God.
Like a fountain of praise, Israel blesses God.
Look—little Benjamin’s out
front and leading
Princes of Judah in their royal robes,
princes of Zebulun, princes of Naphtali.
Parade your power, O God,
the power, O God, that made us what we are.
Your temple, High God, is Jerusalem;
kings bring gifts to you.
Rebuke that old crocodile, Egypt,
with her herd of wild bulls and calves,
Rapacious in her lust for silver,
crushing peoples, spoiling for a fight.
Let Egyptian traders bring blue cloth
and Cush come running to God, her hands outstretched.

32-34 Sing, O kings of the earth!
Sing praises to the Lord!
There he is: Sky-Rider,
striding the ancient skies.
Listen—he’s calling in thunder,
rumbling, rolling thunder.
Call out “Bravo!” to God,
the High God of Israel.
His splendor and strength
rise huge as thunderheads.

35 A terrible beauty, O God,
streams from your sanctuary.
It’s Israel’s strong God! He gives
power and might to his people!
O you, his people—bless God!
1 Samuel 2:10

Those who fight against the Lord shall be broken; He thunders against them from heaven. He judges throughout the earth. He gives mighty strength to his king, And gives great glory to his anointed one.”


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