Wednesday, November 30, 2022

There Are Ten Thousand Ways to Steal Elections, But Only One Path to Honest Elections

Only One

But what happens when that path is permanently blocked?
Lara Logan: "When they tell you they certified that election, they’re lying, lying, lying, lying, lying through their teeth. Every step of the process is involved with fraud. That’s the truth of our elections. There is no part of our elections that isn’t subject to fraud, and it’s time to stop lying to ourselves and lying to each other. You need to look to Brazil, and you need to look to China because the price that those people are willing to pay to stand up for their principles is a lesson to all of us… Don’t miss your chance to make it count because you’re not going to have this chance forever. And what you think you’re risking is already gone, if it even existed in the first place.”

The Media's Deranged Hysteria Over Elon Musk's Promised Restoration of Free Speech ( Greenwald-- This Censorship and Propaganda-program is part and parcel of the Police State's Election Theft-regime.

FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY - National Group Uncovers Real-Time Democrat Election Fraud - HERE'S HOW THEY DID IT ( Valentine:

"A policeman pulls over a speeder. The police computer fortunately picks up that 3 hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store – so the police are on alert. No database latency.

County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.

National Change of Address Database, NCOA, will not pick up those address changes. They didn’t happen because there is no history.

The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine – except for ballots. Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database – the one that was changed – then changed back.

Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot. They may vote in person. Oops! “You already voted!” Ever heard that?

Welcome to database latency.

Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back. Who would know?

A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back and how would you ever know? With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file – months after the election.

What are you going to do about it? Reverse the election?

The new, and current “ballot gathering strategy” mandated by the almost universal mail-in ballots adds pretty cool database games – exploiting database latency.

Database latency, as you likely gathered, is when the database record lags current reality. We all experienced it in our electronic-driven society.

The ballot-gathering scammers know about latency – it’s their ground game! To Republicans, election engineering is civics. To Democrats, it’s business – and they are great at it! Floating ballots are the lifeblood Democrats need to win – and win they will. Win they do.

Ballot gatherers know Republicans use dumb technology – relational databases, SQL, NCOA, Melissa, all non-real-time, highly latent systems. Bad guys are happy to watch Republicans waste time finding ones and twos, while the real action takes place by the thousands – invisible to these batch, latency-prone systems.".......

Read it all. More here: Omega4America – A FractalWeb.App Microsite

One point: plenty of "Republicans" are also stealing elections, as we see at the Maricopa Board this very day. The old "Democrat vs. Republican"-paradigm is almost useless today.
SmartMatic's First Board Meeting

In Arizona, MAGA voters waited until Election Day, thinking that this would minimize fraud. So the Maricopa Board simply set the CheatWare Voting Machines to malfunction that day. Then they "counted" all week until the desired result was reached.

Yet another Massive Election Fraud Coup in 2022 tells me this:

The Deep State Fraud Machine will NEVER willingly give up their power to steal elections. We will not be allowed to "Reform" it in any meaningful way. The time for "process" fixes has passed. You cannot vote your way out of Massive, Entrenched Vote Fraud. 

Local, state and national officials are all in on it. Intelligence Agencies. Political Parties. Foreign Governments. Corporations. They all have a stake and a hand in our Potemkin Storefront Elections.

I suppose they would like to abolish them completely someday, but for now they find it useful to maintain the pretense.

We can no longer have Honor System Voting with dishonorable people. The only human options seem to be either submission and slavery or resistance and revolution. Ben Franklin said "A Republic--if you can keep it." But he never said "...and if you can't, you're stuck with a Police State for the rest of your lives."

Actual President Abraham Lincoln explains the concept: 
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it."
Honorable revolution is our Right as sovereign citizens, and vastly preferable to the slavery they are working on night and day, but both paths are terrible in aspect.

That's why I'm praying and believing for a Supernatural Move of an Almighty God, Hallelujah!

Father God, Your children are crying out for the Freedom of Your Spirit in America and around the world. We know You love us, that You hear us and that You are not done with America, praise God. Let Your harvest come and Your Glory fill the earth as Your Word says. We Give You all the praise, all the honor and all the Glory, Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen!

Psalm 98:1-2   

A Psalm of David 

God the Ruler of the World

98 Sing a new song to the Lord;
he has done wonderful things!
By his own power and holy strength
he has won the victory.
2 The Lord announced his victory;
he made his saving power known to the nations.


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