Saturday, April 6, 2024


Dr. Naomi Wolf: Dr James Thorp: "Shedding" is Real, Per Study; DNA Damage to Unborn is Real (
"I interview here Dr James Thorp. He is the distinguished maternal-fetal medicine specialist, who is one of the only members of the entire US OB/GYN or midwife community in the US, to speak up on behalf of his patients, or on behalf of pregnant women and babies, born and unborn, in general, regarding the damage to women and babies from the mRNA injection.

Dr Thorp, along with two other independent midwives, was among the only health professionals working with pregnant women and new moms, to warn about the damage that the lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA injections, were causing to the placentas of pregnant women.

"Dr Thorp, along with two other independent midwives, was among the only health professionals working with pregnant women and new moms, to warn about the damage that the lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA injections, were causing to the placentas of pregnant women.

Dr Thorp had earlier shown me images of sonograms revealing calcifications throughout mRNA-vaccinated mothers’ placentas. These calcifications restricted nutrients and oxygen from reaching the baby in utero. Dr Thorp also warned me early on - in 2022 — that premature deliveries were on the rise among vaccinated women, as their placentas could not grow normally. ...

This evidence, presented to me by Dr Thorp and by these midwives, independently confirmed evidence from the Pfizer documents, that revealed that Pfizer knew that their injection was causing menstrual damage at an inconceivable scale of injury ...In the Pfizer menstrual-damage chart, there are double digit thousands of women in each category of menstrual injury. Pfizer also documented that 62 per cent of the adverse events in their own records were in women, and that of these, 16% — in Pfizer’s own words — were “reproductive disorders.”

The Pfizer report on pregnancy and lactation, that went to the FDA (and thus the CDC) in April of 2021, showed that two babies had died in utero due to “maternal exposure” to the vaccine. This was the report that Dr Rochelle Walensky had in hand when she gave a press conference on April 23, 2021, to declare that the mRNA vaccines were safe for pregnant women — “CDC recommends that pregnant people receive the COVID-19 vaccine” she said — and that there was no bad time to get vaccinated; before, during or after your pregnancy. She resigned days after we published our report showing that she had this information of the murderous effect of the mRNA vaccine on unborn babies, when she told America’s pregnant women to get mRNA vaccinated. ...

As a result of this multiple, independent confirmation of damage to pregnancies by Dr Thorp and these two brave midwives, along with the extensive evidence in the Pfizer documents showing that Pfizer knew that they were killing and injuring babies in utero, we at DailyClout were able to sound the alarm for pregnant women regarding these injections, and by acting together we all have saved thousands or hundreds of thousands of babies and new moms.

None of that would have been possible without the courage of Dr Thorp and these two midwives, in having come forward with their own evidence of the damage to women and to their babies.

Now, Dr Thorp comes forward again with a shocking presentation of new evidence: a study he has prepared, soon to be published, reveals that “shedding” of the mRNA vaccine materials, from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, is a real phenomenon. Dr Thorp presents evidence that it is due to skin contact or respiration, which again independently confirms what the Pfizer documents reveal: Pfizer describes “exposure” to the vaccine materials as including skin contact and respiration...

And here is Reuters in 2021, “pre-bunking” any discussion of possible “shedding”, and dismissing early warnings to women about possible menstrual and reproductive damage. We now know that the White House was behind this early campaign to silence questions about these possible issues. Reuters, via this sort of baseless, journalistically irresponsible misinformation, has many deaths and injuries of women and babies on its hands, as does the Biden White House, which led the campaign to censor these questions and damage the reputations of those who raised them publicly. ...

As stunningly, Dr Thorp points out that it is now confirmed that DNA damage is permanent in regards to the human genome. He explains that human DNA has been damaged by the materials in the mRNA vaccine, in such a way that future generations may well suffer, or be altered in ways that we cannot predict. Dr Thorp describes the experimental nature of the mRNA vaccines as being a more serious catastrophe medically to the human race, than were the famous cases of damage to women and to their unborn progeny, represented in the DES scandal of the 1930s (DES grandchildren are now suffering from cancers and other symptoms due to their grandmothers’ exposure to DES, he says) — as well as the famous Thalidomide disaster.

Dr Thorp has been publicly fired, in a reputationally damaging way, by his former employer, SSM Health-St Mary’s Hospital, a hospital where he had been one of the most distinguished and sought-after clinicians. The terms of his departure sought to include a non-discloure agreement. He was fired after telling the truth about the effect of mRNA vaccines on pregnant women and their babies:

“Pushing of these experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, maybe humanity. Particularly when it comes to administering these vaccines to pregnant women….Telling the truth is my obligation as a physician. I will never compromise my ethics in order to protect the financial interests of any corporation,” he states.

In spite of this punitive public treatment, Dr Thorp has refused to be silenced, and as a result has saved countless mothers and babies. He and his wife, attorney Maggie Thorp, who for her part revealed a “Payola” type scandal in which millions of dollars of government funds flowed to obstetrical organizations in exchange for the Mafia-type silencing of OB/Gyns about mRNA vaccine damage, are two genuine heroes for our time.

This is an unmissable interview with Dr Thorp. It is already being censored as soon as I posted it, on Youtube and Facebook.

Please watch it and share it." .......

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Groundbreaking New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise - DailyClout--The Vigilant Fox:

"Seventy-five years. That’s how long Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide the Pfizer documents from public view — long after just about everyone affected is dead. It wasn’t until renowned attorney Aaron Siri led a FOIA case against the FDA that a federal judge ordered the documents to be released in 108 days, the same amount of time it took the FDA to approve the Covid-19 injections.

So what exactly is within those documents? What is there to uncover that Pfizer and the FDA didn’t want available for public view?

Thanks to the thousands of highly-credentialed and brave War Room/DailyClout volunteers, much of the heavy lifting has already been done. Let’s take a closer look at three of the – now – fifty Pfizer reports that Pfizer and the FDA don’t want you to see..."

Pfizer Investigations Archives - DailyClout

Rest in the Vine: "Anthony Fauci and the Public Health Establishment" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and "What is in the Pfizer Documents?" by Dr. Naomi Wolf:

Almost a Million Views of my Hillsdale College Speech: "What is in the Pfizer Documents?" ( Naomi Wolf:

 I guess people want answers about the greatest crime against humanity in history.

"We've had greedy corporations before. That's not what this is. This is a Bio-Weapon and we are under attack."

"I am sharing this entire speech — one that I gave last month at the extraordinary Hillsdale College in Michigan.

The speech has had almost a million views on all platforms in a matter of days.

It summarizes the key revelations to date that our team of 3500 medical and scientific experts - the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers’ group - found in the Pfizer documents.

Greatest crime against humanity ever.

I also explain briefly in this speech why I conclude that we are living in a Biblical moment, in which God is letting us choose, and demonstrating something like — “This is how bad human beings can be when you lose touch with Me.”

I am very grateful to Hillsdale College for giving me the platform on which to share these shocking, lifesaving revelations.

I used to speak on tens of college campuses every year. After I was de-platformed and sustained a global reputational attack — spearheaded by the White House, CDC, DHS and Twitter — for telling the truth about harms to women’s fertility via the MRNA injection, it has been only the faith-based and liberty-oriented Hillsdale College - (which made the decision at a critical inflection point in its history not to accept government funding) — out of all the universities in America, that has brought me to campus to speak.

Yet every college student in America, every citizen, deserves to hear these truths firsthand."

Did you know the Pfizer VAXX wasn't made in some German pharma plant but in two East Coast factories owned by China?

Naomi Wolf - What's in the Pfizer Documents? (

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