Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"South Carolina Passes Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Children" by LifeSite News

South Carolina passes ban on transgender surgeries for children,

 secret ‘transitions’ at school– LifeSite (

“South Carolina was one of the last Republican-led states not to have passed restrictions on transgender mutilation of children.

The bill requires minors who began using puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones before August 1 this year to be weaned off of the sterilizing drugs by no later January 31, 2025. It also outlaws the use of public funds “directly or indirectly” for “gender transition” practices and bans Medicaid from reimbursing or covering the procedures.

Republican Gov. Henry McMaster, who has a record of opposing LGBT ideology, plans to sign the measure, South Carolina Daily Gazette reported. He previously signaled his support for the bill and denounced “transitioning” children in January, saying, “we must prevent our young people from making irreversible errors.”

South Carolina would be the 25th state to ban or limit “gender transitions” for minors.

House Bill 4624 would also strengthen parents’ rights by requiring schools to immediately notify parents in writing if their child claims to identify as something other than his or her sex or asks to be addressed by transgender pronouns.
The bill additionally prohibits school employees from withholding information about children’s gender confusion from their parents or encouraging or coercing children to do so.

Several European countries have moved to restrict transgender mutilation of children due to the dangers posed by “gender transitions” and the lack of scientific basis for the practices, including the U.K., Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark.
In March, England’s National Health Service banned prescription of puberty blockers to minors outside of clinical trials, and Scotland followed last month with a pause on both puberty blockers and hormones for children under 18.” ……..

Praise God! 

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