Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Obama: We'll Be Lying to You in Two Languages Now, Because One Just Isn't Enough for All the Lies

Q: What's wrong with this USAToday article?

...Omar Mateen calmly claimed credit for the massacre and identified himself as an "Islamic soldier'' while calling on U.S. authorities to stop the bombing in Iraq and Syria, according to partial transcripts of the attacker's telephone contacts with dispatchers and crisis negotiators released on Monday.
"Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God,'' Mateen told a 911 dispatcher in Arabic just after 2:30 a.m., June 12.

A: The quotation marks.

They are not quoting Mateen. They are quoting the government bureaucrat who changed Mateen's words for you.

Mateen called himself a "jihadi", not an "Islamic soldier",

Mateen said "Allah", not "God". He knew both words and chose "Allah". But your government chose to change it for you.

Why? Several reasons:

* They desperately want terrorism to be practiced equally by the Amish, Buddhists and Muslims. If you notice that it is not, you're a bigot. Facts are racist things, hater.
* They're trying to spare the religious sensibilities of Muslims. Compare this tender solicitude with how they force nuns to buy abortions. And they wonder why people think he's a Muslim.
*'soldier' sounds more legit than 'jihadi'. And who's against 'God'?
* They think Americans--but not jihadis!--are ignorant rednecks who will start shooting up the joint, targeting everybody with a turban should they hear an Arabic word.

First of all, thanks to the government's insane policies, we already know way more Arabic than we should. Little Buford is not going to grab his AK-49-ers George Bush-Master Race Assault Rifle Cannon Machine Gun Pistol Mean-Looking Weapon and go on a rampage.

And our Buford probably already served two tours in the Middle East and knows more about the Sunni-Shia situation than most of Washington's Cocktail Commandos.

Ace of Spades:

The FBI, DoJ Cave, Release Complete Unredacted Mateen 911 Transcripts

But insist on replacing 'Allah' with 'God' in the Arabic translation."...........

Don't try to de-Islam-ify Islamist terrorism. Don't try to calm us down. Don't try to sell us on your "acceptable Level of Terrorism".

And don't translate for us. We already don't believe an Allahdam word you say in English, you [redacted] [redacted] of [redacted].

You can "quote" me.

UPDATE: The Attorney General is going to Orlando today to discuss [redacted] with [omitted].

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