Saturday, June 18, 2016

Obama: "...Why (is it) that we think our liberty requires these repeated tragedies? That’s not the meaning of liberty."

Try these:

"...Why (is it) that we think our liberty requires me to crush ISIS? That’s not the meaning of liberty."

"...Why (is it) that we think our liberty requires me to stop flooding the country with Sharia-supporters? That’s not the meaning of liberty."

"...Why (is it) that we think our liberty requires me to do my job? That’s not the meaning of liberty."

The "meaning of liberty" is altering the Bill of Rights?



UPDATE: I recently wrote about having the Second Amendment Lib 'splained to me:

""The militia is not the people. The militia is the State Guard. And the State Guard is the State National Guard, And the State National Guard is the Federal National Guard. And the National Guard is the Federal Government. Therefore, the 2nd Amendment really means that the Federal Government and only the Federal Government has the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."

Which is the exact opposite of what it really means, explained the Queen to Alice."

Well, here it is: "What America’s gun fanatics won't tell you. The Second Amendment doesn’t give you the right to own a gun"

The author says only the National Guard (now under Obama's control) has a right to own guns. He may not even think police can have guns.

If Granny fends off a knife-wielding home invader with her snubnose .38, she's an anti-Constitutional monster who is a "deserter" because she's not in the Guard.

Hell, they don't even call Bo Bergdahl a deserter.

The Founders evidently wanted her assaulted. If you're too old to enlist, too bad. Do your patriotic duty and die, Granny!

The entire Bill of Rights are limitations on government, not limitations on citizen's rights. The Founders knew Governments grab power and were trying to stop it, not enshrine it. If the Second Amendment is actually a gun ban like this fanatic says, then why didn't the Founders confiscate guns back then?

Hands Off, Statists!

(the linked article uses this image of Hamilton):

"America is a Gun-Free Zone? I brought cannons to the Princeton campus, pistols to Weehauken and muskets to Broadway! Don't ever use my picture to try to infringe the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, you jerk!"

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