Hitler Finds Out Biden is Calling OTHER People Fascists |
"Tonight, a perpetually nasty and likely medicated man, demanding respect from a nation he abhors, will rally his 30% and decry the majority in a primetime address. The shouting is scheduled to originate at 8:00pm ET from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."........
"The Soul of a Nation" by the Sold Us Out to Another Nation. Perfect. |
The Optics Created by Joe Biden Communication Team for a National Address Were Off the Charts Creepy

After hearing the Reich Chancellor's Address to zee Nation, I have come to a realization about the OBiden Government of Occupation:
That's Not Who We Are.
The ground has shifted beneath cynics' feet.
You could put half of his supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.
In their disdain for pluralism and their disregard for human life and their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit and it is our continuing duty to confront them.
Their kind must be destroyed and never allowed to rise again.
It's not just OBiden, it's the entire philosophy that underpins the - I'm going to say something, it's like semi-fascism.
trapper: "That speech was a national disgrace.
A feeble, doddering, old man was led out and deposited at a podium by his caregiver. There he read an angry speech from a teleprompter that condemned half of America as enemies of democracy because they oppose his administration’s policies and still are not satisfied that the 2020 election was on the up and up. Then his caregiver reappeared, he grabbed a hand microphone, was told by his caregiver to put it down, and was led away.
2020? Some still grouse that Daley stole the 1960 election for Kennedy. Welcome to America. We grouse and complain and accuse and rehash Super Bowl games, baseball games, and elections. THAT is democracy at work, free American citizens, not Soviet slaves.
Oh, and is there anyone so gullible that they believe the guy outside with the bullhorn yelling “FJB” was NOT staged? Right on cue, Old Joe read his response from the teleprompter. Fake election, fake protester, fake president.
Trump 2024".......
Trump 2024 2022.
Otherwise, perfect post!
ps; of course they would have a false flag protestor. If not for false flags, they’d have no flag at all.
btw, all this OBiden Sturn und Drang hysteria can also be translated from the original German thusly:
"Shit! We didn't find the documents we need to hide forever! Better crank it up to 11!"
paulsperry: “DEVELOPING: Sources say the architect of One-Party State Joe’s “Red Dawn speech” is White House adviser Anita Dunn, a ChiCom apologist who has claimed Mao as one of her favorite “philosophers”
You know it bombed when they bring out the Designated Scapegoat for the under the bus-treatment.
This article is a brilliant deep dive on the building of the American Police State. Every patriot needs to know these things because we are going to dismantle the Monster, all Glory to God Our Father!
But I'm going to try to answer the specific question asked in the title:
“Why is Washington DC So Intensely Focused on Targeting Donald Trump and Labeling His Supporters as Threats to Democracy?“
A: Because even though they may have started out young and idealistic, the minions of this American Evil Empire fell under the sway of trash like the Clintons and worse, Barack Hussein Obama.
The corruption of those leaders especially has bit by bit led all the others down an abyss of criminality and tyranny over their fellow citizens, one bad decision at a time, drip by drip, until the idealism all turned to arrogance and entitlement.
They’re not persecuting their victims to silence them. They’re driven to persecute all of us to silence the voices in their own heads and the Witness in their own souls.
They know what they did.
They know who they are.
There is no escaping that they have abandoned every principle they once held and betrayed the deepest meaning of what it means to be an American.That is why they target us and accuse us of every crime they are themselves committing. To stop the gnawing in the gut, the guilt and the voice of conscience.
But all they can do is commit new crimes to cover the old crimes, which were committed to hide the crimes before that, which were done to cover-up the felonies preceding those, ad nauseum.
Conversely, each new accusation against their victims must be harsher and shriller than the last, like the ever-tightening swirl of the civilization they are blindly flushing down the toilet.
We refuse to live in fear, for that is not Life. That is not America.
What have they done, Harry?
What the hell have they done? .................
LIBBY EMMONS: Joe Biden Is the Fascist in the White House (humanevents.com)
"Using the term “fascist” is a language game designed to paint the opposition as something they are not, and obfuscate the fact that it has been Democrats in power that have repeatedly and consistently limited the rights of Americans. Charlie Kirk rightfully noted that Joe Biden is a fascist. Democrats closed schools and churches during the pandemic. Democrats limited the rights of citizens to peacefully assemble and petition their government for a redress of grievances. Democrats conspired with social media and media companies to suppress and censor reporting that they believed would paint their presidential nominee in a poor light, and it was Democrats that attempted to pass pro-abortion legislation so evil—permitting abortion for all 9 months of pregnancy—that hobbled their ability to obtain any GOP votes at all.
Democrats are the party that seeks to remake the economy, culture, and society from the top down, with input from academics and corporate executives who have little care for the struggles of real Americans. When Biden says he wants to build the nation from the bottom up and the middle out, he means from the top down and crushing the middle entirely.
They want to reconstruct our food supplies to reduce the kind of fertilizer that farmers use to turn our inhospitable world into a bountiful one. They want to eliminate the fossil fuels that have decreased global poverty and increased wealth for middle class Americans across the country. They literally want to remove our cars from the road and have us replace them with excessively priced vehicles that rely on an electric grid that cannot sustain the weight of American use.
Yet they call their opponents fascist. They call conservatives, who have taken up the mantle of free speech, liberty, equality in education, parental rights, and individual freedom, fascists. For Biden and his Democrats, there is no right of Americans to live by their own design. Not going along with the Democrats pro-abortion, pro-groomer, pro-corporate, pro-authoritarian, pro-censorship approach is called fascist.
But we know who the real fascists are: they are the ones who shut down our businesses, our schools and our churches, the ones who belittled our concerns for our elderly parents and grandparents, the ones who even now seek strength in oppression.".......
Jim Rickards on Twitter: "Trump will be indicted sometime in the next 30 days. Biden's speech tomorrow is to lay out the pretext. Get ready; this is definitely not priced."
If so, I suspect they would go with the old stand-by “Obstruction”, a non-crime about a non-crime. But they’ll probably pile on a bunch of other horseshit in hopes that the flies will make it look like dessert.
That is if they still have their jobs by then.
We barely have the Rule of Law anymore, but this would be an ideal moment for the Court to stand up and crush this Police State madness–before someone does it for them.
Why have a Court if not for such a moment as this?
"The FBI ran point on a coup. Wray withheld evidence of FBI crimes, and targeted Trump allies. He’s not investigating Hunter Biden; he’s negotiating post-election environment, looking at both candidates. Probably will be seen as mistake not to have fired him in spring."
"I'm a big fan of Lee Smith (the BIGGEST!), and agree with him. I would like to add that I also believe they were looking for, and thought I had, some or all of the Crooked Hillary Clinton 33,000 emails that were deleted, acid washed, and phones hammered AFTER the receipt of a full Congressional SUBPOENA. Additionally, they perhaps wanted any information on the Non-Collusion Mueller, Mueller, Mueller Report.
Congratulations to the many FBI & DOJ Whistleblowers who have flooded the offices of our Senators & Congressmen/women with really bad things to say about what is going on. This is the time, after many years of lawbreaking & unfairness, to clean things up. All things for a reason. DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!"
Over the Target | The Epoch Times
Is the FBI Using Russiagate Tactics to Cover Up for Russiagate Crimes? (theepochtimes.com)
Lee Smith and Glenn Greenwald Discuss Ukraine and the Deep State - YouTube
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Special Massa: My 600-lb. Unindicted Co-Conspirator and Coup Plotter |
Biden slipped up the other day and gave his real definition of a "semi-fascist": it is someone who knows their vote was stolen by Joe Biden.
The man who just sent "assault weapons" to the Real President's house promised to ban assault weapons. For others.In fairness, if I were an illegally-installed child-molesting Chinese-owned bribe-taking money-laundering punk bitch dictator, I’d want to confiscate guns, too.
Just sayin’. .................
Mikhail Gorbachev Dies, Aged 91
“I want the new closeness to continue. And it will, as long as we make it clear that we will continue to act in a certain way as long as they continue to act in a helpful manner. If and when they don’t, at first pull your punches. If they persist, pull the plug. It’s still trust by verify. It’s still play, but cut the cards. It’s still watch closely. And don’t be afraid to see what you see.”–Actual President Reagan
When this Occupation Government stole my voice and my vote to install themselves in power, they declared me as less than a citizen. A non-person. A dis-American.
And now I declare them the same. They are Un-Americans, and by their own criminal choices. They went from being my political opponents to being my enemies. Not Putin. Not Russia. This Concertina Crime Syndicate they call a government.
I love my country. But this criminal regime is not my country. I owe this Gangster Rebellion no loyalty, only “eternal hostility” as Jefferson put it.
There is no “we”. There is no “us”. There is no “president”. Just a retarded criminal, a decomposing puppet, a shell of a shell of a broken man. In fairness, though, everyone knows he runs nothing.
“Yes, let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness–pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the State, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.”
Ronald Reagan, who won reelection in a massive landslide like Donald Trump, spoke those words about the Evil Empire.
I’ve often called Acting President Obama a “Reagan-in-Reverse”. Actual President Ronald Reagan found a way to bring the Russians into the Sphere of Peace. Obama is finding a way to return us to the Cauldron of War, in a Soviet America.
Our Occupation Government is the New Evil Empire. “Don’t be afraid to see what you see.”
And this one will not stand either. .................
1 Timothy 2:2-7
1-3 The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.
4-7 He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us—Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free. Eventually the news is going to get out. This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth.
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Amen |