With the best of intentions, President Trump pushed for Operation: Warp Speed. He didn’t understand, just as most of us didn’t (except perhaps Bobby Kennedy), that somewhere along the line, our gold-plated Health Blobocracy, in conjunction with the entire NAT/SEC Apparatus, had morphed into a collection of Mad Scientists, tin-can Totalitarians and Bio-Medical Bond Villains.
These CoronaCriminals led all of us down the Rosy Path to Vaxx World, where the #Pfake “Cure” was already waiting, for the very Virus they had pre-built and inflicted on the world in the first place. This should go without saying, but since nothing does anymore, Americans should be able to rely on their government, not to have it wage Genocidal War against them. Thanks, Obama.
Turns out that you can go really, REALLY fast when you fake all the clinical trials, dismantle the Control Groups, build the Virus and the Vaxx years beforehand and care more about money, power and Depopulation than God’s children.
15 Days seemed kinda’ reasonable at the time. Again, most of us didn’t realize 15 Days to Stop the Spread was really 15 Months to Repeal the Bill of Rights.
Like Jan. 6th, it was another wicked set-up. They had him trapped. If Real President Trump had rejected the medical advice of the entire government, President Pence would have enacted it anyway –and worse–after the Impeachment. Do you see that now?
Let’s pray for our Rightful President:
Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your anointed servant, President Donald J. Trump. Protect him and his family and give him revelation wisdom to govern righteously for Your Purpose and Your Glory as You restore this nation and him to his lawful place as the duly-elected and duly re-elected President of the United States in Your Perfect Timing. In the Name of our Redeemer Jesus Christ we pray and receive it now and call it done, Father God, Amen and Amen!
"I live in Sweden but all of my family is back in the States. My mom was living in a nursing home due to dementia at the beginning of this mess. I know she was given the shots even though she had tested positive for Covid at some point and had zero symptoms. I had no say in the matter since I was only one of 5 of her kids and I’m not there. She died in 2021 of a massive stroke/heart attack. All of my siblings (5 still living), their spouses, and their kids bought into this BS. Out of all of them, I know the husband of one has been dealing with gall bladder issues and their daughter had a major reaction last summer that they attributed to Lyme’s disease (after searching her body for at least an hour, they found a small red spot that they assumed was a tick bite…) but in my opinion was the same thing that Justin Beiber had since she lost control of one side of her face. I do not know of any others having problems but they know I’m against the shots so they don’t talk to me about that.
On my husband’s side of the family, he only has one brother with 4 kids and a wife who all gladly took the shot. As far as I know, they are ok but he doesn’t stay in contact with him. His dad, on the other hand, is fully boosted and shot up as is his mom. His dad got colon cancer shortly after his first shot that they were able to remove quickly and he hasn’t had a recurrence of that but last summer he started having really weird neurological symptoms. His legs stopped working properly and he has been going downhill since then. We spent 2 weeks with them last summer and just after we left they came down with the coof but we all remained healthy…go figure.
My 4 kids have remained shot free. One lives in the UK and was in school for most of the craziness. He refused the shots on religious reasons and it was never forced on him. My 2 youngest were home in Sweden with me at the beginning and we just didn’t get the shots even though it was offered. My second oldest was/is in the States and when his college mandated it he got a religious exemption. This past year my third child joined him in University in the States and but she chose a school that did not mandate shots or masks so no worries there.
My husband, unfortunately, fell for the hype based off of a Facebook post supposedly showing a list of the dead in the newspaper from Italy that turned out to be fake Despite my pleading with him to not take the shots he went out and did it anyway and then told me 2 days later he had done it. He still has pain in his arm from the injection. I have no clue how many he has taken since then b/c I was stupid and told him I didn’t want to know. Now, I continually wonder how much damage he has done to himself and how much he has shed on me and the girls.
Friends here in Sweden who have gotten the shots have had numerous problems but they refuse to acknowledge they are caused by the shots. One has had a mental breakdown of sorts and is dealing with high anxiety. He used to be a high muckety-muck in one of the major corporations here but had a breakdown and is now slowly trying to come back from that. Another had really bad water retention in her chest and upper body for about a week that she attributed to a bad workout session…really? Another almost lost her son to kidney failure and/or myocarditis that they have attributed to the medication he was being given for his mental problems (transgender he thinks…they did refuse the surgery for him (Sweden, not him or his mom)). She was not well to begin with and she has really gone downhill since but I think she’s finally seen the light b/c both she and her current husband have been having numerous issues and are constantly sick with the Coof.
Thanks for asking, since this was very therapeutic to write out amongst people who will believe me and not think me a Conspiracy theorist (my husband actually called me that…) I’d like to think of myself as a Conspiracy Realist actually
Only by the grace of God am I getting thru this…""
Mark Steyn: Governments are refusing to investigate excess mortality and collapsed fertility rates – 21 Feb 2023:
The COVID vaccines are the key to a global surveillance & control program. That’s why the Department of Homeland Security is filing patents for “fusion proteins that contain luciferase” while hiding that fact from the American public.Take heart, Emerald; this is not 'The End of Human Freedom', but the Beginning!
Erica Bleuer (realnotrare.com)
Erica Bleuer
First Dose of Moderna on 05/24/2021
Second Dose of Moderna on 06/19/2021
Iowa 39 yrs old
Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?
Wonderful. Completely healthy, active. I felt better than I had in my whole life.
Q: Would you like to share your reason(s) for getting the vaccine?
I was extremely hesitant to get it, because of the rush implementation and lack of data regarding testing and efficacy.
When the Federal mandates were announced, and companies were allowed to require vaccination to retain employment, coupled with the extreme pressure I felt to keep my son and my mother safe, as they have severe medical issues, I went ahead. I got the doses in May/June of 2021.
Q: Have you had Covid before?
Yes. Even after I took the vaccine - I still got Covid, because it was not even effective.
Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?
I have been battling every day with debilitating side effects after receiving the Moderna vaccine.
Almost immediately following, I noticed I was losing my vision. I had to undergo many tests by multiple hospitals and facilities. I was referred to numerous specialists. I underwent numerous MRI's, spinal taps, blood testing, brain scans, angiograms and more. During these tests, I discovered I have deteriorating vision loss and now have to receive injections every four weeks. I have swelling in my brain. I have vascular leaking and swelling. I have bilateral hearing loss, which has diminished hearing in both ears. There are many other minor issues that I will not waste time mentioning, as I try to focus on fighting to keep my vision, hearing, and brain stable. My brain swelling is the most frightening, as there is no way to monitor that personally on a day-to-day basis. The constant headaches are difficult to manage.
I have to take at least 15 pills a day, just to attempt to keep things stable. I have to take more when I have flare-ups and have to fight to get things back under control. The vision in my right eye, which was my dominant eye, has almost been completely lost on multiple occasions. Thankfully my Retinologist has been able to fight the deterioration off as long as he has.
There is no help for people in my situation. There is no relief. There are no treatment options being provided. Many doctors I have spoken with do not know what to do with the reactions they are seeing.
My medical bills from May 2021 through December 05, 2022, totaled $83,289.58 (redacted photo attached for verification). That does not even include injections, surgery, follow-up appointments and prescriptions that I have yet to have this month and will continue to have going forward. I regularly travel to seven medical facilities in two states for these appointments, so the time off work and the travel expenses also add up quickly and tremendously.
If you have made it this far now, I can explain why I have created this. An attorney in the Washington DC area contacted me this morning and offered his services to take me as a client for $2,500 to expedite my counterclaims injury compensation claim and fight the impending rejection by the government. Most people do not know that you must file within a year of the countermeasure (shot), or you are entirely out of luck. I was proactive enough with my research to at least cover myself that way.
Once that claim can get approved or even responded to, only THEN can I move on to explore other remedies. The PATH Act states you must exhaust all administrative remedies first, so I genuinely need to gather these funds even to have a shot at future remedies or help.
If you would like to contribute to my cause, to this cause in general, to help establish some path or precedent for the many others who have died or are injured and lost, I would appreciate it. Even a prayer or good vibe is appreciated.
Any funds will be used for the legal fee requested. If I cannot raise the amount needed, the monies will all go towards the ongoing medical expenses.
The core problem in post-vaccine syndrome is long-lasting “immune dysregulation.” The most important treatment goal is to help the body restore a healthy immune system — in other words, to let the body heal itself. Our recommended treatment strategy involves two major approaches:
- Promote autophagy to help rid the cells of the spike protein
- Use interventions that limit the toxicity/pathogenicity of the spike protein
We recommend the use of immune-modulating agents and interventions to dampen and normalize the immune system rather than the use of immunosuppressant drugs, which may make the condition worse.
Although we have listed suggested therapies below, we strongly suggest that, before initiating any of the below therapeutics, all patients and providers closely review the more detailed and comprehensive document — “An Approach to Managing Post-Vaccine Syndrome” — for information regarding dosing, cautions, contraindications, and other important details.
First Line Therapies
(Not symptom specific; listed in order of importance)
- Intermittent daily fasting or periodic daily fasts
- Ivermectin
- Moderating physical activity
- Low-dose naltrexone
- Nattokinase
- Aspirin
- Melatonin
- Magnesium
- Methylene blue
- Sunlight and Photobiomodulation
- Resveratrol
Probiotics/Prebiotics/Adjunctive/Second-Line Therapies
(Listed in order of importance)
- Vitamin D (with Vitamin K2)
- N-acetyl cysteine
- Cardio Miracle™ and L-arginine/L-citrulline supplements
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Sildenafil (with or without L-arginine- L-citrulline)
- Nigella sativa
- Vitamin C
- Spermidine
- Non-invasive brain stimulation
- Intravenous Vitamin C
- Behavioral modification, relaxation therapy, mindfulness therapy, and psychological support
Third Line Therapies
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Low Magnitude Mechanical Stimulation
- “Mitochondrial energy optimizer”
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Low-dose corticosteroid
Full Episode #67: Spike Injury Diagnosis and Recovery with Dr. Ryan Cole (rumble.com)
"The 29-year-old said he has been diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome.
Last year Justin Bieber’s wife, Hailey Bieber, was hospitalized with ‘stroke-like symptoms.’
The 26-year-old model was hospitalized in Palm Springs, California last March where doctors found a blood clot in her brain.
Hailey Bieber described how she experienced facial paralysis while she was having breakfast with her husband before being rushed to the hospital.".......
Dr. Makary: Two Top Virologists Warned Fauci About the Potential Lab Leak in 2020, But Changed Their Tune and Received $9 Million from NIH :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace: Dr. Michael Farzon from Scripps and Dr. Robert Gary from Tulane.
Doctors for $ale or Rent.
ICYMI: Dept. Of Energy Determines Covid Leaked From China's Wuhan Bat Virus Lab, Which Was So Obvious That Everyone Except the Technocratic Non-Elite Have Known It For Years—Ace
Why the Energy Department?
DARPA, CIA and NIH are in charge of building Bio-Weapons with the Chinese.
The Energy Department is in charge of building Nuclear Weapons with the Chinese.
Everybody Knows That(tm).
Yes–Emerald is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, as usual.
This childishly transparent tweet by Obiden’s handlers just a month or so before COVID hit America also proves it:
Oct 25, 2019
We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.
Child-Toucher, Please.
At first they tried mightily to deny the Chinese Lab Leak story.
But now, to save their own necks, they’re HAPPILY pushing it. Why?
This is a modern Smallpox Blankets Deliberate Infection-Op, brought to you by the Chinese-American UNI-GOVERNMENT.
And you are the Indian.
Dr. Peter McCullough Provides A Sweeping Overview Of The COVID-19 Vaccine Disaster (rumble.com)
The Widening Scandal :: SteynOnline
"A nurse who never needed to take the "vaccine" - except that it was made a condition of employment." .......
The problem is that we’ve now got these instrumentalities, these technologies, for human behavioral control that we never had before. The ambition, the intention of every totalitarian regime in history is to control every aspect of human behavior — our speech, our thoughts, our transactions, our movements, everything that we do — but they’ve never been able to do that, because nobody, no government, has ever had that reach.
But today, we have facial recognition systems all over the place. We have satellite systems. Bill Gates says his satellite system, which is 61,000 satellites … will be able to look at every square inch of the Earth 24 hours a day. We’re now beginning on the road to adopting digital currencies, which is economic slavery. As soon as that happens, we lose all rights because they will be able to starve you.
And we already have an example of that with a trucker strike, and in our demonstration in Toronto, Trudeau sent people out to look at the license plates for these truckers and then froze their bank accounts. So they couldn’t pay their mortgage, they couldn’t put their kids in school, they couldn’t buy food for their family. None of them were charged with a crime.
Humana to exit employer business lines as they're no longer a strategic fit - MarketWatchEdward Dowd has been documenting that the healthiest group in America, workers age 25 to 64 who are employed and have employer provided health insurance, now have a higher death rate than the unemployed or gig economy workers. Medical and disability benefits are likely trending the same way. Which would mean employee group health coverage is becoming, or is about to become, a money losing line of business.
That’s one. If we see another, we will know that the consequences of ignoring reality have arrived and can no longer be ignored.
What happens if several large insurance companies bow out of group life, medical, and disability, all at once, rather than take the losses? Or have to present in public the actuarial evidence for the need for a 400 percent premium increase?
The fecal matter will hit the oscillator.
Will Pfizer and Moderna be forced to cough up their ill gotten gains to pay for the consequences of the death jabs? It’s called disgorgement.
The day of reckoning approaches."
Mass Psychosis:Dave Hollis, Disney exec turned self-help author, dies at 47
Sharon Stone’s 57-Year-Old Brother Dies Suddenly of Heart Problems
25-Year-Old Goalkeeper Dies Suddenly
12-Year-Old Boy Without Prior Health Issues Dies Suddenly
The Banality of Evil - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)
"Like many of you, I have read the words of Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and so many others in which they advocate for global population reduction. I am aware of the history of the BMGF in advancing vaccine candidates in Africa which appear to have been surreptitious form of birth control. I have witnessed the disease and death associated with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based genetic “vaccines.” But absent clear documentation, I cannot conclude that these “vaccines” were intentionally crafted genetic weapons."I can, Doc. You're overthinking it.
"A quick thought experiment:
Imagine that thousands of healthy young Americans died suddenly, unexpectedly, mysteriously — and then kept dying at an alarming and escalating rate. (Once upon a time), that would trigger an urgent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) inquiry to determine the cause of the deaths.
Imagine attentive and curious public health officials discover the decedents had all repeatedly ingested a new and little-understood drug. Next, the officials determine to a certainty that the drug these kids took has a clear mechanism of action for causing inflammation of the heart and other cardiac injuries in some people.
They learn that public health officials in other countries have seen the same thing and stopped recommending this same drug to young people. Next, some of the most senior and revered scientific advisors to the U.S. government publicly recommend the drug be stopped for young people.
Finally, thousands of doctors around the world sign petitions and write op-eds opposing the drug for young people. Experts from Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford and Oxford universities come forward to voice their concerns.
Alas, that thought experiment doesn’t require any imagination, because it’s exactly what’s occurred — except for the part about attentive and curious CDC officials rushing in to inquire. That part I had to make up.".......
"Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (Children’s Health Defense): Dowd, Ed, de Becker, Gavin, Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510776395: Amazon.com: Books
Have the Ancient Gods Returned? (substack.com)--Dr. Naomi Wolf:
"I reluctantly came to the conclusion that human agency alone could not coordinate a highly complicated set of lies about a virus, and propagate the lies in perfect uniformity around an entire globe, in hundreds of languages and dialects. Human beings, using their own resources alone, could not have turned hospitals overnight from having been places in which hundreds of staff members were collectively devoted to the care of the infirm, the prolongation of human life, the cherishing of newborns, the helping of mothers to care for little ones, the support of the disabled, into killing factories in which the elderly were prescribed “run-death-is-near (Remdesevir)” at scale.
Also look at the speed of change. Institutions turned overnight into negative mirror images of themselves, with demonic policies replacing what had been at least on the surface, angelic ones. Human-history change is not that lightning-fast.
The perception of the rollout, the unanimity of a mass delusion, cannot in my view be explained fully by psychology; not even as a “mass formation.”
There have been other mass hysterias before in history, from “blood libel” - the widespread belief in medieval Europe in the that Jews were sacrificing Christian children to make matzah [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/blood-libel], to the flareup of hysteria around witches in Salem, MA, in 1692, [https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1098/salem-witch-trials], to the “irrational exuberance” of Tulipmania, also in the 17th century, in the Netherlands [https://www.history.com/news/tulip-mania-financial-crash-holland], detailed by Scottish journalist Charles MacKay in his classic account of group madness, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841).
But all of these examples of mass frenzy had dissidents, critics, and skeptics at the time; none of these lasted for years as a dominant uninterrupted delusional paradigm.
What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics. Something else, something metaphysical, must have done that. And I speak as a devoted rationalist.
I concluded that I was starting to believe in God in more literal terms than I had before, because this evil was so impressive; so it must be directed at something at least as powerful that was all good.
At the time I wrote my initial essay, I knew that “Satan” was, at least for me, an insufficient explanation for the evil I saw. One reason that I felt that “Satan” was an insufficient name for what we were facing, is that I am Jewish, and we don’t have the same tradition of “Satan” that Christian Western culture inherits and takes for granted.
In Jewish tradition, this entity’s role is not that of the rather majestic adversary of God who appears fully- fledged in the Christian tradition — an elaborated character who was developed subsequent to, as some scholars point out, the influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism, and then on Christianity, in the years leading up to and after Jesus’ life and death.
In the Old Testament, in contrast, “the Satan” or “ha-Satan” — “the accuser” makes a number of appearances; but “ha-satan” is an opponent, rather than being the majestic villain of the New Testament, and of Dante’s and Milton’s characterizations, that so influenced Western ideas of “the devil.”
The way in which the Hebrew “ha-satan” differs from the Christian Satan is important: “Likewise, in Old Testament Hebrew, the noun satan (which occurs 27x) and the verb satan (which occurs 6x) are often used in a general way. If I “satan” someone, I oppose them, accuse them, or slander them. David uses it this way in the psalms, “Those who render me evil for good accuse [שׂטן (satan)] me because I follow after good” (Ps. 38:21). If I act as a “satan” to someone, therefore, I am their adversary or accuser, as the messenger of the Lord stood in the way of Balaam “as his adversary [שׂטן (satan)]” (Numbers 22:22) or as Solomon told Hiram that he had no “adversary [שׂטן (satan)]” who opposed him (1 Kings 5:4).
Thus, in Hebrew, the noun and verb שׂטן (satan) can have the non-technical meaning of “stand opposed to someone as an adversary.” In the case of Balaam, even the Lord’s messenger was a “satan” to him, that is, a God-sent opponent. That is the first point to keep in mind: unlike in English, where “Satan” always refers to a malevolent being, in Hebrew satan can have a generic, non-technical meaning.” [https://www.1517.org/articles/the-devil-in-the-details-of-the-old-testament-is-satan-in-the-hebrew-bible].
Because our (Jewish) tradition of Satan is more impressionistic than the character who appeared later under Christian narratives, I felt that “Satan” was not sufficient to explain fully the inexplicable, immediate mirror-imaging of what had been our society, from ordered at least on the presumption of morality, to being ordered around death and cruelty. But I did not at that time have a better concept with which to work.
Then I heard of a Pastor named Jonathan Cahn, who had written a book titled “The Return of the Gods.” [https://www.christianbook.com/return-of-the-gods-jonathan-cahn/9781636411422/pd/411429]
The title resonated with me.
Though I don’t agree with everything in his book, Pastor Cahn’s central argument — that we have turned away from the Judeo-Christian God and thus we opened a door into our civilization for the negative spirits of “the Gods” to re-possess us — feels right.
Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jewish minister. He is the son of a Holocaust refugee. Formerly a secular-atheist, Cahn had a near-death experience as a young man that led him to accept Jesus — or, as he refers to this presence by the original Hebrew name, Yeshua — as his Lord and Savior. Pastor Cahn has a ministry based in Wayne, New Jersey, which brings together Jews and Gentiles. [http://bethisraelworshipcenter.org/about%20Us/AboutJC.php]
In The Return of the Gods, his improbable, and yet somehow hauntingly plausible thesis is that ancient dark and metaphysically organized forces, “the Gods” of antiquity, have “returned” to our presumably advanced, secular post-Christian civilization.
Pastor Cahn’s theme is that, because we have turned away from our covenant with YHWH — especially we in America, and we in the West, and especially since the 1960s — therefore, the ancient “Gods”, or rather, ancient pagan energies, that had been vanquished by monotheism and exiled to the margins of civilization and human activity — have seen an “open door”, and thus a ready home to re-occupy, in us.
He argues that they have indeed done so.
Pastor Cahn makes use of a parable in the New Testament to make this case. I cite the King James Version:Matthew 12:43-45Pastor Cahn makes the case that the ancient “gods” were initially, in essence, put on the defensive, as the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) recounts, first by Yahweh, and by the introduction of monotheism and the revelation of the Ten Commandments; and then that they were vanquished altogether and sent into outer darkness, by the arrival to humanity of the being whom he sees as the Messiah, Yeshua.".......
“43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation”.
We've been praying for you, Naomi.
Wait 'til she finds out about Cern.
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1 Peter 5: 7 Cast all your care upon Him, because He cares for you. |
Date Word Received: February 14, 2023
"For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children things are picking up pace, and you will see many things go from bad to worse, it will appear like. Many will scream and cry, what is going on? Your enemies will try to create more wars, pestilences, shortages, and famine. They are trying everything now to regain the momentum and power they have lost through resistance and failing plans.
You will see your enemies' desperation grow more and more- a desperation that will become more obvious to the world. And when they are on live TV, they will not be able to compose themselves.
I have told you before, listen to your enemies' words. They are trying to keep their narratives going, but it's not working. When they open their mouths to lie, they will speak the truth instead. Nothing they are trying is working. Some will run and cower and not answer questions from the American people or the news media because they have no logical explanation or answers to their narratives and what they're saying and want people to believe.
An outrage and outcry are gaining momentum against the so-called administration in control of DC. You will see more and more turn on each other, even in their own party. It's growing because they see their writing on the wall. Watch as more people leave their positions and seats of power, and some will switch parties because they know there is no hope of saving theirs. The deep state and its power over this Nation are collapsing. My eagle is rising, not dying.
Backlash: this word will be in your news more and more because your enemies are receiving, and will continue to receive, backlash regarding their careless decisions- for their lack of protection for this Nation. The things they are saying and doing do not make any sense. More people in the party of the left will even scream, "Treason! Traitors!" and want something to be done.
"Impeach, impeach!" many will shout, not just for "the Biden," but for many who are going along with him and their disastrous agenda.
Great eruptions are about to take place in Washington, DC.
An attempted attack on this soil will be stopped. Many will know it was an inside job, and more will turn on Washington, DC, and those who are there.
Tensions are growing with foreign nations; that was deliberate.
They are causing disaster after disaster and distraction after distraction to bring destruction and disruptions.
The waters are stirring, and are about to give up the things that have been hidden inside. Your enemies are losing their power, their territory, and their positions. They will completely fail in everything they have been doing, saith the Lord.
Something significant is about to take place in Uruguay. You will know as soon as you see it.
A whistleblower is about to come forward with what has taken place in the skies above you, oh United States, and it's not what you think. Your enemies will not get what they want out of this.
Be confident in this time that I am God, and I am greater than any enemy. I am greater than their power and their plans. So rejoice that I am your victory, and I am on the inside of you. I am judging, I am moving, and I am avenging, and it will be over very soon, saith the Lord your Redeemer." .................
Yes, Lord, be it unto us according to Your Word, Lord Jesus, Amen.
We call down the enemies of God in this Beast Regime Government in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. We come into agreement with You, Father and speak their downfall, defeat, disgrace and disappearance. We reclaim our Power, our Health, our Finances, our Families, our Nation, our World, our Lives and our Liberty in this year 2023, the Year of Victory in Christ and Your Coming Glory, Lord. We receive You now, Lord, and all these blessings and more, and we call it done, in Your Name, Jesus our Redeemer. We give You all our thanks, all the praise, honor and glory, Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen!