Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the #FakeNews Forum...

"...As Is Their Wont!"

Debra Saunders:

"This is humbling. On my way to dinner, my Uber driver is Iranian journalist

He served years in an Iranian prison."
That's perfect.

Here's a guy who should be inside the event. But instead, he's outside, working for a living like a real American.

Irony of ironies, he's driving journalists to an event filled with the same #FakeNews cheerleaders who helped Obama send $1.8 billion dollars in unmarked hundred-dollar bills to the Mullahs--the very money the Mullahs used to run their prisons for this Uber-driving journalist!

Yet sitting in the ballroom, these pompous prose-monkeys fancy themselves heroic tellers-of-Truth(tm), even as they cash their Fusion/GP$ checks.

They applaud their own bravery for colluding with the Shadow Government to impeach the president chosen by the People. No wonder the President blew them off to be with us.

These arrogant Narrative Weasels couldn't Speak Truth to Power if they were on the phone with the electric company.

Siamak Ghaderi should be at the Correspondent's Dinner and they should all be driving cabs.

Nah--they'd just screw that up, too. They think intersectionality gives them the Right of Way. They should just stick to being #ProfessionalLiars.

After all, they're the Pros.

Exit Question for all White House Correspondents:

What is the proper tip for a journalist you helped keep in prison?

Report that, liars.

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