Nor should the violence to our system by the Deep State Coup Attempt be allowed to pay, or be seen to pay.
Rod Rosenstein just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for meddling in our election--great.
But where are the indictments for the American intelligence officers who meddled in our election? That is much, MUCH worse. We expect bad behavior from Russians. But from Americans, it is sedition. It is the rejection of the peaceful transfer of power established by our Constitution and George Washington himself.
And how did they do the necessary computer analysis without examining the DNC server? Did they take CrowdStrike's word for it? CrowdStrike are Hillary Clinton's employees. That means these indictments are based on Hillary's word. Which is worthless.
Rosenstein then handed the indictments off to the National Security Division--the same group that spied on Donald Trump with phony FISA warrants--one of which was signed by Rod Rosenstein!
This is all pure agit-prop.
Obama, Brennan, Comey, Lynch and Hillary all conspired to criminally subvert the 2016 election. If it goes unanswered, that means Democrats will do it again if given the chance. And we just saw them all clapping for the criminal Strzok like barking seals at feeding time. If Democrats are not weaned from their tyrannical impulse to rig elections using the CIA and FBI (and State and the DOJ and the FISA Court , etc.) then we are into "All enemies, both foreign and domestic"-territory.
Do you really want to go there?
Justice must be done, and be seen to be done. Actual justice, not this Rosenstein farce.
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The Power to Spy Was Like Catnip to Communists |
"On Thursday, [Americans} got to see Strzok up close-and-personal and were shocked to see someone closer to Hannibal Lector than Clarice Starling. ...
He showed himself to be a smug insider who sneered at congressmen. Of course he tried to stop the election of President Trump.
His testimony may have sunk the already listing Mueller investigation.
Indeed, Mueller scrambled the next day to announce 12 useless indictments against Russians who will never be extradited and tried. Knowing he will never have to prove his case, he could accuse them of anything. He was diverting attention from the collapse in credibility of his top FBI agent in the case originally.".......
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