But On the Other Hand, They're Lying to You About Lots of Other Stuff, Too!
Protesting petroleum products...in boats made of petroleum products! |
“Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”--Saikat "Karlymarx" Chakrabarti, AOC's brain ex-brain.
"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole. We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy."-- Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change
"I suspect that “human flourishing” to this fellow is not “progress,” at least as I understand it. I see progress in the scientific as well as cultural and political sense: better medicine, cooler media, faster information-distribution systems, more freedom, more prosperity, the spread of individual and property rights across the globe. I think he means “human flourishing” to mean everyone agrees to wear the same itchy hemp robe and chant the Happy Planet Song while we tote buckets of night soil to the communal plot."--James Lileks
“There's no such thing as "sustainable" development. Human progress and individual liberty have advanced on the backs of one unsustainable development after another. Bet on human ingenuity every time. We're not animals, and it's a cult as deranged as the screwiest fringe religion to insist we are. Earth's most valuable resource is us."--Mark Steyn
When I was a kid(tm), we had a thing called "weather". Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad. Sometimes we had droughts, even dust bowls. Sometimes we had rainfall and bumper crops and sometimes hurricanes. But we didn't worship the weather.
Back then, the Left wanted things they couldn't have. We wouldn't let them.
They wanted higher taxes. They wanted to transfer America's wealth and sovereignty to unaccountable international bodies like the UN. They wanted to control industrial policy, yet still have political deniability when their policies created impoverishment and slow growth. They wanted to propagandize schoolchildren. They wanted to arrogate unto themselves the automatic moral high ground and the right not to have their motives questioned while questioning everyone else's. They wanted to silence dissent.
But they couldn't have these things--a free people refused to consent to them.
But, miracle of miracles, "science" came along and "discovered" Climate Change, and Poof! all their goals were realized! It's the damnedest coincidence in history!
What are the odds that science just happens to "discover" the magic keys that fortuitously unlock the Left's Political Wish List?
And even if their protocols were implemented, they admit that temperatures wouldn't change by more than a fraction.
Of a fraction.
Of a fraction.
Of a fraction.
A century from now.
It's about political control, not scientific results. It's not "man-made" Climate Change--it's Manufactured.
They yell "The Science is Settled! The Science is Settled!"
No, but the science funding is pretty well settled. Computer models of events a century away are so nebulous as to be fiction-ish--but all the incentives are as real as Buffy's orthodontist bill.
Let's say I suddenly "discovered" a weather phenomenon that required limited government, lower taxes and free-market capitalism--would anyone believe it? Yet liberals "discovered" one that requires all their favorite policies. Sure.
Instapundit: "When you read a science report claiming that 2016 was the hottest year on record, you might expect that you will get numbers. And you would be wrong. “Note to the New York Times: ‘trouncing’ and ‘blown past’ are phrases appropriate to sports reporting, not science reporting. Except that no sports reporter would dare write an article in which he never bothers to give you the score of the big game. . . . It’s almost like they’re hiding something. And that is indeed what we find.” TLDR: Increase is one-hundredth of a degree. Margin of error is a tenth of a degree. So it’s all bullshit.".......
"But...but 97% of scientists agree!" No they don't.
That number was invented by "sampling". In other words, its just a guess by people who desperately wish it to be true.
Climate Fascism...is still Fascism! |
You can be bi-curious and get your own after-school club, but being sky-curious is verboten in Hoboken, banned in Boston, taboo in Peru and just not done in Oregon.
"Here, kids; the Unabomber said we could read his margin-scribbled copy of Al Gore's "Earth in the Balance"
--and remember, 'Question Nothing!'"
Welcome to One-Party Education, heretic. There won't be a quiz later--we don't like inquisitiveness.
The reason I dismiss Global Warming [aside from the fact that it is a fraud perpetrated by the Left to control Industrial Policy, raise taxes, transfer wealth and sovereignty from America to Transnational Government and to insidiously yet coercively manufacture "consent" through government funding] is this:
Feather the booby's nest, not the Blob's nest |
That bird was full of plastic from the ocean. We could mount a real campaign to rid the oceans of this real, tangible pollution--but instead we're pumping billions, even trillions, down bureaucratic rat holes, wasting national fortunes on pure fantasy when we could clean up real messes and preserve real habitat.
And, by the way, Carbon Trading is another Globalist $cam that does nothing for the actual environment. It is a tax on every breath you exhale, which is why the tax-collectors hired the crazy Swedish girl to yell at them at the UN; they only hear the cash registers humming.
Another reason: Did your teachers tell you that Ronald Reagan proposed a Green New Deal decades before AOC?
Gov. Reagan at CPAC, 1975; "Let Them Go Their Way":
"Shorn of all side issues and extraneous matter, the problem underlying all others is the worldwide contest for the hearts and minds of mankind. Do we find the answers to human misery in freedom as it is known, or do we sink into the deadly dullness of the Socialist ant heap? Those who suggest that the latter is some kind of solution are, I think, open to challenge. Let’s have no more theorizing when actual comparison is possible. There is in the world a great nation, larger than ours in territory and populated with 250 million capable people [He means Soviet Russia]. It is rich in resources and has had more than 50 uninterrupted years to practice socialism without opposition. We could match them, but it would take a little doing on our part. We’d have to cut our paychecks back by 75 percent; move 60 million workers back to the farm; abandon two-thirds of our steel-making capacity; destroy 40 million television sets; tear up 14 of every 15 miles of highway; junk 19 of every 20 automobiles; tear up two-thirds of our railroad track; knock down 70 percent of our houses; and rip out nine out of every 10 telephones. Then, all we have to do is find a capitalist country to sell us wheat on credit to keep us from starving!"
In this actual photograph, President Reagan celebrates native species like the Velociraptor |
Speaking of decades, that's another reason to question their Climate Change religion.
30 years ago, we had 10 years left to do something about Climate Change or the world would end. 20 years ago, we had ten years left. 10 years ago, we had ten years left--it's always 10 years.
A year ago, they said we have 10 years remaining--and its still ten years today! Shouldn't it be nine? Except for AOC who said 12 years, in which case it should be 11. Are we going to trust the entire economy to people who can't even do basic math?
Why is it never 10 months? Or 10 weeks? Or even 10 days?
Biff: "Missy, we only have ten minutes left--kiss me!"
Missy: "But, Biff--shouldn't we go close a power plant or something?"
Biff: "No time for that. Kiss me now, Missy!"
Missy: "Oh, Biff..."
(ten minutes later:)
Biff: "Okay--see you later, Missy."
Missy: "Biff--you lied to me! It's ten minutes later and the world didn't end! We're fine!"
Biff: "Climate Denier! How long have been a Climate Denier, Missy?"
"Oh--about ten years now."
"I thought our love would always weather the weather." |
This is political child abuse by twisted educators. The Other McCain examines other race and gender scams they're trying to brainwash you with here.
Don't let them scare you. Don't let them buffalo you with the buffalo. Just #WokeAway.
And take your lunch money with you.
"Remember, kids; Real Science will never ask you to play hooky from school!" |
If it’s not too much to ask, do you think you could stop trying to overthrow our government?
The reason I ask is because you have been wiretapping this president, listening to his phone calls and trying to frame him since he came down the escalator--if not even earlier, when Comrade Brennan was installed in 2012.
We know you like to overthrow foreign governments, but now you keep trying to overthrow ours. We can pick a president. We don’t need you to do it for us. Thanks, but we’ve got this. Really.
We can’t help but notice that while you’ve been spying on the President, you have been neglecting your actual duties. You missed Snowden and Manning. You let the Russians take over the entire Executive Branch’s computers in 2014. You didn’t examine the DNC’s server, yet you claim Russia meddled in our elections–which you didn’t stop, either. You let China get every personnel file the government has and roll up every one of our spies there.
Here’s a crazy thought: Let us elect the presidents, and you can stop listening to their phone calls and start spying on other countries for a change! You might also consider attending an Agit-Prop Anonymous meeting for your domestic regime-change addiction.
You need help.
We, the People