Sunday, August 9, 2020

From Klan to Klantifa

Meet the New Boss

Conrad Black: Obama Defends Mob Rule

"[E]mbedded in Obama’s eloquent eulogy were reflections on the current political condition of the United States that were untrue and could incite unjustified violence....[T]he president implied that it is a routine matter for white policemen to kneel on the wind-pipes of African Americans and strangle them. Of course, it is not and it is because all of the United States and the entire world were horrified by the video of what transpired in the death of George Floyd...

The former president effectively assimilated the disgusting racist brutality of 1960s Birmingham, Alabama public safety commissioner Bull Connor with the comparatively restrained actions of federal officials preventing mobs from tearing down statues to some of the great statesmen of American and world history and burning down the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, including its occupants. And he assimilates the reservations of the current administration to the clearly problematical implications of a huge transfer from individual physical voting to mail-in ballots, despite rich precedents of fraud and incompetence, to the systematic bigoted disenfranchisement of African Americans.

[H]e understood clearly the implications of what he was saying at the Lewis funeral. ... He knows that it is outrageous nonsense, and in these times grossly irresponsible, for a former president to imply that the worst aspects of racial discrimination and official violence are apt to return.

And Obama certainly knows that the violence that he alluded to in recent weeks was not generated by peaceful protesters defending themselves against official oppression. The half-billion dollars of arson damage and the hundreds of millions of dollars of looting and pillaging in Minneapolis in the immediate aftermath of the death of George Floyd have absolutely nothing to do with the nonviolent pursuit of civil rights for which John Lewis was justly praised.

Since President Obama appears to have taken at least partial control of the Biden campaign, which is being conducted by the Democratic partisans who control 90 percent of the national political media—all in the absence of a physically and intellectually viable presumptive nominee—his stance must be taken as a semi-official position of the Democratic Party.

The Democrats, through their last elected president, are declaring urban terrorism, arson, manslaughter, pillaging, and the destruction of federal government monuments and buildings all to be justified protest. The former president effectively stated that mob rule in what he thinks a good cause is itself desirable and good. ...

Two days after Attorney General William Barr testified before the House Judiciary Committee that it was a shocking state of affairs when one of the two great historic political parties could not bring itself to declare its opposition to mob violence, the official former leader of that party effectively declared the Democrats’ sympathy for mob violence. ...

[T]he episode shows how terminally morally and intellectually decayed the Obama-Clinton-Biden Democratic Party has become.".......

Despite being a former political prisoner of Uni-Party scumbags himself, Lord Black is far, far too kind. That's just because the man is so classy.

I'm not.

Barack Hussein Obama is a criminal, a traitor and a seditionist.

He let Clinton run her Bribery Empire out of State. He declared War on Cops. He tried to give the Ayatollah nukes to aim at America and Israel and gave them billions to help them keep their knee on the neck of the Iranian people. And he used the entire Nat/Sec Apparatus to overthrow the last election. He's scum.

I quit pretending otherwise years ago. You should too.

Sixty years ago, John Lewis did a brave and righteous thing. He stood up against the hooded thugs of the Democrat Party's domestic terrorist paramiltary wing, the Ku Klux Klan. They beat him, but he worked to bring real Civil Rights to real Americans.

Sadly, somewhere along the line, Lewis morphed into a Democrat Party machine hack. Worse, one that carried the moral authority of his previous righteous acts. He used it like a club to bully those who disagreed with him, like the time he accused the Tea Party of spitting on him. He lied. And he lied because he could.

In 2008, Bush Faux-Conservatism was a spent force and the country was ready to elect a black president, which puts lie to the routine smears of America by Democrats. Americans did not yet know Obama was an Islamo-Communist, a fact obscured by his lap-dog press long enough to get him elected and reelected. John McCain asked his old friend and colleague Lewis to vouch for him, to say he wasn't an evil racist like all those icky Republican voters. Lewis' response was essentially "Get away from me, Klansman."

It offended me at the time, but when I later realized what a fraud John McCain was, I laughed about it. McCain was running a similar grift as Lewis', trading on his righteous military service as a young man the way Lewis did with Civil Rights. They deserved each other.

John Lewis began his career by standing up to the Klan, the Democrat Party's hooded paramilitary wing of domestic terrorists.

He ended his career by standing up for Antifa and Black Lives Murders thugs, who are simply the new version of the Democrat Party's hooded paramilitary wing of domestic terrorists.

John Lewis became exactly what he once opposed. From Klan to Klantifa. What a disgrace. What a waste. And Obama is inciting race hate to mask and deflect from his own Constitutional Crime Wave.

To paraphrase Dr. King, the arc of the moral universe is long.

But not that damn long.

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