Mama Mia, Mama Mia!
NATO Begins Land Blockade of Russian Enclave of Kaliningrad, Little Russia, in an Effort to Provoke Further Conflict - The Last Refuge (
"The western motive to provoke a war between NATO and Russia is transparent. In addition to the geopolitical ideology of the West against the country of Russia, the economic situation created by the Western alliance is tenuous.
Inflation is raging in all of the countries who followed the instructions of the World Economic Forum and the massive spending demanded within the pandemic response. The economies of the EU and the United States are now reflecting the results of those multinational corporation instructions known more colloquially as the Build Back Better agenda.
The Ukraine conflict is now being used as a cover story, an arbitrary justification, as politicians in Western government claim the Russian intervention into Eastern Ukraine is the source of the global economic problem. This is a false claim; however, it is being emphasized in a way that indicates fear on the part of the WEF member nation group, to the consequences of the economic damage now surfacing.
Traditionally, only two economic issues have ever been successful in stopping a large global recession: (1) war, and/or (2) housing starts. The approaches of the central banks, including the U.S. Federal reserve, have precluded housing starts from having any value to stop the global recession. That leaves ‘WAR’.
This is a very dangerous time as the Western alliance, driven by NATO following a predictable plan, is now positioning for an intentional war with Russia.
Strategically, Kaliningrad is to Russia as Alaska is to the United States. How would the United States respond if Canada blocked access to Alaska?
We are closer to a direct NATO conflict with Russia than ever before, and we are in this moment because Western government want that conflict.
The U.S. State Department, not the Pentagon, is leading us and the Western alliance into this war…. These are very dangerous moves.".......
It is altogether fitting that we are manufacturing a West Berlin-Airlift-in-Reverse in Kaliningrad, because under Shadow President Obama’s Installed Junta, we are now Soviet America, the New Evil Empire.
We created this proxy war through a Cuban Missile Crisis-in-Reverse. Putin cannot accept NATO weapons on his doorstep any more than JFK could accept Soviet missiles on ours.
And especially not a NATO puppet war machine, conducting illegal Plandemic research, and the building of more illegal viruses and nukes, too, in violation of all our biological and nuclear treaty obligations--while also sponsoring NAZIS and saboteurs to overthrow the Russian government.
George F. Kennan warned his fellow Democrats of this decades ago. They knew it was unacceptable. But they were actually counting on that, because they wanted Putin to invade. They WANT dead Ukrainians. It serves their purposes.
The Dog That Didn’t Bark is the complete lack of any diplomacy from the State Department. That’s because THEY WANT THIS WAR. Blather on about “Putin’s brutal war” all you want, but this is OUR war. We bought and paid for it. We manipulated and manufactured it into existence. Not Putin.
They want this war for the distraction.
They want this war for the chaos–Yuri Bezmenov’s Destabilization Phase.
But mostly they want this war so they can overthrow Putin, install a puppet like Zelensky or Biden, loot Russia’s natural resources and tyrannize the Russian people under their precious World Government.
Whatever they spew about Climate, they lust after Russia’s oil. It is sad, however, that Ukrainians have a puppet dictator who sold them out to our criminal Deep State.
They overthrew the American Government–and now they’ve set their sights on Russia.
Putin is the only one fighting a proxy war against this monstrous tyranny that just killed millions with their Plandemic and is actively wrecking the world on purpose.
Thanks, Vlad.
Printing Widows - The Good Citizen (
"They insisted, “never again” about many tragic events of the twentieth century, and yet the world is dancing around another banker-orchestrated brother war with the conductors of global chaos keen to push it beyond the borders of Ukraine. They are quickly reaching their sell-by date and soon Ukraine will not be capable of doing much of anything no matter how many billions are gifted from failing empires. ...
Lithuania has fired the first major shot on their behalf by blocking Russian train imports to Kaliningrad. But not quite yet. They’ve set a date for August 10th, and they’re waiting for approval from their EU and NATO masters to throw this rock. They need to pull the entire continent into a conflict and engineer the consent of the brainwashed European masses.".......
Suggested titles for this show:
The Jerries Slew Us Telethon
The Cannon Fodder Fund
My Pet Keev
BioLabs Without Borders
Hookers for Hunter
It’s The Human Fund–and the Fruit of the Loom- Fuhrer is that human.
Zelenskyy Officially Bans Ukraine's Largest Opposition Political Party - The Last Refuge
Because Democracy!
Meanwhile, Ursula von der Layin' can't find her emails with Pfizer's CEO "Mad Cow" Bourla.
It's Like a Mean Girls Club with Nukes and Central Banks:
Sync: "G7 Leaders Mocking Putin Over Dinner
“Boris Johnson invited G7 leaders to strip to the waist, while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went even further and offered to saddle their horses.”
Dale Evans, please.
These Brokeback Cowgirls couldn’t saddle a horse if it invited them up for coffee.
“Ooh–that tickles!” |
btw, you can really the resemblance to his real dad in this picture. He looks like he's about to give an 8-hour speech to a captive audience. "Because there are no brief excuses for Communism."
Justine Castreau just had his Police State re-arrest his political opponent Tamara Lich.
"Total war is the demand of the hour. We must put an end to the bourgeois attitude that we have also seen in this war: Wash my back, but don’t get me wet! (Every sentence is met with growing applause and agreement.) The danger facing us is enormous. The efforts we take to meet it must be just as enormous. The time has come to remove the kid gloves and use our fists. (A cry of elemental agreement rises. Chants from the galleries and seats testify to the full approval of the crowd.) We can no longer make only partial and careless use of the war potential at home and in the significant parts of Europe that we control. We must use our full resources, as quickly and thoroughly as it is organizationally and practically possible. Unnecessary concern is wholly out of place. The future of Europe hangs on our success in the East. We are ready to defend it. The German people are shedding their most valuable national blood in this battle. The rest of Europe should at least work to support us. There are many serious voices in Europe that have already realized this. Others still resist. That cannot influence us. If danger faced them alone, we could view their reluctance as literary nonsense of no significance. But the danger faces us all, and we must all do our share. Those who today do not understand that will thank us tomorrow on bended knees that we courageously and firmly took on the task."--GESTAPO Chief Heinrich Himmler of the previous BidenReich
Deafening Drumbeats for War - Biden Sends More U.S. Troops to Ukraine Border, 101st Airborne Deployed, Six Destroyers to Mediterranean, F-35 Squadrons to U.K. - The Last Refuge (
"This is not a defensive posture. This is an offensive buildup of U.S. troops across the broad western border of Ukraine and a positioning of advanced first-strike elements in proximity to Russia.
This large NATO footprint posture, of which the United States is the predominant military force, has little to do with Ukraine and almost nothing to do with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
As noted by the New York Times last weekend [source], the CIA, State Dept. and Pentagon special forces are operating in Kyiv and organizing the military conflict against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.
War with Russia is moving from “if” to “when”, and here’s how we know it is almost certain.
The NATO and western alliance that is currently engaging in the military buildup against Russia is the exact same alliance of governments’ who are chasing the climate change agenda at all costs.
I know it sounds outlandish, but the World Economic Forum multinational corporations that influence and manipulate geopolitical politics are the driving force for this needed war with Russia. Their holy grail of Climate Change policy, and the massive shift in global economic power that comes with executing the climate change agenda, is so consequential to the geopolitical world that such a massive move is needed.
More specifically, we already know there is going to be a global food shortage as a result of the new world order energy policy that underpins the Build Back Better agenda. We do not know the extent of the food deficit; however, we do know less food, perhaps much less food, is going to be available on a global basis.
We also know the majority voices, including the United States, within the NATO alliance have decided it is more important to follow the climate change policy than it is to feed people. [Africa Example] The U.K and Germany proposed trying to avoid further conflict by generating more food [source]. The U.S. and Canada have blocked the effort saying that maintaining the shift toward new western energy development is more important.
Maintaining the development of a new western energy system to drive economic activity is more urgent and important than the looming crisis of global famine. Accepting that reality, understanding the priorities as outlined, are the keys to understanding why the western alliance need the war with Russia {GO DEEP}.
I cannot emphasize this enough. If you do not accept the scale, scope and severity of the collective west’s entrenched commitment to climate change, you will be caught off-guard and not understand what is coming.
NATO and Western Govt, led by the policy of Joe Biden, have placed oil and gas sanctions against Russia. Those U.S-led Russian energy sanctions follow similar sanctions already in place against oil and gas from Iran and Venezuela.
Simultaneously the G7, Western Alliance will not allow Africa to develop their own use of natural gas to produce fertilizer to increase crop yield/harvest. [source] The G7 control food production in Africa by controlling the energy company investment needed to manufacture fertilizer. Again, as with the biofuel issue [source], the G7 and Western Alliance are prioritizing Climate Change energy policy over food production. Which will ultimately cause food shortages and famine.
However, within this forecast dynamic, now the “WEST” has an ideological problem. Sooner or later the issues will surface with massive interest. People around the world will figure this out. The absence of food will change things. People in all parts of the world will eventually get angry once they realize the absence of food is being caused by Western Govt prioritizing Climate Change over people.
Things will get intense. Things will get ugly. The Western “leaders” need a scapegoat, a way to focus the world’s anger away from them… and toward something else. Their advanced narrative messaging has already surfaced in the words of National Security Coordinator for Strategic Communication, John Kirby:
“President Putin is, no kidding, weaponizing food. Let’s just call it what it is: He’s weaponizing food. He’s got an essential blockade there in the Black Sea so that nothing can leave by sea — and that’s, of course, how Ukraine has historically gotten its grain to markets.” [source]
It is not coincidental that John Kirby was moved from Pentagon spokesperson to NSC strategic communications at the White House. Kirby’s prior move into the White House is as much related to what is coming as the 101st Airborne deployment today.
Notice how the looming shortage of food is being blamed on Russian President Vladimir Putin. “He’s weaponizing food,” Kirby repeats, this is a significant and telling advance narrative. What Kirby is outlining is the western government justification for the upcoming war against Russia.
The collective western leaders, positioned by the NATO talking points, are going to justify war against Russia as a needed fight to stop the global food crisis from worsening. They will claim it is Russian President Vladimir Putin who has disrupted the world energy production.".......
Read it all.
Springtime for Der NippleFuhrer |
1.) Most of these War Pig criminals don't really believe in Climate Change--except as a tool of control and tyranny. For example:
“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole. We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”-- United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer co-chair of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change, 2008 to 2015--Rest in the Vine: I Completely Believe In Climate Change. As A Political Invention.
2.) Biden, translated: "My Chinese owners ordered me to move troops, ships and weapons away from the Pacific Theater--and from America."
3.) Paradoxically, the Obiden Government of Occupation is using a Proxy War with Russia as a proxy war on Americans.
We are their real enemy.
Let us be worthy of that high honor, Amen.
“Since D-Day, June 6, 1944, this division has repeatedly answered the nation’s call in every major conflict. The Screaming Eagles of today are ready to support our allies to preserve the long-lasting stability in Europe that our predecessors fought and died to secure.”--Maj. Gen. JP McGee, CO, 101st Airborne Division
In World War II, we allied ourselves with the Soviet Union, General McGee. Under this Obiden Junta, we ARE now Soviet America, the New Evil Empire.
We invaded Europe on D-Day to fight NAZIS. Now we invade Europe to fight WITH the NAZIS of Ukraine.
Our fathers and grandfathers fought for no such thing, General.
And certainly not for the "stability" of a New World Order- tyranny, imposed by force and by fraud. ................. "The problem is not that the system has become corrupt, but that corruption has become the system."--Joe Mannix
Hunger Games-UPDATE:
"Putin's fault," says President Starvey McFamine--that's not his real name, of course. His real name is just Starvey McFamine.
The EU has now dropped the blockade and the transport of goods between Kaliningrad and Russia will resume. The EU decision was made before the NATO meeting in Madrid concluded; however, it looks like NATO postponed the announcement until after Biden left in order to save face on the reversal of position.
That’s because Europe would have to live with the consequences of the American Evil Empire’s Military Madness long after Biden is safely back in America screwing some new kid in the shower.
Germans are having flashes of lucidity as they realize, at the rate things are going, they’re going back to coal. Next, they'll have to clear-cut Germany’s trees for firewood like Haiti did. And then send the German fleet out to start whaling again for their whale oil lamps.
Ania K and Scott Ritter discuss the Biden Build-Up. Ritter is not impressed.
There is no money for this military craziness, especially with self-inflicted economic suicide looming.
Putin has shown himself to be the reasonable grown-up at this shit-show. He is a serious person, unlike our retards.
He has already done far more for my freedom than BidenReich ever has, by shutting down the Biden Bio-Labs and Plutonium Playlands where these monsters were building their next Plandemic. The only real question is this:
Did China order Joe Biden to wreck NATO, first in Afghanistan and now Europe, or is he just Mr. Magoo on a Ukrainian holiday?
“Bilk Brag Barter--you know, the thing!” |
The Ukrainan Dictator Zelensky is burning his own wheatfields, so his ships don’t hit the mines he laid. It all makes perfect sense.
To the CIA and $tate Department who ordered it.