"We're So Against Hitler That We're Going to Copy Him!"
“The definition of fascism is the marriage of corporation and state. ”--Benito Mussolini
"Shortly after Mussolini’s march on Rome establishing the first fascist regime in the world, Lenin sent a telegram of congratulations. Why? He recognized Mussolini as a fellow revolutionary of the left."--Robert E. D'SouzaThis entire Occupation Government is itself a Disinformation Governance Board, starting with the lies they tell themselves before getting out of bed in the morning.
Or in Joe’s case, the afternoon.
Rest in the Vine: Free Speech and Her Enemies:
Like Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train", the Occupation Government and Big Tech are swapping crimes. "Criss-cross".
Big Tech does the Political Censorship that is forbidden to the Regime, and the Regime looks the other way while Big Tech engages in monopoly, commits business fraud, spies on Americans and cuddles up to dictatorships--other dictatorships, I mean.
Social Media Monopolies essentially serve as public utilities today, much like telephone and telegraph companies once did. We broke up AT&T and Ma Bell--and they never tried to censor anybody. We trust-busted Standard Oil, but not even John D. Rockefeller kept a file on everybody on the planet like these megalomaniacs do.
Under Section 230, they claim to be neutral bulletin boards when it helps them--and a Letters to the Editor-page when that helps them. Like a bisexual-Backstreet Boy, "They want it both ways." Tell me why.
And, for the record, Benito, this Corporate/State Incest is the very textbook definition of "Fascism".
Grazi, Obama.
Federal Government Maintains Direct Censorship Request Portal with Facebook, Instagram › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)Millions of Americans Were Assigned ‘COVID-19 Violation’ Scores Based on Cellphone Data Collected During Lockdowns • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)
IT’S A COUP: Team Biden Bragged about RIGGING Brazil Election Against President Bolsonaro Before Election Day says Stop the Steal Leader Ali Alexander (thegatewaypundit.com)
Pentagon: U.S. Military Personnel Operating in Ukraine, Tracking Weapons (breitbart.com)
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Every institution of American Life we created to serve and protect our freedoms has been turned around and pointed back at us as a weapon. Just randomly:
The UniversitiesThe Fed
Medical Licensing Boards
Election Boards
The FISA Court
The Census Bureau
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The One-Party Press
The National Archives
And on and on and on.
The Framers did everything they could think of to divide, counterbalance, devolve and disperse governmental power because they understood the human heart and the impulse to tyranny by those with power.
But Tyranny we have, nonetheless. It took them about ten minutes after passing the Patriot Act to decide American patriots were the Real Terrorists.
And in a Bio-Medical Security State- twist, they decided that instead of putting us in cattle cars, they would put cattle cars in us.
Called m-RNA Injections.
"DHS gets domestic surveillance tools under the guise of ‘national security’. Meanwhile, massive social media companies get financial offsets for the extreme data processing costs associated with millions of simultaneous users. That’s the mutual benefit behind “Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop.” Previously people called it a ‘conspiracy theory‘, I didn’t care, still don’t, it just makes the most sense; Occam’s Razor applies.
Today, all that was almost certain is now brought forth with buckets of evidence showing how social media enterprises have direct portals to DHS to transmit information and receive instructions. It’s a public-private partnership, just like it always appeared. To quote succinctly, we been knew. ...
We know the change of ownership within Twitter might pose a threat to discovery of government conduct that has taken place inside the enterprise under prior management. So why is the DHS connection to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. and social media being revealed now? What are their motives, and who is leaking it? We do not yet know.
As to what is being revealed in the leak, it’s a remarkable affirmation of how the Fourth Branch of Government operates. Specifically, what CTH has outlined for years about the use of the Dept of Homeland Security, as a political surveillance weapon under the justification of national security.
Essentially, the nub of the issue related to the U.S. government telling social media what to remove from the public discussion and what types of information they want monitored. The social media companies and DHS have a portal between them [EXAMPLE HERE] where these discussions take place.
While there are no specific details as to the human targets of the censoring information, you would have to be obtuse in the extreme not to accept that Donald Trump’s removal from Twitter was one of the larger targeting operations as an outcome of alignment between the activist officials on Twitter and the political officials within the U.S. government [ie. the Fourth Branch].
I cannot emphasize the importance of the connections enough.
Surveillance of domestic communication, to include surveillance of all social media platforms, is now the primary mission of DHS.
The information is gathered by social media, funneled by direct portals into the DHS network then distributed to DOJ-NSD and FBI officials as well as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. This communication surveillance network is what DHS, created as an outcome of the Patriot Act, is all about.
The four pillars of the Fourth Branch of Government are: DHS, ODNI, DOJ-NSD and the revised/political FBI. All four pillars were created as an outcome of the Patriot Act. These institutions – as specifically named – represent the domestic surveillance state. The subsidiary institutions like TSA etc, exist under their authority. There is no oversight or counterbalance to this system. The Fourth Branch exists using the shield of “national intelligence” to hide their activity. Domestic surveillance is done by the intelligence apparatus under one big connected system, operated by the ODNI and DHS." .......
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Winston Smith: "Does Big Brother exist?" O'Brien: "Of course he exists." Winston Smith: "Does he exist like you or me?" O'Brien: "You do not exist." --George Orwell, '1984' |
"A shared hashing protocol is a form of data system integration.
When The Intercept is talking about portals between DHS and social media, the “shared protocols” is the technical name for the data integration between the U.S. government and Social Media.
Now…. again, keep in mind what Dorsey is saying about his Blue Sky network app for a new inclusive social media platform. A network that would be established with these “shared protocols.” Look carefully at what is written in the Intercept Article about the Intelligence Community engagement:
[…] Intelligence agencies backed new startups designed to monitor the vast flow of information across social networks to better understand emerging narratives and risks. (link)
Jack Dorsey is creating Blue Sky app, a new platform that will connect social media networks and will contain “shared protocols” with the Dept of Homeland Security. Meanwhile, the U.S. intelligence agencies are funding new startup companies to “monitor the vast flow of information across social media networks.”
Do you see it?
Dorsey is creating another Magic Coffee Shop. This one will be called “Blue Sky.” It will contain shared protocols.
Against the previous government relationships established by Dorsey, the financing for this network is almost certainly coming from the U.S Intelligence Community.
Can you see it now?" .......
Craig: "I expect most people are not familiar with how hashes work. Hash algorithms are designed to generate a unique hash value corresponding to the exact contents of a file. Change anything in the file, and the hash computed from it is different. Close doesn’t count. So any social media sites suppressing content according to government-supplied hashes are acting as government censors, full stop. There is no credible denial of this point."
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Rumble Rejects French Govt Demand for Control Over Content - The Last Refuge:
(New York Post) – A little-noticed federal lawsuit, Missouri v. Biden, is uncovering astonishing evidence of an entrenched censorship scheme cooked up between the federal government and Big Tech that would make Communist China proud.
So far, 67 officials or agencies — including the FBI — have been accused in the lawsuit of violating the First Amendment by pressuring Facebook, Twitter and Google to censor users for alleged misinformation or disinformation.
Victims of the Biden-Big Tech “censorship enterprise” include The Post, whose Hunter Biden laptop exposé was suppressed by Facebook and then Twitter in October 2020 after the FBI went to Facebook, warning it with great specificity to watch out for a “dump” of Russian disinformation, pertaining to Joe Biden, with an uncanny resemblance to our stories.
“We allege that top-ranking Biden administration officials colluded with those social media companies to suppress speech about the Hunter Biden laptop story, the origins of COVID-19, the efficacy of masks, and election integrity,” is how the lawsuit was summarized by intrepid Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who is leading the action.
The censorship related to alleged “misinformation” about pandemic lockdowns, vaccines and COVID-19, and included material from the esteemed infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists associated with the Great Barrington Declaration, which proved over time to be correct and eventually much of which was adopted as official policy by the CDC.
Defendants include FBI special agents Elvis Chan and Laura Dehmlow, who gave Facebook that detailed “disinformation” briefing right before The Post was censored; White House press secretaries, current and former, Karine Jean-Pierre and Jen Psaki; Dr. Anthony Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser, and former White House senior COVID-19 adviser Andrew Slavitt; counsel to President Biden Dana Remus; the DHS over the disbanded Disinformation Governance Board; the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency; the FDA; the State Department; and the US Election Assistance Commission.
Last month a federal judge ordered a reluctant Fauci and Jean-Pierre to hand over their records, so the case is progressing nicely. (read more)
One question, though:
Who the fuck do these people think they are?
However bad you think it is, it is worse.
Compromise will not succeed.
This is the Death Spiral, End Stage American Liberalism circling the Toilet Bowl of History. It is a Murder/Suicide Cult at this point.
Osama had a 7th Century Death Cult, but Obama's is worse by the 21st Century Technology available for oppression by the Perma-Blob Government.
Spiritually speaking, satan is suicidal. And his minions follow him.
But however big you think our God is, He is Bigger.
The battle is the Lord’s–and He won’t cut a deal. Let's think like God. Let's speak like God. He says "VICTORY!"
Victory, Hallelujah!
Victory, Praise God!
Victory, Amen!
98 Sing a new song to the Lord;
he has done wonderful things!
By his own power and holy strength
he has won the victory.
2 The Lord announced his victory;
he made his saving power known to the nations.