Do The Chinese Own The White House? – by Sam Faddis (

“Is Joe Biden himself compromised by the Chinese Communist Party? Do we have a man in the White House who is working for our number one enemy on the planet? Have we allowed a Manchurian President to gain power?
Once upon at a time, the thought would have seemed fantastic. No longer. In fact, any objective review of what we know should have set off alarm bells long, long ago. Joe Biden couldn’t get a job on the loading dock at the CIA based on the information in our possession. Yet, he sits in the highest office in the land.
Hunter Biden served as the bag man for a vast influence-peddling scheme. He traveled the globe. He took in vast sums of money. Literally, billions of dollars from Communist China ended up in Hunter’s hands.
Hunter has no visible skills. He is a deeply disturbed individual with a substance abuse problem who was thrown out of the U.S. Navy for cocaine use. He was given all of the money he collected for one reason. The individuals and governments forking over the cash wanted access to Joe Biden.
Joe’s claims that he knew nothing of Hunter’s dealings are laughable. Multiple whistleblowers have established Joe’s direct connection to Hunter’s activities.
Many of those individuals who gave cash to Hunter were directly connected to Chinese intelligence. Hunter himself has been tied closely to Chinese intelligence activities inside this country. China is not a free nation. Any major figure or company in China that is dealing with the top levels of American society is doing so with the blessing of and at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party. There has in fact been direct evidence that Xi Jinping himself sanctioned Chinese contacts with the Bidens.
Every action Joe Biden has taken since he sat down in the White House has been to the detriment of American national security and to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party:
It is time to ask the single, most important question before us today. Do the Chinese own the White House?”…….
To ask is to answer.
In Mandarin.
422 years ago this week, English poet John Harington wrote:
"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."
I dare.
I dare call it treason. I cannot call it anything else.
Can you?
Remember how, that if we opened up, China was supposed to become like us with free markets and free people? Instead, we have become like them.
Secret Police and Oligarchs. Censorship. Crooked Judges and Prosecutors persecuting political opponents. Social Credit Scores. Phony elections. Red Guards on campus. Rule-by-Decree. Dr. Franken-Fauci building his Super-Bugs in government laboratories, both in China and in America. Show Trials. Public Recantations. A One-Party Press that covers up the crimes of the Ruling Class.
The only difference is, in China, reporters are forced to lie. Ours do it for fun.
China's Colonial Governor: "I wake up every morning, look at Jill, and say 'Where the hell are we?'"
A: In Donald's house.
Get the hell out, fraud.

2-3 God is bedrock under my feet,
the castle in which I live,
my rescuing knight.
My God—the high crag
where I run for dear life,
hiding behind the boulders,
safe in the granite hideout;
My mountaintop refuge,
he saves me from ruthless men.
4 I sing to God the Praise-Lofty,
and find myself safe and saved.
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