Sunday, December 31, 2023

A Bounty on the Mutiny: Tyranny No More!

"After all, Sir, we must submit to this idea, that the true principle of a republic is, that the people should choose whom they please to govern them. The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE. The streams of national power ought to flow from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority."--Alexander Hamilton

Tens of Thousands of Career "Civil Service" Administrators in Washington, DC, Apoplectic That Trump Might Fire Them - The Last Refuge (

Good. Hurry up. We don't need and will not have a Parasite Class of Power-Mad Leeches anymore. Get out. Get a real job, creeps.

"What is this oozing behemoth, this fibrous tumor, this monster of power and expense hatched from the simple human desire for civic order? How did an allegedly free people spawn a vast, rampant cuttlefish of dominion with its tentacles in every orifice of the body politic?"--P.J. O'Rourke

How? Lucifer's Pride, Adam's Treason and Obama's Selfie-Stick

You can see the Guilt rolling off these criminals:

Pompeo let the CIA and State Dept. attack the President at will.
Esper disobeyed orders, and ordered his own military operations, hiding them from the CINC.
Milley deserted during Operation: Desert Floyd and was the Commanding Officer
of the Jan. 6th Campaign against America. And spied on the President for the Chinese.

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief - The Last Refuge (

"Appearing on CNN, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper outlines his greatest concern that within our constitutionally provided civilian-led military structure, a President Trump Defense Secretary might actually be loyal to the Commander in Chief.

In his own words, Mark Esper views this possibility as a very serious problem. I’m not kidding, WATCH (prompted) ...

Mike Pompeo, Mark Esper and Mark Milley worked unilaterally, without President Trump’s authority, on at least one situation during the winter of 2019 when U.S. strikes took place. 👀 👉 [Background Here] [Background Here] 👈 👀 President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days." .......

We are reclaiming the Republic from the "-Ists"; Nazis, Communists, Globalists, Deep Statists and satanists. Here, all political power flows from its only owner, the American People, who were given free will by their Creator.

They loan their Executive Power to one man, a President whom they elect, who in turn lends some to lesser officials.

If Pompeo, Esper and Milley seize the Commander-in-Chief's power as their own, that is a mutiny, and tyranny by sedition. This goes for the entire Executive Branch Blob-ocracy, most of whom worked to overthrow and thwart the People and their President. 

They use the Shaving Mirror Standard: "The guy I see in the mirror is a nice guy. He deserves to rule over other Americans just because he's so darn swell!" It's all the rage. Everybody from the local dogcatcher to Vice-President did it to President Trump--and therefore to the People.

Biden has no legitimate authority because he is Pedophile Puppet installed by traitors, not by the People.
Obama has no legitimacy because of his congenital treason.
Bush lost his legitimacy by swearing allegiance to the Government, not to the People.
Carter lost his legitimacy by his cowardice in failing to stand up to the others, and by claiming President Trump was an illegitimate president and by rubberstamping the rigged elections of dictators.

That's how you know Real President Trump is not a dictator; Jimmeh Catah would have rubberstamped his election, too.

President Donald J. Trump is the only President of the United States of America anointed by God, duly-re-elected by the People and recognized by the Court of Heaven, praise God!

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By the Authority of the Believer, we cast down and break this ugly, wicked spirit of Tyranny and American Dictatorship from the pit of hell. We call it defeated, doomed and disappeared. We call for all the wicked schemes of the Government of Occupation to boomerang upon them and come to naught against Your Children. We call forth Victory and Brotherhood for Your People and we loose Your Spirit of Liberty and Your Glory, Lord, over Your Covenant Nations of America and Israel, for Your Great Harvest. In Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen!

Psalm 37:

7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
do not fret because of those who prosper in their way,
because of those who make wicked schemes.

8 Let go of anger, and forsake wrath;
do not fret—it surely leads to evil deeds.
9 For evildoers will be cut off,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the earth.

10 For yet a little while, and the wicked will not be;
you will look diligently for their place, and it will not be.
11 But the meek will inherit the earth,
and will delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

12 The wicked plot against the righteous,
and grind their teeth against them.
13 The Lord will laugh at him,
for He sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked have drawn out the sword
and have bent their bow,
to cast down the poor and needy,
and to slay those on the upright path.
15 Their sword will enter into their own heart,
and their bows will be broken.

16 Better is a little that the righteous has
than the abundance of many wicked.
17 For the arms of the wicked will be broken,
but the Lord supports the righteous.

18 The Lord knows the days of people of integrity,
and their inheritance will be forever.
19 They will not be ashamed in the evil time,
and in the days of famine they will be satisfied.

20 But the wicked will perish,
and the enemies of the Lord will be like the glory of pastures;
they will waste away, in smoke they will waste away.

Amen, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

"Cuba Will be Free--and Soon!"--Our Father

God Bless Mrs. Sanchez

American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan -- A Time for Choosing, 1964:

"Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." And in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.

And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man.

This is the issue of this election: whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well, I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There's only an up or down: up to man's age-old dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. And regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course." .......

Or that time Obama went to see his dying hero Fidel Castro and stayed in the Military Dictator's palace for many nights. Of course, Obama lied about it, claiming he never met with Fidel but only with Raoul and he is still lying about it to this very day because his father is the father of lies.

A call to Cuba’s hierarchy from officers who have defected: ‘End the dictatorship that crushes our people’ | Babalú Blog (


December 29, 2023.

"We, former officers of the Armed Forces, Ministry of the Interior, Communist Party, and government of Cuba, left our posts, risking our lives, to reject the corrupt tyranny subjugating and impoverishing the Cuban people. Knowing its objectives and methodologies from the inside, we are compelled to warn of the threat it represents to the security of the Cuban people, the United States, the Western Hemisphere, and the world.

Cuba’s intelligence services currently have a large number of agents in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe. Numerous citizens of many countries —many whose seeming loyalties do not arouse suspicion— are spies and agents of influence recruited to serve the interests of the Cuban dictatorship. They operate within their governments, parliaments, media, universities, churches, cultural institutions, businesses, and other sectors of society, some at the highest levels. Some spy and send information clandestinely, others just identify people to study for their potential recruitment, and all exert influence to favor the Cuban government.

In the United States, the recent indictment of former diplomat Victor Manuel Rocha and the long prison sentences of the Pentagon’s top Cuba analyst Ana Belén Montes in 2002 and senior State Department official Kendall Myers in 2009 are just the Bp of the iceberg. These are not isolated cases or Cold War “relics,” as some have claimed, but the result of decades of work with exponential returns that are hard to imagine.

Cuba’s intelligence services direct and induce the narrative seeking to minimize the regime’s International influence and the damage caused by its agents. Spying for ideological motivations is exalted, obscuring that it supports a totalitarian military regime responsible for egregious human rights violations and countless deaths in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, Angola, Ethiopia and many other countries. Defending the Cuban Revolution is extolled, disregarding that it’s been hijacked for decades by a duplicitous and privileged elite that has destroyed the nation with increasingly ludicrous political-ideological justifications. Claims of their “moral principles” fail to mention that none of these agents have, from their advantageous positions, shouldered the absence of rights, the apartheid, or the shortages imposed on the Cuban people.

Cuba’s Intelligence Directorate conducts aggressive work directed overseas, primarily tasked against the United States and with overthrowing democracies and their values. They collaborate with autocratic governments and criminal cartels that share these goals. Supported by a gigantic State apparatus dedicated to disinformaBon, propaganda, and influence, they also count on cooperation from virtually every government official, including diplomats, journalists, academics, and artists. Together with the apparatus dedicated to internal police-state control, they enjoy a priority allocaBon of resources despite the great needs of the people.

As a result of the above, we urge democraBc governments to not support the Cuban regime with legitimacy or resources of any kind ...

We know firsthand how the regime surveils, humiliates, and blackmails you. Break the chains, as we did, and assume the historic duty of forging a rule of law that guarantees freedom for your own families and generations of Cubans. Do not allow fraudulent mutations seeking to maintain privileges for the oligarchy under different facades. The essential change to be promoted and defended is towards a multiparty democracy that structurally reforms the economy and the State. The people must recover their sovereignty to build the prosperous society they deserve."

Orlando Brito
José Cohen
Rafael del Pino
Enrique García
Alcibíades Hidalgo
Máximo Omar Ruíz ............

(full text of the open letter)

Castro's Little Bastard: A chip off the old Commandante!

Video of the Day: How school children are indoctrinated in communist Cuba | Babalú Blog (

"Exiled Cuban dissident Carolina Barrero Ferrer explains how schools in Cuba tried to indoctrinate and mold her into a good communist revolutionary. Any similarities with what we see taking place in the U.S. with leftists attempting to indoctrinate school children is purely not coincidental."

I'll bet they didn't tell President Trump about it either.
"If I really looked like this, the UNIPARTY would do anything to help me."

In addition to the Spy Base, China wants a Military Base, 
with troops, nukes and probably Subs.

Buying the Bidens was the best money Xi ever spent. But it won't save the Chinese Military Dictatorship, nor the Cuban Oppressor. They're doomed even as we speak, praise God!

Jorge Luis García Pérez known as Antúnez, Cuban human rights activist.

We bind all the schemes of the enemy by the Authority of the Believer. We call down all wicked dictatorships, including America's, decreeing their doom, defeat and disappearance according to God's Word. We loose Glory, Deliverance and Victory for Your Beloved, standing on Your Word, Father God. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen and Amen!

                                                     Psalm 97

God rules: there’s something to shout over!
On the double, mainlands and islands—celebrate!

2 Bright clouds and storm clouds circle ’round him;
Right and justice anchor his rule.

3 Fire blazes out before him,
Flaming high up the craggy mountains.

4 His lightnings light up the world;
Earth, wide-eyed, trembles in fear.

5 The mountains take one look at God
And melt, melt like wax before earth’s Lord.

6 The heavens announce that he’ll set everything right,
And everyone will see it happen—glorious!

7-8 All who serve handcrafted gods will be sorry—
And they were so proud of their ragamuffin gods!

On your knees, all you gods—worship him!
And Zion, you listen and take heart!

Daughters of Zion, sing your hearts out:
God has done it all, has set everything right.

9 You, God, are High God of the cosmos,
Far, far higher than any of the gods.

10 God loves all who hate evil,
And those who love him he keeps safe,
Snatches them from the grip of the wicked.

11 Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people,
Joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil.

12 So, God’s people, shout praise to God,
Give thanks to our Holy God!

Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen!

MNN's Headline Noose Minute



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"We were examining the Russian Disinformation device out in Section: Hammertime of the Clinton Executive Parking Lot when it all sort of fell apart from there," said FBI Special Agent Alca Pone. 

"Suddenly, a black SUV with Chappaqua tags pulled up and put two slugs in the back of the computer. It was horrible--I can still smell the gunpowder, vodka fumes and adult diapers. Naturally, we've put out an APB and a large reward for any information leading to the arrest of Donald Trump."

Agent Pone said that hopefully the computer would be fixed in a couple of years.  After that, the FBI plans to plug it in within five years and turn it on within a decade.


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"When we go to the trouble of bribing Bidens to conduct magnetic mapping of NORAD bases for a nuclear first strike, we expect that data to stream back to China without a hitch. Do better, Google!" said Gen. Li Zuocheng, widely-known as Mark Milley's former Commanding Officer.

American Internet Companies pledged to prioritize sending all secret enemy communications quickly and securely from now on. In their defense, however, they were pretty busy kicking President Trump and his supporters off the Internet.


Aspiring Lesbian Dictatress Shenna Bellows was Swatted at her home in Cat Lady, Maine yesterday. Conveniently, Fortunately, she was not home at the time.

We're not saying she staged her own Swatting to garner sympathy and frame Trump supporters, but she was out for dinner at Subway at 3 am in a snowstorm, splitting a meatball sub with Jussie Smollett.
* And In Sports News, NASCAR announced that Bubba Wallace will run for Secretary of State in North Carolina, once his garage remodel is complete. 

Manufactured News Network: "If It's Not Manufactured, It's Not News!"