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"Humor must not professedly teach, and it must not professedly preach, but it must do both if it would live forever. By forever, I mean thirty years. Or until Facebook says "SILENCE, PEASANTS!"" |
The custom-made device allows CNN reporters to load just the facts of a given issue, turn a dial to “spin cycle,” and within five minutes, receive a nearly unrecognizable version of the story that’s been spun to fit with the news station’s agenda.
One reporter was seen inserting the facts of a recent news story early Thursday morning.
“Okay, so we just slip in the location, the people involved, the facts of the story, and there we go,” he muttered as he fiddled with the buttons and dials on the machine. “Spin for five minutes on high, and we’ll have ourselves a news story.”
Minutes later, he removed the story and found it had turned into a perfect piece to push universal health care, common-sense gun control, and the removal of President Trump from office.
“Perfect!” he said, taking the story straight to his computer in order to upload it to CNN’s website.
At publishing time, CNN had also purchased an industrial-sized trash compactor in order to help compress and distort facts to fit into its preconceived narrative.".......
That was the satire that Facebook just censored, despite being an obvious joke.
The Federalist:
"Hours later, Adam Ford, who runs The Babylon Bee, got a notification warning him that the post had been flagged as so-called “fake news” by Snopes, and that if it happened again, the Bee’s Facebook page could face de-monetization and its posts would suffer a reduced reach. ...
“There’s a difference between false news and satire,” the social network said in a statement to DCNF. “This was a mistake and should not have been rated false in our system. It’s since been corrected and won’t count against the domain in any way.”
In other words, Facebook is saying: Lol, sorry we threatened y’all with de-monetization. We like, totally didn’t mean it. But you can be sure that when we do mean to sandbag you, IT WILL BE SWIFT AND SEVERE.
Facebook’s statement, however well intended, doesn’t undo what happened to the Bee, nor does it erase the very serious and frightening implications of the social network’s power over information. In April, the social network announced it would let troll mobs decide what is and what isn’t fake news. A few months later, Facebook announced it would block ads from users it thinks are sharing “fake news.”
What happened to the Bee is just one example of the way the social network can arbitrarily decide what information they will bury and what they will lend a platform too. Similar arbitrary standards got them in trouble when former employees revealed that they routinely suppressed conservative news on purpose. And the fact that Facebook is now apparently relying on Snopes to sniff out who is sharing so-called “fake news” is totally insane.".......
It's bad enough that these companies are in the Censorship Business at all. But even worse, all the Thought-Crime Suppression is on one side of the political spectrum. Only conservative viewpoints are outlawed. They are now enforcers of the One-Party State.
The tactics are numerous. They won't let you accept donations. They pre-emptively re-direct traffic to sites with opposing views. They let you post things that only you can see, and when you get no response, you think no one else shares your viewpoint. They let Leftists like the Southern Swimming Pool Law Center smear you and censor your group. They manipulate ratings so your news stories and points of view are minimized, marginalized and even criminalized. Not to mention spying on the President.
Hell, they don't even have a sense of humor.
Kurt Schlichter: "Oh, they want to have a conversation, all right. It’s a conversation about how you are going to be disarmed, disempowered, and at their mercy.
Crazy talk? No. Don’t be gaslighted. They will tell you exactly what they want for you if you give them long enough. The beauty of social media is these creeps just can’t help themselves; you just have to have the strength to listen and accept the truth no matter how unpleasant it is. Many of them want you dead – again, they will tell you outright. Others will be satisfied with you just being serfs, unable to participate in your own governance, obedient, working hard to fuel the liberal redistribution machine that pays off Democrat constituencies. To the fields, flyover drones! Grow our kale, drive the trucks carrying our cucumber-infused pale ale! We are to be the silent stagehands in the urban hipster play that is their lives.
Understand that the left doesn’t hate the NRA. ...Your life means nothing to them, just as the lost lives in Chicago mean nothing to them. There are several Parklands a month in the Windy City, but the Democrats who run it don’t care. ...They hate you.
The left is intent on mobilizing the corporations that form the infrastructure of society against us. We need to respond with our own political power, and that means casting off the tired shackles of an ideology that assumes we are in a pure free market scenario. “Free market solutions” don’t apply where companies instead act based on political ideology when choosing to exercise political power; how, exactly, do we respond to a company that acts against us but decides it doesn’t care about the market consequences? Well, we can’t – unless we use our own political power. Georgia refusing to give Delta a tax break – which it should not have gotten in the first place – is the template. If they want to declare a cultural war on us, let’s give them one. It’s not how you or I want it to be, but it is how it is. Maybe pain will motivate them to re-adopt the old rules. Surrender sure won’t.".......
These internet companies now essentially function as Information Age Public Utilities.
Their criminal abuse of conservatives in the service of their One-Party vision is no different than the phone company screening your calls based on your party registration, the power company imposing a brown-out because of your voting record or the water company instituting water rationing because their meter reader didn't like your political yard sign.
It's bullshit and it's going to stop. We need some Modern Trust-Busting stat.
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"That action was the epochal anti-trust case, Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on May 15, 1911. With the legal thunderclap, the principle was established: Here in the United States, the people, not the big corporations, would rule. It should be remembered that Standard Oil was the great monopoly of the age; it controlled 90 percent of the national oil market. The Court’s decision, following the guidelines of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, broke Standard Oil into 34 separate companies." |
Gonna' hate the New Rules.
Nor is it an accident that they have ramped-up their un-American, anti-freedom activities now, either. It all goes hand-in-hand with the pre-staged Operation Wiretap coup attempt and Operation Parkland gun-grab.
Steal the Election, Seize the Guns, Gut the Constitution and Silence the Opposition.
You'd better pack a lunch, Commie-Boys.
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