But first, from the Archives, Nov. 2016:
What Do the Cast of "Hamilton" and the Audience of "Hamilton" All Have in Common?
A: They are all Americans.
And as such, they are not permitted to know all the secret side deals of Obama's One-Man Treaty with the Mullahs of Iran.
The Mullahs know. The U.N. Bureaucrats know. But Americans are not permitted to know.
Obama trusts the Mullahs. He trusts the UN. But he doesn't trust you.
Think about that; Obama finds the World's Number One State Sponsor of Terrorism more trustworthy than you.
But Alexander Hamilton doesn't trust him:
"It would be utterly unsafe and improper to entrust Treaty power to an elective magistrate of four years' duration. An avaricious man might be tempted to betray the interests of the state to the acquisition of wealth. An ambitious man might make his own aggrandizement, by the aid of a foreign power, the price of his treachery to his constituents. The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which concern its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a President of the United States."--Alexander Hamilton arguing for the Constitution to his fellow citizens in the newspapers, the internet of his day, in Federalist #75
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...and the tickets are free! |
America's Word Was Never Given, Gen. Mattis
A Dishonorable Deal
Gen. Mattis on the Iran Deal:
“I think it is an imperfect arms control agreement — it's not a friendship treaty. But when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies.”
I agree completely. But America never gave her word.
Barack Hussein Obama illegitimately gave his word, not America. In fact, America was specifically prevented from giving her word.
America "gives her word" on treaties through the Senate's Advise and Consent power. The Constitution requires senators, two from each state, to agree by a two-thirds vote for the specific purpose that our word as a nation is broad-based, authentically given as a nation. Not on the whim of single tin-pot basketball bracketeer.
Obama subverted that authentic national consent by calling this Treaty an "Executive Agreement". It is, in fact, a One-Man Diktat, a Dear Leader-style subversion of the Constitution never before seen in this Republic.
Furthermore, Obama conspired with Iran, Russia and other foreign entities to lie to the American people about the terms of this Pre-Emptive and Unconditional Surrender--and the lying is still underway to this very moment.
And if I'm not mistaken, it is an "Executive Agreement" not even signed by Iran's executive, essentially making it a deal Obama cut with Obama. Perfect.
And then handed to his Ayatollah as a gift.
There was not even simple majority support in the Senate for this madness, let alone the super-majority support envisioned by the Framers. This is why we take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign, domestic and Kenyan.
America is not obligated because America never consented.
In fact, America was prevented from giving her word...until she finally got to speak on Election Day 2016. And again in a 2020 LANDSLIDE.
Those election results are America’s word on the subject, and that is what should be honored. ............
The so-called "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" is not about "action", but paralysis, meant to paralyze the West until Iran gets nukes.
It is "comprehensive" only in ensuring that Iran has everything it needs to achieve that goal.
And the "Joiners" are the UN, the European Union, the Mullahs, the Iranian parliament, a rogue president and his minority rump party--all of whom Americans never consented to have represent them in a Treaty.
And calling a Treaty an "Executive Agreement" is like calling a bank robbery "an unauthorized overdraft".
Of course, Obama front-loaded the Deal to box in America, not Iran. He gave Iran all the carrots and America all the sticks.
Spiritually, this was a act of submission by hadji Obama to his Ayatollah, signifying a Pre-Emptive Surrender of America to Islam, complete with the payment of a massive Jizya Tax.
And like Hitler's Nuremberg Laws, it was meant to be a dagger to the heart of the Jewish people.
That's how we got here. So now what?
Gen. Votel: "From my perspective, the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] addresses one of the principal threats that we deal with from Iran. So, if the JCPOA goes away, then we will have to have another way to deal with the nuclear weapons program."
That's just it. It does not address the threat. The Iranians pretend to comply and we pretend they are complying. Pretending is the opposite of dealing with it.
They are allowed to self-inspect. What little verification there might exist is done by others who do not have our security as their primary motive.
What will we say to the North Koreans when they say "We'll take the same deal you gave the Iranians!", General?
President Trump has a plan,too:
"I have been very clear about my opinion of that deal. It gave Iran far too much in exchange for far too little. The enormous financial windfall the Iranian regime received because of the deal—access to more than $100 billion, including $1.8 billion in cash—has not been used to better the lives of the Iranian people. Instead, it has served as a slush fund for weapons, terror, and oppression, and to further line the pockets of corrupt regime leaders. The Iranian people know this, which is one reason why so many have taken to the streets to express their outrage.
Despite my strong inclination, I have not yet withdrawn the United States from the Iran nuclear deal. Instead, I have outlined two possible paths forward: either fix the deal’s disastrous flaws, or the United States will withdraw.
I am open to working with Congress on bipartisan legislation regarding Iran. But any bill I sign must include four critical components.
First, it must demand that Iran allow immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors.
Second, it must ensure that Iran never even comes close to possessing a nuclear weapon.
Third, unlike the nuclear deal, these provisions must have no expiration date. My policy is to deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon—not just for ten years, but forever.
If Iran does not comply with any of these provisions, American nuclear sanctions would automatically resume.
Fourth, the legislation must explicitly state in United States law—for the first time—that long-range missile and nuclear weapons programs are inseparable, and that Iran’s development and testing of missiles should be subject to severe sanctions. ...
No one should doubt my word. I said I would not certify the nuclear deal—and I did not. I will also follow through on this pledge. I hereby call on key European countries to join with the United States in fixing significant flaws in the deal, countering Iranian aggression, and supporting the Iranian people. If other nations fail to act during this time, I will terminate our deal with Iran. Those who, for whatever reason, choose not to work with us will be siding with the Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions, and against the people of Iran and the peaceful nations of the world."
And No More One-Man Treaties.
Sec. Hamilton: "After all, Sir, we must submit to this idea, that the true principle of a republic is, that the people should choose whom they please to govern them, Tarmac Meetings be damned! Say--what is a tarmac, anyway?"
Treaty Power is Your Power!
UPDATE: The Deep Staters latest talking point: "How will North Korea take our word seriously if we withdraw from the Iran Deal?" But that's exactly backwards; they won't take us seriously if we don't.
The so-called "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" is not about "action", but paralysis, meant to paralyze the West until Iran gets nukes.
It is "comprehensive" only in ensuring that Iran has everything it needs to achieve that goal.
And the "Joiners" are the UN, the European Union, the Mullahs, the Iranian parliament, a rogue president and his minority rump party--all of whom Americans never consented to have represent them in a Treaty.
And calling a Treaty an "Executive Agreement" is like calling a bank robbery "an unauthorized overdraft".
Of course, Obama front-loaded the Deal to box in America, not Iran. He gave Iran all the carrots and America all the sticks.
Spiritually, this was a act of submission by hadji Obama to his Ayatollah, signifying a Pre-Emptive Surrender of America to Islam, complete with the payment of a massive Jizya Tax.
And like Hitler's Nuremberg Laws, it was meant to be a dagger to the heart of the Jewish people.
That's how we got here. So now what?
Gen. Votel: "From my perspective, the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] addresses one of the principal threats that we deal with from Iran. So, if the JCPOA goes away, then we will have to have another way to deal with the nuclear weapons program."
That's just it. It does not address the threat. The Iranians pretend to comply and we pretend they are complying. Pretending is the opposite of dealing with it.
They are allowed to self-inspect. What little verification there might exist is done by others who do not have our security as their primary motive.
What will we say to the North Koreans when they say "We'll take the same deal you gave the Iranians!", General?
President Trump has a plan,too:
"I have been very clear about my opinion of that deal. It gave Iran far too much in exchange for far too little. The enormous financial windfall the Iranian regime received because of the deal—access to more than $100 billion, including $1.8 billion in cash—has not been used to better the lives of the Iranian people. Instead, it has served as a slush fund for weapons, terror, and oppression, and to further line the pockets of corrupt regime leaders. The Iranian people know this, which is one reason why so many have taken to the streets to express their outrage.
Despite my strong inclination, I have not yet withdrawn the United States from the Iran nuclear deal. Instead, I have outlined two possible paths forward: either fix the deal’s disastrous flaws, or the United States will withdraw.
I am open to working with Congress on bipartisan legislation regarding Iran. But any bill I sign must include four critical components.
First, it must demand that Iran allow immediate inspections at all sites requested by international inspectors.
Second, it must ensure that Iran never even comes close to possessing a nuclear weapon.
Third, unlike the nuclear deal, these provisions must have no expiration date. My policy is to deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon—not just for ten years, but forever.
If Iran does not comply with any of these provisions, American nuclear sanctions would automatically resume.
Fourth, the legislation must explicitly state in United States law—for the first time—that long-range missile and nuclear weapons programs are inseparable, and that Iran’s development and testing of missiles should be subject to severe sanctions. ...
No one should doubt my word. I said I would not certify the nuclear deal—and I did not. I will also follow through on this pledge. I hereby call on key European countries to join with the United States in fixing significant flaws in the deal, countering Iranian aggression, and supporting the Iranian people. If other nations fail to act during this time, I will terminate our deal with Iran. Those who, for whatever reason, choose not to work with us will be siding with the Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions, and against the people of Iran and the peaceful nations of the world."
And No More One-Man Treaties.
Sec. Hamilton: "After all, Sir, we must submit to this idea, that the true principle of a republic is, that the people should choose whom they please to govern them, Tarmac Meetings be damned! Say--what is a tarmac, anyway?"
Treaty Power is Your Power!
UPDATE: The Deep Staters latest talking point: "How will North Korea take our word seriously if we withdraw from the Iran Deal?" But that's exactly backwards; they won't take us seriously if we don't.
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