Monday, May 20, 2019

"Unexpectedly": Congratulations, Prime Minister Morrison and Australia First! UPDATE: India, Too!

"Catch A Wave and You're Sitting On Top of the World!"
Down Under:

"PM Scott Morrison: “I have always believed in miracles. Tonight is not about me, or even the Libs, tonight is about every single Australian who depends on their government to put them first. So friends, that is exactly what we are going to do."

Perhaps the most important aspect for Americans to note is that 54 polls in a row indicated this election was essentially “unlosable” for the Labor Party. Until it wasn’t, that is."...….

They said it was "unlosable" for the Left. MELTDOWN!!!

Brexit. Brazil. Israel. Italy. Australia and many others. Around the world, citizens want their governments to work for them, not them working for their governments. President Trump led the way. That's what leadership can do.

(PS: Note to Foreign Governments and Hessian Intelligence Services brought in to defeat the American People in 2016:

If you don’t like your dirty secrets exposed, don’t try to fix our elections, even if you are invited to do so by Bolshie Brennan, Bribe Me-Granny and B. Hussein Osama. Mind your own damn business. Don’t you have enough problems of your own? Butt out, James Bondage.)

Congratulations to all the Quiet Australians and Godspeed, Prime Minister Morrison--your country needs you.

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