Thursday, August 15, 2019

"Live Free Or Die": The Only Other Choices are Collaboration or Slavery

It's Your American Heritage

Head Quarters  19th Octobr 1778
By recent intelligence from the city of New York, there are the strongest appearances of a general evacuation. Where the force of the enemy will be next directed can only be the subject of conjecture; but it is generally supposed, if they operate again any where in the United States, it will be against Boston and the French fleet. Should this event take place, your influence near the seat of war will enable you to render more essential service there, than where you now are. With a view to this, I am to desire you will forthwith proceed to join General Sullivan at Providence. General Hand will succeed to your present command, to whom on his arrival at Albany you will be pleased to communicate every thing necessary for his information and government. I am Sir Your most Obedt servant."--Gen. George Washington to Brig. Gen. John Stark [written in Hamilton's hand].

John Stark, American freeman
Tonight in New Hampshire, our President quoted New Hampshire's famous motto, “Live Free or Die”, written–and lived-out– by Gen. John Stark. It sounds almost foreign to our modern ears, we who grew up in the cocoon of Liberty provided by our Founders, our forefathers and mothers and again by our parents and grandparents.

But Liberty is always to be defended, as we see in our times of Globalist greed, Deep State sedition, Big Tech censorship and manipulation, Radical Academia, One-Party Media and hooded Democrat paramilitaries, stooges bent on arson, to name but some of the tyranny afoot.

Of his militia volunteers:

“They were men who had not learned the art of submission, nor had they been trained to the arts of war; our ‘astonishing success’ taught the enemies of liberty that undisciplined freemen are superior to veteran slaves. As I was then, I am now, the friend of the equal rights of men, of representative democracy, of republicanism, and the Declaration of Independence—the great charter of our national rights—and of course a friend to the indissoluble union of these states. I am the enemy of all foreign influence, for all foreign influence is the influence of tyranny. This is the only chosen spot of liberty—this the only republic on earth. These are my orders now, and will be my last orders to all my volunteers: look to your sentries. Live free or die—Death is not the worst of evils.”

Gen. John Stark, a stalwart at Bunker Hill, chosen by Washington over higher-ranking officers for the Battle of Trenton, praised by Madison and Jefferson, victorious over Burgoyne at Bennington, who coined the New Hampshire motto in this toast on the 32nd anniversary of that victory in 1809.

“Someday, boys, our own Occupation Government will view us exactly like King George does!”

More: Live Free or Die: The Story of General John Stark by Jon Hersey at The Objective Standard. Also Burlington Free Press and The New American. 



Home, c. 1736

Obama called them Bitter Clingers. Clinton called them Deplorables and Irredeemables.
The #ProfessionalLiars call them Supremacists.

But Gen. Stark called them freemen. 

And President Trump calls us "hard-working patriots who are the heart and soul of America". And so it is. 

Make America Free Again.


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