The Rape of America has begun. This is a illegal Government of Occupation, its figurehead leader installed by a Uni-Party Putsch. It is now our moral and Christian duty to resist the Biden/Harris Junta by any lawful means necessary.
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Everyone there knew it was a Lie Everyone there was part of the Fraud Everyone laughed and nobody cared Because they agreed: Government is God |
A capital cocktail party of our Garbage Elites installs a Pretender at a Private Function. It's a Small Club and You're Not In It.
Via Sefton:
Katie Hopkins witnessed yesterday firsthand:
It feels numb here, like watching surgery on your own hand when you are anesthetized against the pain, but can still see the knife cutting flesh and watch your own blood flow. That's exactly what it is like in D.C. Without people, there is no emotion. And without emotion, no one can feel anything. And just like surgery, it feels unreal.It is emotion that makes these events matter. And there is none to be had here. This is a sterilized inauguration in a city sanitized by a garrison of troops. All you can feel is numb.
Biden stepped up to the podium, on an empty stand, addressing a mall void of life and spoke of his hopes for unity:
This is our moment of crises and challenge. And unity is the only path forward... Let's start afresh. Let's start to listen to one another, see one another, hear one another.
I look around at all the facemasks and muted mouths. And feel my eyes roll in their sockets.
We must reject a culture in which facts are manipulated and manufactured.
I remember those suitcases of ballots being hauled out from under tables in Pennsylvania, and the statistically improbably vote dumps in the swing states, and wonder how this old man is not choking on his words.
America has to be better than this. Just look around. Here we stand in the shadow of the capitol dome. We endured. We prevailed.
I look around just as he asks us to do, and I see how barren it all is. This man is all but alone with his lies. Nothing has prevailed here, not joy, not emotion, and certainly not the will of the American people.
Daniel Greenfield also nails it:
There were no crowds, just soldiers. After the military and police contingent, the second largest group there for the inauguration weren't Biden's civilian supporters, but his propagandists. With few people, the media had to work twice as hard to manufacture the illusion that this was a popular leader taking office instead of a usurper imposed by Amazon, Google, Facebook, and the rest of the political, cultural, and economic oligarchy which owns the media on America.CNN, a subsidiary of AT&T, had already gushed about, "Joe Biden's arms embracing America". MSNBC, a subsidiary of Comcast, compared Biden to God. "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." The only wounds being bound up were those of the ruling class which had temporarily lost electoral power to an army of flyover country workers and peasants, only to reclaim it with sedition, wiretapping, abuse of power, billions of dollars, and soldiers in the street...
...Biden isn't a charismatic leader. He isn't moving the cause forward. He's a placeholder for a ruling class that wants homes in Dupont Circle that it buys by selling out America to China, by ruining our economy with environmental consulting gigs and racial contract quotas, and for all the manifold ways which the swamp is coming back as Biden's wetlands restoration project.
"Hail to the Thief" is as much their anthem as it is Biden's. They fought to keep hold of D.C., the center of their power base not because they care about its history or that of this country, but because it's where they network, collaborate, and do their dirty little deals at our expense.
The troops in the street are their warning to the rest of the country about who is really in charge.
Flags made out of left-over Mail-In Ballots from Biden's basement bunker take the place of actual American voters. Again.
Even now, resident Biden sits in the Oval Office, fulfilling China's wish list--by which I mean obeying China's orders.
Some have expressed anger at President Trump for not leading a futile suicide charge to try to stop this American Dictatorship, but the CIA would have dealt with him like they did with Jack Kennedy. Our FBI/CIA Police State has hidden their tracks but this is their classic Color Revolution operation, and why the women at yesterday's Installation all wore purple.
It's not President Trump's fault--it's ours. We sent him in there almost alone to clean up decades of rot. We neglected the hard work of self-government and left it to the pros. Not only did the Uni-Party rig the Courts and weaponize the Nat/Sec Apparatus, steal the Presidency, the Senate and keep the House through massive Fraud, they have corrupted the system down to the state and local level as well.
Zuckerberg was paying off local election officials with foundation money. If he paid judges, that would be called corruption. Instead he pays election judges and its called good government. But he's still purchasing outcomes.
Soros has purchased state and local prosecutors to free criminals and persecute political opponents. Also secretaries of states to ratify election thefts.
Chinese spies have run amok in the capital for years, receiving grants from NIH, NASA, State, Energy, Education--name it. But the Chinese, weary of purchasing senators by the dozen, have also been recruiting state and local officials for years. Look at Swalwell. He was recruited a decade ago while still a city councilman. He was later put on the Intel Committee, not in spite of being recruited, but because of it.
The Chinese own Georgia's state government, lock, stock and barrel. Kemp would declare Georgia a province of China tomorrow if they told him to--providing the check clears, of course. Lao Gai, y'all!
And every single of the swing states "Republican" legislatures ratified the fraudulent results, knowing full well they were as phony as a Clinton alibi. They all saw the Election Theft just like we did, but not one lifted a finger to stop the Fix. It's that deep.
One reason the people haven't risen up is because of the structure of the Uni-Party Grift. That confusion is by design.
Many think the results were ratified by Republican politicians who cast an adversarial eye on the results and still approved them. But while voters think of themselves as Democrats and Republican, the crooked politicians think of themselves as Uni-Party members. There is no Democrat or Republican, only a corrupt government united against the People.
People understand how Pelosi and Obama overthrew the government by overthrowing the People. But not all understand how McConnell, Pence, the RNC and Paul Ryan's Fox News are every bit as responsible for it. But we're learning.
For example, people think Mike Pence is pro-life. He's not. He's pro-life flavored, with 100% FDA-approved pro-life flavoring. How can he be truly pro-life when his Uni-Party is committed to continuing the grisly sacrifice forever? Like all Uni-Party, he'll pretend to be pro-life while secretly sabotaging any real attempt to protect babies. It's a grift, a game, a Tweedledee/Tweedledum shell game to fool the rubes. Just like McConnell and Graham promising to protect you from the Democrats they just helped install. It's an art form.
We're not voting our way out of this because we didn't vote our way in. They voted for us, thereby severing political power from its rightful owners, the American People. President Lincoln said "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it."
Our God is just, as is our cause. It is the cause of mankind, and it is the cause of America, praise God!
Psalm 121
1-2 I look up to the mountains;
does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.
3-4 He won’t let you stumble,
your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel’s
Guardian will never doze or sleep.
5-6 God’s your Guardian,
right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
sheltering you from moonstroke.
7-8 God guards you from every evil,
he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
he guards you now, he guards you always.
In the name of Christ Jesus, the Name above all Names, Amen and Amen!
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