Is there anyone who believes they didn't give that information to the Democrat prosecution?
Rudy Giuliani was putting away mobsters in the SDNY before mobsters ran the SDNY!
Ace: "Rudy Giuliani is the third Trump lawyer to have had privileged documents seized by the state, in contravention of established protocols. FARA requires people working as lobbyists or agents for foreigners to disclose this to the government, unless they're Democrats -- one person we know for a fact worked for the Ukrainians and the Chinese and never filed a FARA disclosure is Hunter Biden. So they're framing a man who exposed Hunter Biden on a FARA rap, while protecting Hunter Biden himself from a FARA rap. If you want to make your records seizure-proof, mark them all as Hunter Biden's Child-Porn Laptop.".......
We don’t have Systemic Racism. We have Systemic Statism.
"This is not the actions of a constitutional republican government concerned about standing for reelection."
Indeed. But at the rate they're looting the Treasury, they can buy another country. For a change.
Of course, they can't be reelected since they were never elected in the first place.
The 4-term Puppeteer |
Josef Stolen |
"The NKVD needed a confession and they proved very adept at their work. One member of the NKVD stated that given the time he could get anyone to sign a confession that they were “the king of England”. In keeping with Stalin’s desire to maintain an air of legality to the purges, major figures were given the ‘luxury’ of a public trial – the so-called show trials. A guilty verdict at the end of these stage-managed trials was an inevitability. Many signed a confession knowing that what they had confessed to was wrong. In his book “Darkness at Noon” Arthur Koestler commented that many in NKVD prisons saw death as the best way out of life in these prisons and signed confessions knowing that they were in effect signing their own death warrants but death was a swift way out. But for Stalin a signed confession was like a trophy to parade among the people as proof of his suspicions of their treasonable behaviour. Stalin could feel content that while the purges went on, he had loyal people in place. These people would have known what had happened to their predecessors – the newspapers openly published trial reports with Stalin’s blessing – and by the very nature of this, they would have known that it was common-sense to be openly loyal to Stalin as he was their benefactor."--The Purges in the USSR - History Learning SiteDHS Preparing to Use Private Contractors to "Scour Public Data and Social Media" To Compile Dissident Citizens for Watch List and No Fly Lists - The Last Refuge (
Judicial Watch: Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Americans’ Election Posts | Judicial Watch “...a conspiracy against the First Amendment rights of Americans by the California Secretary of State, the Biden campaign operation, and Big Tech.”
Videos ( The "Equality" Act is dangerous
Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden's Laptop :: Gatestone Institutet
From 2009: Michelle Malkin Archive - The Unz Review Confirmed: the Obama DHS Hit Job on Conservatives Is Real
Kerry Denies Telling Iranians About Covert Israeli Operations; State Dept. Says It Was Public Knowledge | CNSNews
Biden, Harris Skipping Weekly COVID Calls With Governors, Leaving Cuomo in Charge (
Occidental Dissent--DHS Is Investigating Itself For “Domestic Violent Extremism” Meaning "Trump voters"--who are the majority, btw. They are saying No Republicans Need Apply in the new Fascist One-Party Government they are building. You know who else did Purges?
CDC Ministry of COVID Compliance Issues New Guidelines for Freedom Activity Outdoors - Creates Tiered Liberty Outlook Based on Vaccination Status - The Last Refuge (
Bannon: Biden American Families Plan is Cultural Revolution Coming Into Your Home – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch
'Absolute Nonsense': Many Black Leaders Rejecting Biden's 'Jim Crow' Slam Against Voter IDs | CBN News
Congressional Press Credentials of Epoch Times Revoked While China State Media Retains Theirs – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch
Legal Organization Suing Biden Administration Over Racial Discrimination Against Farmers And Ranchers (
Google, Soros, & Gates-Funded Media Outlet 'Project Syndicate' Publishes Op-Eds For China's State Media. (
FBI Is Sharing Your Gun Purchases With Foreign Countries - YouTube
FBI Abused Secretive Surveillance Program, Court Finds (
H.R. 1's Perma-Fraud: If You Thought the 2020 Elections Were Chaotic, Just Wait :: Gatestone Institute
Tucker: Biden admin using force of law to crush political dissent. Dictatorship attempt now in progress. – Whatfinger News' General Dispatch
It's Official, The FISA Court is Compromised - Presiding Judge James Boasberg Hires Former DOJ-NSD Head, Mary McCord, as Amici Curiae to Advise The Court - The Last Refuge (
WITCH HUNT: Federal Agents Raid Rudy Giuliani's NYC Apartment Looking for "Lobbying" Crimes – PJ Media
UPDATE: Biden DOJ Raided Former Trump Attorney Victoria Toensing at Same Time as Giuliani ( Nazis.
Rudy Giuliani responds to feds raiding his NYC apartment ( “It is outrageous that the Trump Derangement Syndrome has gone so far that hatred has driven this unjustified and unethical attack on the United States Attorney and Mayor who did more to reduce crime than virtually any other in American history. Mr. Giuliani respects the law, and he can demonstrate that his conduct as a lawyer and a citizen was absolutely legal and ethical.” He already has. But they can't.
Most people assume that "The Big Guy" Biden ordered the FBI not to investigate Hunter's laptop that proves Joe was on China's payroll. More likely the Deep State is keeping the laptop as leverage over Biden. That's the J. Edgar-model.
For five years, Democrats screamed about Russian kompromat on President Trump. It was fiction. But now that the Ukraine, Russia, China and possibly the FBI all have kompromat dirt on Biden, the issue has gone away. Do Democrats really wish to be ruled by Xi?

Up is Down and Down is Up(tm). |
In Obama’s Upside-Down Bizarro World: “Where Receiving Ukrainian Bribes Is Not a Crime–but Reporting Ukrainian Bribes Is!”
Where businesses try to lose half their customers.
Where National Security officials try to see how fast they can get nuclear ICBMs for Iran.
Where D.A.s work for violent criminals.
Where doctors castrate and sexually-mutilate perfectly healthy children, sometime at the behest of parents, sometimes against the parents' wishes. Hard to say which is worse.
Where educators teach close-minded ignorance.
Where advocates of Civil Rights promote bigotry.
Where the Concertina Government builds themselves a Border Wall while abandoning yours.
Where Voting Rights enforcers embrace vote fraud.
Where they spy on Americans but give top secrets to foreigners.
Where Title 9 feminists take sports trophies and scholarships away from women to give to men.
Where vaccine protocols are no longer made by disinterested medical professionals in America, but by profiteering bureaucrats colluding with hostile foreign labs.
And where the losers of elections are seated.

“We’ll see what happens.”
Last summer. many Democrats like Mara Liasson and Chris Cuomo tried to claim those famous photographs of the Normandy landing show an “ANTIFA Invasion”. Evidently, burning down American cities is the moral equivalent of liberating European cities. That’s a pornographic attempt to equate their favorite domestic terror organization with the Boys of Pont du Hoc.
Learn some history, Guido. Antifa and the Nazis were just different shades of the same Blackshirt/Brownshirt/Redshirt death cult. National Socialists vs. International Socialists. Like Molotov and Von Ribbentrop, they agreed to work together and settle any minor differences after the war. Hitler immediately backstabbed both Antifa and Stalin, but, like Soros, they were both willing Nazi-collaborators.
After ANTIFA COMMUNISTS teamed up with the NATIONAL SOCIALIST NAZIS to overthrow the Constitutional Republic in Germany, it was just a matter of time until D-Day became inevitable.
My uncle invaded Normandy. He never hit anyone with a bike lock in the street. He never burned a church, And he never shot a Federal Officer in Oakland. ANTIFA are Domestic Terrorists. These soldiers are American Heroes.
In fact, when these ANTFA lunatics say they want to attack “Nazis” today, they mean “Republicans”.
You know–like Eisenhower.
But thanks for playing.
Rest in the Vine: D-Day 75
The dark night of fascism has finally landed in the United States - American Thinker"
"Tom Wolfe famously quipped, "The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe." Certainly, that was the case during the Trump presidency, when leftists insisted he was Hitler yet were unable to point to a single instance in which he'd engaged in conduct actually associated with fascists. However, in the topsy-turvy world that is 2021, Wolfe's saying has been turned on its head. With the advent of the Biden administration, America is heading into a purely fascist future. Meanwhile, Europeans are insistently demanding freedom, whether it's generals and other civil servants pushing back against Critical Race Theory and Islam or ordinary people singing and dancing in the streets.".......
And here is why Ike told us to beware the Military-Industrial Complex: