"Saboteurs wrecked our Five-Year Vaccine Plan, comrades!"
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"Remember; we don't need to put you in our cattle cars if we can put our cattle car in you!" --Ivanna Jabyu, spokesperson, Centers for Controlled Diseases |
Question 5– In Russia, we see the same red flags that are appearing across the West; coerced vaccinations, suspension of civil rights, and the steady slide towards authoritarianism. To what extent do you see these developments as a primordial struggle between good and evil?
Riley Waggaman– I am often reminded of that unsettling line from Alexis de Tocqueville: “I go back from age to age up to the remotest antiquity; but I find no parallel to what is occurring before my eyes: as the past has ceased to throw its light upon the future, the mind of man wanders in obscurity.”
Read the story of one US Coast Guard officer who fought and won.
We’re not complying with Biden’s new COVID mandate. Here’s why. - YouTube
Texas Covid Summit: Dr. Ardis tracking the lies (bitchute.com)
Fake News Goes Into Overdrive to Suppress Japan’s Success of Treating COVID-19 with Ivermectin - Big League Politics
The COVID-19 case totals have dropped massively in Japan, as news of Ivermectin’s effectiveness in treating COVID-19 has swept the country. This success in Japan has occurred as COVID-19 case totals have spiked in countries with the highest vaccine rate. ...Additionally, prominent Japanese physician Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao has advocated for COVID-19 to be treated as a Class 5 illness, similar to a seasonal flu. He has talked of his incredible success treating COVID-19 patients with Ivermectin. “It starts being effective the very next day… My patients can reach me by message 24/7 and they tell me they feel better the next day,” Nagao said. “The same day, I mean if you are infected today, you take it today… It is a medication that should be given for mildly ill patients. If you give it to hospital patients, it’s too late. This is also the case for the majority of drugs… So you have to give Ivermectin. I am asking our Prime Minister Suga to distribute this drug ‘made in Japan’ on a large scale in the country,” the doctor stated, adding that every Japanese citizen should receive four capsules of Ivermectin in the mail so they can take it “as soon as [they] are infected.”
( From June: Ivermectin, Covid-19, and Why It Could Be Miraculous - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com)
Dr. Aseem Malhotra exposes a link between mRNA vaccines and heart disease in an explosive British news broadcast. Mahotra also outlines other scientific studies that have confirmed the link between Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in the aftermath of taking the vaccine, but the researchers are fearful to report them. Dr. Malhotra is referencing his own empirical findings with a currently circulating study by renowned cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry. The most important element of the discussion is ongoing research reflecting data showing the COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase” a common measure of heart risk in people. The recently published “warning” in the journal Circulation by cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry, known as a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, is having reverberations around the cardiology community. Gundry’s analysis was presented at the recent meeting of the American Heart Association. “We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”
Video interview here.
“Peace! Freedom! No dictatorship!" Austrians protest
Robby Starbuck, Video of Rome Protest: "This is happening all over the planet. Why isn’t it on your TV screens? Remember the saying that "the revolution won’t be televised"? This is what they meant. People want freedom, not mandates. People are tired of government trying to control every single part of their lives."
A Chicago-area judge saved a grandfather's life with the single question that exposes hospitals blocking doctors from using a safe, FDA-approved drug: Why?
“I can’t think of a more extraordinary situation than when we are talking about a man’s life,” he said in a November 5 decision that is a model of rational decision-making in an irrational era. “I am not forcing this hospital to do anything other than to step aside,” he continued in a Zoom hearing. “I am just asking—or not asking—I am ordering through the Court’s power to allow Dr. Bain to have the emergency privileges and administer this medicine.”
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Sun Ng at Edward Hospital in Napierville, Illinois, where officials refused, until ordered by a court, to administer life-saving ivermectin for covid. |
Why was the hospital hell-bent on murdering this patient?
A: Big Pharma.
Alarming vaxxed trend - A host of remitting diseases (including cancer) returned after injections: Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Jessica Rose (bitchute.com)
“The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes, Angelique Coetzee, the Chairwomman of the South African Medial Association told sputnik news on Saturday.” … “We will only know this after two weeks. Yes, it is transmissible, but for now, as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it.”
Perv. Biden--or, more precisely, his owners-- are using the Omni-Con Variant to suppress economic demand and as an all-purpose scapegoat for all his planned failures. As we predicted in August, they skipped over the Greek letter "Xi":
President Xi: “‘The Xi Variant’? What the hell is that, Joe?”
Resident Biden: “I know, I know! It’s the next Greek letter, sir. Sorry, Boss!”
President Xi: “It’s my NAME. What were you thinking?”
Resident Biden: “Well, in fairness, they’re all Xi variants, sir.”
President Xi: “Oh, hell no. We built this vaccine together and then we built the virus to match. You’re not going to pin it all on me. Am I clear?”
Resident Biden: “Yes, sir.”
President Xi: “Yes. sir-what?”
Resident Biden: “Yes, sir, my lord and master Winnie the President Xi, sir.”
President Xi: “That’s better, Joe. Now run along. Oh, and Joe–be out of Afghanistan by the end of the month.”
Resident Biden: “Yes, sir.”
President Xi: “And stay away from kids.”
Resident Biden: “I can’t, sir.”
President Xi: “We know."
The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (bitchute.com)
“I go even further than you just went … this is the final battle, we need to win this one.”

November 28, 2021 1:03 amWow, what a mess to try and comment on .
To start with the aboriginal mobs are 50,000 yrs old.
The Binjari people’s I know well and have been on this community a thousand times along with the sister community of Rockhole.
Don’t get me wrong Gunner is a complete commie slime ball but what he says about the indigenous people of that area is essentially correct.
The army is involved but not in any way negative including [no] forced jabs, on the contrary they are welcomed and respected by all.
I lived in this exact area with this exact mob for years, my information comes from my mates black and white that are there NOW.
I posted on this subject here under Sundance’s previous NT post and in that post I passed on a warning I personally received in regards to the second vid , these black c***s (we all call them that) are not even from the Binjari country, one mob posting shit is from Queensland 2000 kilometers away the other is from Alice Springs 1000 kilometers away, we have in this country “Aboriginal Activists” pieces of shit all , they have networks across Australia and mostly are regarded as the Australian version of BLM, the limousine coconuts are from the big cities and well funded by the usual suspects, they are nothing but trouble makers and well known for it, they come out to the communities to stir up shit.
There are no troops from other countries involved-zilch.
Tribal law trumps both Federal and state law here, nobody can enter ancestral land without specific permission.
Gunner in citing Florida is a diversionary tactic playing out the commie playbook, don’t fall for it.
Once again both vids are a mixture of truth, halftruths and lies, cross referenced for propaganda.
The term I use “coconuts” is used buy the blackfellas themselves means a sellout or in there own lingo “black in the outside, white on the inside”.
I warned here that this would happen , I have much more to say on this topic but will leave it at that for the moment.
Gunner is a CCP asset in place to get the communists into the Northern Territory | Cairns News
Sydney Protest yesterday
When Resistance Becomes Duty - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
By Milosz Matuschek, Asst. Law Professor, the Sorbonne
"We are reaching the height of madness regarding anti-pandemic policies. The narrative of the worst pandemic in a 100 years, for which the unvaccinated are now being blamed, is falling to pieces bit by bit. A collective act of cruelty inflicted upon a minority and tolerated by the silent majority appears to be the final linchpin holding together a flimsy narrative consisting of a jumble of data, propaganda and fear-mongering. From the standpoint of the political class, this is all too understandable, as everything remotely associated with logic is currently exploding in its face.
Let us briefly summarise:
- The number of cases and ICU admission rates are higher today than they were a year ago. Back then the vaccination rate was zero, today it is over 70 percent (or is it 80 percent? even that can’t seem to be established beyond doubt). It’s finally dawning on even the last one of us: Either the vaccinations aren’t working or the population is being vaccinated into the next wave. Looking at the data from other countries (such as Israel) the latter was foreseeable months ago, as the numbers of cases went through the roof following mass vaccinations in these countries.
- The so-called “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is the latest fairy tale emanating from Spahn’s lie factory and has been scientifically refuted. It’s nothing but government propaganda of the shabbiest kind and has destroyed the last shred of credibility of a political class that is entirely detached from reality. The blatant adoption of the Soviet communication strategy under Stalin is nothing short of unbelievable. Back then calamities such as supply shortages were equally ascribed to saboteurs and never to the poor planning of a political caste ideologically hovering above all material things.
- How exaggerated the panic-inducing numbers are and have been, has recently been shown by the magazine “Multipolar”, which sifted through the billing data of health insurance companies. Accordingly, only around half of the patients officially treated for Corona were in hospital primarily due to Corona. But that’s not all: “The billing data reveals further controversial findings: Compared to 2019, the number of cases requiring intensive care that are not linked to acute respiratory diseases – especially strokes, cancer and heart attacks – increased significantly after the first lockdown. This points to the consequences of postponed treatments and delayed check-ups resulting from the first lockdown.”
- The brazen manner in which Pfizer falsified Covid vaccine trial data has just been leaked to the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) by a whistleblower. Apparently, the company couldn’t even ensure the proper storing temperature of the vaccines used during the trials. There’s no other way to put it: The pharmaceutical industry has taken the population hostage and turned everyone into guinea pigs aided by politics and media. But what kind of criticism can be expected from a media industry, which is entirely under the spell of Big Pharma, anyway?".......
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"Saboteurs, I tell you! Running dogs! Enemies of the People! Train-wreckers! Underground pamphleteers! The unvaccinated! The new Variants! We would have reached our goal, comrades, if not for these!" ‘Buy This Book. Buy Lots of Copies.’ • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org) |
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