Monday, November 29, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse and The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Joe Biden


"He should not have had to suffer through a trial for that. He was going to be dead if he didn't pull that trigger, that guy that put the gun to his head in one-quarter of a second he was going to pull the trigger. Kyle would have been dead. He's a really good young guy … just left Mar-a-Lago a little while ago, and he should never have been put through that. That was prosecutorial misconduct, and it's happening all over the United States right now with the Democrats."

So let me get this straight.

The guy who threatened Corn Pop with a chain because of his process calling Kyle Rittenhouse a "white supremacist"?

The same guy who moved into a deed-restricted du Pont mansion in a Whites Only neighborhood? 

The guy who didn't want his kids raised in a "racial jungle"

The guy who made l'il Kamala cry on her short school bus? 

The guy who passed the Crime Bill? 

The guy who imposed harsh new penalties for crack cocaine except for people named "Hunter Biden"? 

The guy who said Obama was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean"

The guy who thinks Slurpees and Slim Jims are Indian cuisine?

The guy who spent his entire Senate career palling around James Eastland, Strom Thurmond and Harry Byrd?

The guy who says "You ain't black" unless he says so?

The guy who just banned Africans from coming to America? 

After calling the True President a racist for banning Chinese travel two years ago?

The Guy Who Just Stole an Election and His Own Job From Millions of Black Trump Voters...And Blathers On About "Jim Crow"? 



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Cracka, please.

Honest Elections ARE Civil Rights, You Racist Fraud

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I don't see supremacists. I see servants.

I see children serving their community after the grown-ups sent their brownshirt barbarians and paramilitaries destroy it.

I see teenagers reclaiming their own futures after the Obama/Biden Syndicate sold them out for Radicalism and Power

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